
Behind The Firewall

Natasha Brooks, the relentless Editor-in-Chief of The Boston Inquiry is renowned for her hard-hitting articles that expose wrongdoings in Boston’s. Driven by a fierce sense of justice, Natasha is a force to be reckoned with. In the high-stakes world of cybersecurity, Jeremy Walton stands as a formidable figure. A self-made billionaire and CEO of the country’s no. 1 cybersecurity company, Jeremy maintains an impenetrable façade, both professionally and personally. Their initial encounter was electrifying, but their worlds truly collide when Natasha’s latest investigation into cybersecurity breaches leads her to Jeremy’s doorstep. As the investigation intensifies, so does the chemistry between them. Jeremy faces threats to his company and must grapple with his growing feelings for Natasha. Meanwhile, Natasha struggles to balance her professional duty with her emotional connection to Jeremy. Will Jeremy protect his company without compromising his values? Can Natasha uphold her journalistic integrity while allowing herself to love? Together, they must navigate a web of deceit and danger to uncover the truth, finding redemption and connection along the way.

Malory_North · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 1

"GODDAMMIT!!" Natasha exclaimed, tossing her pen across the table. It was 2.30 am, and she was due to publish an article on the grave cybersecurity issues that were plaguing the students and staff at the Commonwealth University of Boston, by morning. The cream-colored mug on her desk had the traces of the last few sips of coffee gone cold. Below the mug were strewn various papers of the research she had collected for this article.

Her laptop screen glowed harshly in the dimly lit room, illuminating her frustrated expression. The article's draft stared back at her, half-finished, mocking her inability to find the right words. Sticky notes with scribbled ideas and keywords were plastered around her workspace, a chaotic reminder of her looming deadline.

She ran her fingers through her tangled hair, her eyes darting from one piece of research to another. Her brain felt sluggish, the caffeine long worn off. The sound of the city's nightlife filtered through her open window – distant sirens, a dog barking, the hum of late-night traffic – a stark contrast to the silent war waging in her mind.

"Come on, Natasha, focus," she muttered to herself, pulling another paper from the pile. Her eyes skimmed the technical jargon and statistics, searching for a spark of inspiration. This story was important. Cybersecurity breaches at the city's top university had put countless students' personal information at risk, and she was determined to bring it to light. But right now, the words seemed to elude her.

With a sigh, she grabbed her mug and headed to the kitchen for a fresh cup of coffee. Natasha's kitchen was a cozy blend of modern and rustic, with white cabinetry and sleek appliances on the tidy countertop. Amidst the modernity, an old, vintage kettle sat proudly on the stove, a cherished heirloom from her grandmother. Next to it was a set of mismatched mugs, collected from various antique fairs. On one shelf, a small collection of recipe books, some worn and dog-eared, hinted at family traditions and favorite dishes passed down through generations.

As the coffee maker gurgled to life, Natasha leaned against the counter, staring at the dark liquid filling the pot. She recalled the interviews she conducted – the worried IT staff, the students oblivious to the lurking dangers, the administrators scrambling for solutions. Each piece of the puzzle was there; she just needed to assemble them into a compelling narrative.

Her phone buzzed. It was a call from Sophia, her best friend. Natasha picked up, grateful for the distraction.

"Picked up on the second ring! I take it you're being a night owl again, Tash?" Sophia's voice was bright and teasing. There was upbeat music playing in the background.

Natasha sighed, "Ugh, yes, my brain is fried with this CUB article. I just can't seem to make it convincing enough. Every time I read the draft, it keeps making less and less sense."

"There you go being overly critical again, classic Natasha," Sophia said dryly.

"I just want to do justice to the trust that all those students have put in me, you know, to expose what they're facing there," Natasha replied.

"I get it, Tash," Sophia said, her tone softening. "Okay, tell me, what's the big takeaway from this article?"

"That the university is messing up big time with their cybersecurity protocols, and students' personal data is at risk, the worst case being them getting exploited by malicious entities," Natasha replied, her passion igniting.

"And what is your goal with the authorities who read this?" Sophia pressed further.

"My goal is to get them to take immediate action," she said, her voice firm. "I want them to understand the gravity of the situation and to prioritize the safety of the students. Plus, I want the cyber crime division to take note of what's going on in the city and be proactive in addressing such issues."

"Boom! There you go," Sophia said enthusiastically. "Just remember that fire for every word you write. Everything will fall into place."

Natasha laughed, feeling a bit lighter. "You always know how to get me back on track. Thanks, Soph."

"Anytime!" said Sophia. "And remember, if you need a break, I'm here for a late-night...uh, sorry, crack-of-dawn dance party on video call!"

"Tempting, but I think I'll be on a roll now," Natasha said, a smile spreading across her face. "You go easy on the wine, though."

"Got it! Now go kick some cybersecurity butt!" Sophia cheered before hanging up.

Returning to her desk with renewed determination, Natasha took a sip of the steaming coffee and placed her fingers back on the keyboard. "You can do this," she told herself. With a deep breath, she started typing, the words finally beginning to flow.

Over the next few hours, Natasha's fingers moved swiftly over the keyboard, the rhythmic tapping a soothing counterpoint to her racing thoughts. She began by outlining the sequence of events, starting with the first breach that went unnoticed. The narrative gained momentum as she weaved in quotes from her interviews, adding a section on the college's inadequate response, the delayed security updates, and the loopholes in their system. Her frustration had now transformed into a driving force, pushing her to dig deeper, to expose the full extent of the issue.

