
Behind The Scenes: The Painter Of Lies

Federation of Systems, A vast materialistic interstellar Human empire based on the Tyrion Arm Of Milky Road galaxy. The year is 7777, the first contact war with alien empire known as the Droconians, a nomad lizard like aliens have ended in victory of the Federation. allowing for humans to take its first step in galactic politics and bacame a member of an alien organisation known as the Galactic Union. At the same time, Adam, arrived at this parallel universe. Carrying with him the god creation system along with a relic of his previous world, the Godhead of Truth and Fallacy. In a universe made out of science, logic and technology. Can the young god recreate the glory of gods of past civilisation to save his doomed past. Can magic beat science. Will fallacy triumph against logic? Will truth win against lies? Starting fron Vampires and Werewolves. to Wizards and Witches. Angels and Demons. Dragons and Eldar Elves. Gods and Old Ones. World Tree and Nidhogg. Adam created them all. Adam the mastermind behind the scenes ask the universe, "The actors are in stage, Are you ready for the grand play?" AN: Inspired by the chinese genre of Behind The Scene novels Art is AI generated using: Waifu Labs and Getimg.ai

Liblord13 · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Ch.1 Virtual Idol Occulty-chan Debut

C'tra V is an Asarinian. Asarinians are a race of amphibians alien. The homeworld of Asarinians is an island world with countless islands and a vast ocean. Asarinians are a proud race, and the eldest race of this galaxy, with galactic 20,000 years of history. As an amphibians race who lives both underwater and on land, they developed green skin tones and fin-like ears and seaweed-like "hairs", Asarinians don't have noses, instead they have gills on the back of their ears, aside from that they look human-like. Through various means, the Asarinians can live for thousands of years.

Recently the Galactic Union discovered a new race, called humans. The humans were secretly assailed by the droconnians. If it weren't for the Galactic Union intervention, the new race would have been one of the many races subjugated and turned into slaves by those stinky lizards, or at least that is what the Council says. Droconnians are one of the oldest races in the Galactic Council. By the time the council met them, the warlike nature of those droconnians had already doomed their homeworld through civil war. Nothing but radioactive dust is left. So with their greedy nature, and natural affinity to space travel, they conquered their way through the galaxy as a nomadic empire, consisting of various fleet tribes. But then they met these Humans, apparently, the Humans fought so hard that the droconnians didn't expect the plan of subjugation to turn sour and almost erupted into a full-blown galactic war between the two races. The Tyrion Arm as the Humans call it has always been in the Galactic Politics

eyes for thousands of years, a brand new world for everyone as the news said, the 256 races of the union want a piece of that pie, so finding out that majority pie was already in the hands of the vast empire was shocking for everyone. The Federation of Systems, the human's de facto government, instead of searching for habitable planets, went on thousands of years of terraforming countless worlds for their needs, even before they had FTL! If anyone asks who had the best terraforming technology in the galaxy, everyone now points at the humans. The humans are also warlike that now some droconnians sympathized with them. like droconnians, the Humans once lost their homeworld through race infighting that ended with nuclear warfare that wiped out 90% of the population. Some survivors fled to Ares, a planet within their home system, and began studying terraforming. While some even fled further in generation ships. The unlucky ones stayed and somehow lived off the nuclear hellscape. The rest is history, after hundreds of years, the humans got off their feet, and once again strive and built an empire that transcends their ancestors, in order. Now humanity is part of the galactic community.

What makes humans different from the mad Droconnians is their pursuit of arts and culture. Despite losing most of its heritage, humanity had to build a new culture, one that distanced itself from its scarred past. But unlike Asarinians, who only pursue art for inner peace, perfection, and cultural pride, humanity's pursuit is for perfection, entertainment, and wealth. A stark contrast to the proud perfectionist Asarinians who keep most of their creations secret, only to show them to close friends or family. Even though music can only be listened to live in theatres and concerts, Asarinians abhor their "failed" also known as "low culture" creation being seen in public. Only perfection and masterpieces must be displayed. To humans who pursue fame and wealth, this must have been a surprise. Because C'tra was sure surprised when she first watched her first human film contained in the first contact package. It was so horrible that C'tra V could not control her laughter, her gils hurt so much during the process. Not only her but every Asarinian who watched the dozens of human films had their gils swollen from laughter. C'tra V expected the humans to be fuming in rage from the teasing criticism they received, but unexpectedly the humans were happy that the Asarinians were laughing, so happy they recommended more low-culture arts. This was a surprise for everyone, specifically Asarinians. Most Asarinians thought that humans are humble creatures. But for C'tra V this was something else, C'tra V maybe their ancestors were like humans once, creating countless low cultures for joy, she began studying parallels from the ancient history of Asarinians and humans, and unexpectedly she found interest in ancient human culture the humans believe of powerful beings called "Gods". Only humans! In the entire galaxy, nobody had once believed in higher beings, most galactic ancient beliefs are based on race supremacy, animalism, and naturalism. But humans believed in these beings, and although humans now don't believe in these beings it still interests her since it's such a unique concept. Luckily the human internet and galactanet have been merged, so she can happily look at these ancient documents detailing the ancient human history. Soon she was swimming in information. During her research. She often wondered if the ancient Humans

