
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
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34 Chs

The land of Milk, Sugar and lots of Cream

Becca's POV

My eyes widen as it fills up my mouth and completely blocks off my airflow. I resist the urge to gag as I attempt to swallow it whole even though I don't particularly like the taste. But those blue orbs that look at me with utter fascination are the only motivation I need to finally swallow it whole and the rewards are clear when a salty butter like cream rolls down my throat a second later.

"I can't believe you really swallowed that cream filled doughnut whole" Nathan says in disbelief with a chuckle that makes me smile which honestly is a mistake cause a little cream falls out and onto my chest and I move to wipe it off but Nathan grabs my hand and stops me.

"Let me get that for you" he says as he leans down and without breaking eye contact, licks the cream off my chest as his hot breath on my chest turns me on and almost pushes me over the edge.

You see, for the past three days Nathan has been working on robbing me of my sanity. You'd think the first thing he'd want to do when we got here is have sex, but Mr. Blue eyed demon had other plans.

And by plans, I mean driving me to the edge of sanity by making me so horny that right now if he brushed his legs against me I'd probably have the most intense orgasm ever.

It's not like he's holding my orgasms hostage, but he's been doing everything in his power to make me so horny that all I've been able to think about for the past three days is sex.

And the funny part is that it's in all the little things he does, the intense kisses every morning with the boner carefully placed where I can feel it. The reaching for soap while we take a shower, the hot breath against my neck when he helps me zip my dress unnecessarily slowly.

Don't even get me started on the rough kissing in the elevator, or the way his hand always seems to rest so close to home base that I wish he'd just put it in. and then fingering me in the middle of a café while we had brunch with some business interests. The dropped fork was a nice touch though. It was nice to know what else he could use that tongue for, until he popped a vibrator in me and enjoyed playing with the dials.

Looking at that devilish smirk now, makes me wonder what the sentence for sex in public is. I know how weird it seems that I met him over a month ago and suddenly I'm already planning to 'bump uglies' with him, but it doesn't feel that way to me.

Our relationship might not be traditional, and yes we do seem like we might be horny all the time, but what's the point of forming an emotional connection when we already feel so comfortable with each other. When I'm with him I feel free, like the world's our playground and we are royalty. That's why I'm sure without a doubt in my mind that this fast version of a relationship is ready for the next level. Also I might just be a tad bit horny to be making life decisions.

"What's on your mind beautiful?" Nathan asks with an innocent face. 'That cheeky devil' I think to myself in disbelief as he continues to show an unbelievable poker face.

"Oh nothing. I'm just thinking about my crush, Chaning Tatum" I say, knowing fully well that for some reason Nathan hates him. Although it might be because of all the shirtless pictures of chaning Tatum that once adorned my walls.

"Oh really?" he says in faux happiness as the pastry in his hand turn to mush and the cream drips onto the recyclable plate below.

If not for the intervention of the owner who hurries to clean it all up, Nathan's imaginary head crushing would have eventually somehow erased the pastry in his hand from existence

"Why don't I get you a new one?" I say guiltily as I motion the owner over to get him a new one.

"I've lost my appetite" he grits out as he moves outside to stand by the car.

Sighing I ask the owner to bag my pastries up and I walk out to meet him and his pouty face.

"You're cute when you're angry" I say with a smile as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"I thought that was supposed to be my line?" he says as he continues to pout like a child after you take his toys away

"Oh really? I didn't know you loved rom coms" I tease him in an effort to break through his sad yet adorable angry face.

"I don't. I just overheard that men in those movies like to say that sort of thing" he says as he clears his throat and looks across the street at a fire hydrant.

"You are a bad liar Mr. Romano but that's just part of your charm" I say as I lean up to capture his lips which he eventually returns with an even greater passion.

Our lips lock together in a sensual dance as he grabs the underside of my thighs and lifts me up so that I can wrap my legs around his sexy frame.

"We should continue this in the car" he says breathlessly as he pulls away

"Yeah I like that idea" I reply totally kiss drunk and after several failed attempts we finally realize that trying to get in the back of an SUV while wrapped around someone else is quite a daunting task.

Honestly we should have realized that after the first five times we failed. We reluctantly pull apart and get in while also trying to hide our heads in shame from the disgusted glare of the people who witnessed us trying to hump like bunnies.

We settle in and the driver zooms off after an awkward cleared throat and readjusted pants on the driver's side. Honestly I don't really blame him for the beads of sweat running down his face seeing as Nathan glares at him with murderous intent.

"Yeah we should probably replace the driver" I suggest which is a good suggestion because Nathan grins then asks him to pull over before firing him and writing him a cheque for a seriously hefty severance fee.

"So where to now? After all you did just fire our city guide/driver" I ask which just makes his stupid grin grow even wider.

"I want to take you somewhere tonight, but first we're going to need a wardrobe change" he says as we zoom off towards our hotel.