
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
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34 Chs

Potbelly no 1&2

Becca's POV

When I agreed to see Nathan during the week I didn't quite expect that he would ask me to join him for lunch in two days. And even worse is the fact that my assistant and my grandmother worked with him to clear my schedule for that day.

I walk out of the closet in a white spaghetti strap body hugging dress that ends mid thigh and a pair of black ankle strap open toed stilettos that Gloria chose for me. I pair it off with a silver clutch just as my phone chimes with a text from the blue eyed demon that says 'I'm here' so I quickly put my phone in my clutch and rush to the door while wondering exactly why this date means so much to me but instead decide to shrug it off and focus on the present.

As I get closer to the elevator the doors suddenly open and inside in all his masculine glory is Nathan dressed in blue skinny jeans with a white t-shirt and a brown leather jacket paired off with brown boots that are the same shade as his jacket.

"Oh, hi Nathan. I thought we were meeting in the lobby?" I ask him as he steps out and takes a look around.

"This place looks much better in the daylight" he says as he looks around.

"What do you mean 'in the daylight' "I ask even though I'm afraid that I already know the answer to my question.

"well who do you think brought you home after you passed out drunk in my hotel room?" he asks as he toys with a sculpture he picked up from my table.

"Well I couldn't have possibly told you the code to the elevator" I say with an awkward chuckle.

"are you referring to when I woke you up to enter the code and you told me not to look and even went as far as covering the panel with your hands even though you said the code aloud?" he says with a smug smile.

"Wait this means you were sober so you can tell me what I did that night" I say with the hope that he'll finally fill in the gaps in my memory.

"Sorry Becca, you only get one question per date so I'd recommend clearing your schedule for one day next week if you want to learn more" he says as he absent mindedly flips through the channels on my TV.

He suddenly looks at his watch before switching off the TV and returning the remote to the exact position it was formerly in.

"well we better get going, although you might want to change cause even though I have no problems with your clothes, they aren't exactly the best considering where we're going" he says as he shamelessly looks over my body which makes me angry even though underneath that anger I feel a twinge of pride that he finds me hot enough to check out.

"Fine give me a few minutes" I say as I walk back into my room to change. I look at my closet in frustration since Gloria had already left some minutes before Nathan got here. I think it over for some minutes before deciding to copy Nathan and dress up like him. So I throw on some skinny blue jeans that show my ass coupled with a short sleeved S.T.A.R labs t-shirt and a black leather jacket paired with black sneakers.

I quickly tuck my phone and my wallet into my back pocket before going out to meet Nathan who I guess agrees with my dressing cause of the way his pants were suddenly tighter when he saw me. We ride the elevator down to the lobby and walk out the door but instead of walking towards any of the flashy cars outside, we walk 5 blocks to the right where we come across a food truck that serves hot dogs and we stand in line.

"Have you ever had a hotdog?" Nathan asks as he giddily bounces at the prospect of hotdogs.

"No, grandmother says they're bad for the body" I reply

"Well your grandmother isn't here so why don't we get up to no good" he says as he looks at me with a mischievous smile and surprisingly I find myself nodding in agreement to his foolhardy plan.

5 customers and 20 minutes later we finally reach the front and the owner of the food truck immediately stretches out his hand towards Nathan with a smile.

"Nathan my man. How's it been?" he asks as Nathan takes his hand and shakes it.

"It's been very good recently Joe" Nathan replies at which point Nathan's friend Joe finally sees me.

"heard you were getting married Nathan but if I had known she was even hotter than she looks in the paper I'd have taken her from you a long time ago" he says as he stretches out his hand for a handshake but instead places a kiss on the back of my hand.

We eventually order and I taste hotdogs for the first time ever and God were they awesome. After a ride on the subway, going to Staten island, taking a ride to the top of the empire state building, seeing the statue of liberty and also riding a taxi just so we can insult other people, we finally end up at a bar a few blocks away from my place.

"I still don't get why we had to wait in line at Joe's truck if you already know Joe" I ask Nathan as I start to feel the buzz from the alcohol I just drank.

"Because princess, that is something you've never done" he says with a smirk.

"Now most guys are happy to take a girl to a fancy place to show off his money. Some make you feel bad about yourself so that you'll eventually begin to strive for their acceptance. But I prefer to get to know people, to see beneath the layers and rekindle that sense of adventure and giddy happiness" he says as we look into each other's eyes.

The room starts to fall away as my heart slows down and as our lips come ever so near to touching a voice quickly interrupts us. We both clear our throats as we try to act as if we were simply talking and as if I totally haven't wanted to jump his bones since he took off his jacket and his extremely muscular arms started to show.

The sound of two guys joining us at our booth pulls me out of my thoughts. I immediately stretch out my hands and introduce myself to Isaac and Ryan who are apparently friends of Nathan.

"So Isaac and Ryan how did you meet Nathan?" I ask them in an effort to make small talk and also so that I don't get left out of the conversation.

The handsome one, Isaac, quickly replies "2 years ago we were in Brooklyn working on a project for some law firm when we met Christopher Meacham. Meacham was a good guy but we didn't exactly want the same things and it's just our luck that we came down here to drink that night and we meet this guy. One year later we're working for him and we've never looked back since then" he says before grabbing a shot and quickly downing it in one gulp.

"That's nice" I say with a smile as I watch the three of them laugh and smile. Isaac eventually offers to tell me embarrassing stories about Nathan and we do that for the next 2 hours before he spots some waitress and walks up to her and 7 minutes later they start kissing as he leads her to the door. Ryan groans before downing the last of his shots and saying

"Someone has got to look after him so I guess I'll see you guys later. It was really nice meeting you Rebecca" and then he stumbles out the door and after Isaac.

Nathan excuses himself to use the bathroom and also leaves when these two guys with large pot bellies and rings on their fingers slide into the booth beside me.

"Hello there sexy. I saw the way you were looking at us from across the room so why don't you get over here and give me some sugar" potbelly no 1 says.

"And when you're done why don't you come give daddy a lap dance and if you're any good well take you home with us" potbelly number 2 says while leaning in and the stench from his mouth almost has me passing out.

"No thank you, I have a fiancé" I reply in an effort to get rid of them.

"well I don't see any ring on those pretty little fingers so why don't you just stop being a dumb bitch and give me some sugar" potbelly no 1 says while trying to kiss my neck but I quickly push him away which seems to anger him even more. He moves to slap me and due to being trapped by the wall I don't have much space to maneuver out of this situation or even to fight back so I close my eyes and wait for the stinging sensation of his slap when suddenly I hear a grunt and potbelly no 1 screams in pain. I turn to see Nathan standing over potbelly no 1 who is on the floor screaming while his hand with the ring on it is in Nathan's hand and judging by the weird way his hand is pointing I can already tell that his hand is fractured.

I look up at Nathan's face and see murder in his eyes as he looks straight at potbelly no 2.

And in the blink of an eye all hell broke loose.