The first light of dawn began to seep through the window, casting a pale glow on her cluttered desk. Natasha's exhaustion was palpable, but she was close now. She wrote about the potential repercussions – identity theft, financial loss, and the personal impact on students who trusted the institution with their data.

Finally, she reached the conclusion. Her words resonated with urgency and a call to action, urging the college to take immediate steps to protect its students. She emphasized the importance of awareness and vigilance in the digital age, her closing paragraph a powerful reminder of the stakes involved.

Natasha leaned back in her chair, reading through the article one last time. It was honest, thorough, and necessary. She posted the write-up on her blog, clicked publish, and closed her laptop with a sense of relief.

As she stood up to stretch, the tension in her shoulders began to ease. She headed to the window and looked out at the awakening city.

She grabbed her mug and poured the last of the coffee down the sink. With a weary smile, she headed to bed, her mind already starting to quiet. For now, she had earned a few hours of rest before the cycle began anew.


"500,000 views in 5 days!!" There was palpable excitement in the office of The Boston Inquiry, the most popular local news and current affairs blog in Boston. The office buzzed with a vibrant energy, the hum of conversation mingling with the clatter of keyboards and the occasional ring of phones. The open-plan layout facilitated the flow of ideas and discussions, creating an atmosphere of collaboration and creativity. Desks were neatly organized, yet personalized with photos, quirky mugs, and inspirational quotes pinned to corkboards.

Natasha's latest article on the ongoing cybersecurity breaches at the Commonwealth University of Boston had hit record readership. She had already received a call from the superintendent of police, asking her to share more details, promising to take action. Several students had emailed her, thanking her for publicizing the issue.

"I say it every time, but you've really outdone yourself this time, Natasha," said Mark, the SEO and image editor, and Natasha's close friend, a grin spreading across his face. "We've never had such a huge readership in such a short time!" He popped a chocolate ball into his mouth from the gift basket on the table. Some grateful students from CUB had anonymously sent a thank you basket full of goodies to the office of The Boston Inquiry. "This calls for a celebration. What say?" 

"Did someone mention a party?" Sophia burst into the room and went straight to hug Natasha. "I'm so proud of you, my girl!"

Natasha hugged her back, looking jubilant. "Thank you, Soph! Your pep talk totally kicked me into gear at the last minute."

"That's what I'm here for! How're you doing, Mark? Pigging out on the chocolates already?" Sophia saw Mark reaching out to take a treat from the basket.

"Hey!" Mark exclaimed, feigning a hurt expression. "I haven't stopped you from taking any, have I?"

Natasha laughed. "Stop bullying him, Soph! And Mark, I agree wholeheartedly. Let's send out for pizza for the whole office!"

"Gotcha," Mark began ordering from the pizza place's app.

Sophia's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Pizza's cool, but how about we kick it up a notch?"

Mark looked up from his phone. "What are you thinking?"

Sophia put an arm around Mark's shoulder and said playfully, "I'm thinking great views, good music, and fantastic cocktails, dear Markie." They both turned to Natasha with an impish grin.

Natasha chuckled, nodding in agreement. "I'm all in for that! And I'm sure you have a place in mind, Sophia?"

"Of course, I do!' Sophia said. "We're going to Elevate, that new rooftop bar downtown."

Natasha smiled. "Perfect. At eight. I'm texting Liam too."

Mark gave a thumbs-up. "I might as well get to finishing up the edits on the next piece. Unlike some people, I can't party every other night and sleep in the next day," he winked at Natasha, nodding his head at Sophia.

Sophia raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Just make sure you're not dozing off before we even hit the dance floor, Markie. We don't want you showing your age too soon."

Mark turned around to leave the cabin, pretending he didn't hear what Sophia said. 

Natasha rolled her eyes at the usual banter between the two and watched her team settle back into their work. She couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. Seeing her colleagues so happy filled her with joy, knowing that their collective effort had paid off. And tonight, she looked forward to celebrating this accomplishment with her closest friends.

Hey everyone!

Thank you for joining me on this journey of love, romance, suspicion, dangers, and much more! Natasha is the main lead of this story, and as you must've caught on, she is pretty strong-willed. I wanted to create a character who is not only passionate and determined but also relatable in her struggles and triumphs.

In this first chapter, we see Natasha battling against time and exhaustion to bring an important issue to light. Her commitment to uncovering the truth about the cybersecurity breaches at Commonwealth University of Boston shows her dedication to her craft and her desire to protect others. It's a theme that will run throughout the story—standing up for what's right, no matter the obstacles.

Natasha’s relationship with her friends, like Sophia, is also a crucial part of her journey. The support and camaraderie they share help her stay grounded and focused, even when the going gets tough. Expect to see more of these interactions as the story progresses, adding depth and warmth to the narrative.

As the plot unfolds, you'll encounter a mix of intrigue, suspense, and emotional moments. Natasha's investigative work will lead her into situations that test her resolve and ingenuity, while the romantic elements will explore the complexities of relationships under pressure.

I appreciate all your support and feedback. Feel free to leave comments and let me know what you think. What did you enjoy about this chapter? Are there any particular aspects you're excited to see develop? Your thoughts mean the world to me and help shape the story.

Stay tuned for more, and thank you for being a part of this adventure!

Happy reading!

Malory North

Malory_Northcreators' thoughts