were visited by the Great Old Ones. Even to this day the pyramid of Giza still has no explanation for how it is built by prehistoric humans. The Great Old Ones, that's what the Galaxy calls the ancient extinct advanced race that once dominated the galaxy 100,000 years ago. This ancient elusive race who mysteriously disappeared leaving nothing but ancient ruins filled with treasures left everyone wondering what could have happened to them. Most of them are theories of how they disappeared, some say they must have left the galaxy, and some think they ascended into higher dimensions. Even to this day, there are countless ruins excavations containing super advanced technology that even Asarinians sought. Sadly there is so little material. If she wants to know more she needs to go to the home planet of humans Terra and go to this Ancient Library of Holy See, the only surviving library of pre-nuclear waste Terra. C'tra V was sure there must be some sort of connection between Humans and Great Old Ones


C'tra V Gills sighed in frustration. If only she wasn't tight on money. She could only search for other sources.

"Occultyo~ HELLO GALAXY! I'm a new and the first virtual galactanet independent idol Occulty SECRECY, A real human! Are you interested in ancient human secrets, magic rituals, divination, Gods, otherworldly creatures, ancient orders, and secret human societies? join my livestream and take part in the amazing adventure of the past. here's my virtual room streaming link..."

C'tra V's curiosity was piqued. A human historian? What's an idol though? Some sort of performer? C'tra V clicked the link. Soon her surroundings changed, and find herself sitting with a crowd of humans.

"So many humans..." C'tra V said

Looking around, she also found many non-humans, mainly Asarinians who were just as confused as her. There was so much chatter around her that she felt repulsed but decided to listen to the nearby humans.

"Hey, a virtual idol for the galactanet? She sure is fast, a day hasn't passed yet since the internet and galactanet merged."

"It's the hussle man, gotta respect that. I tell you, she's about to get some big gains with all the donations she will get."

"Hehe... I just hope she's interesting and cute since she's representing the Federation, also what are these new gimmicks? ancient secrets? magic rituals? what the hell is a divination? Is she going to be like those fantasy vtubers?"

C'tra finally couldn't contain her curiosity and decided to ask the human.

"Humans *puff*, can you tell me more about idols?"

"Huh!? You don't what an idol is, which backwater did you li- You're a Siren!"

"Whoa, a Siren! So beautiful!"

A look of amazement and shock appeared on the humans' faces.

'This... are these humans complimenting me!? How dare they, how could they be so brash!'

Before C'tra V could lash out, the lights turned off and a spotlight brightened the stage.

On the stage was a strange female human with purple hair, wearing an ancient human attire, a purple gala dress while a thin black veil covered her face, then on her head was a golden trimmed purple crown.

The sound of the instrument started to play, as the music started. The woman on stage opened her mouth.


The translator won't pick up the language of the woman on stage singing. C'tra V is confused, and so are the humans around her. Although the voice was pleasing, what's the point if it can't be understood?

"What language is this? Anyway, I'm leaving."

"Made up language? Cool but, an AI idol can do it better."

"Although the design is great, I don't think this is going to be any different."

Soon most of the humans left. C'tra V was also planning to leave after the performance, it would be too rude to leave during a performance. As an Asarinian she must uphold the pride of a civilized race, unlike the barbaric humans.

Finally, the song was done but before she could leave, she heard the female human speak.

"Thank you for listening! I know most of you are confused by my song choice. But this is an ancient human song, it came from the pre-wasteland era! It is at least 4000 years old!"