
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
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34 Chs

Morning After

Becca's POV

I wake up with a start as my grandmother bangs on my table with her fists

"Morning sleeping beauty. How did you enjoy your nap" she says with a sickly sweet smile that anyone could tell showed that she didn't care about my answer

"I'm so sorry..." I begin to say but she cuts me off as her anger starts to show

"You know it was really hard to explain why my Chief Operating Officer was so rude as not to attend a legitimate meeting with potential clients. So please explain to me why you fucking missed the meeting" she says through gritted teeth as she tries to hold back her anger.

"It's totally my fault my date with Nathan ran so late…" I start to say before she cuts me off again.

"Wait, you were with Nathan last night?" she asks as her anger starts to disappear and a school girl smile starts to form on her face.

"Yes?" I say slowly as I carefully try to gauge what her reaction will be but I don't think anyone could have expected what happened next.

"OMG. Tell me everything" she squeals as she jumps up and down with my hands in hers like a teenager on a shit ton of cocaine.

"There's nothing to tell, we caught lunch at a food truck, went to a bar and then to his place before he brought me home this morning" I say offhandedly but as soon as I finish another high pitched squeal threatens to destroy my eardrums.

"Not so loud grandma" I reply as I cover my ears.

"Sorry. I just got so excited that the both of you got to work pretty fast on making me grandchildren" she says as she twirls her hair around with her finger and I almost lose it because of how immature she becomes when it comes to Nathan.

"No grandma, Nathan and I didn't have sex. As for the grandchildren, well you are in luck because it just so happens that Nathan already has a kid" I say happily as I look at her happy face turn sour.

"Wait you didn't have sex?" she asks and it gets me thinking 'what the fuck is wrong with this woman? She ignores the fact that Nathan already has a child and instead she asks me about our sex life.

"No, we didn't" I say which causes her mood to drop.

"Why?" she asks and the truth is I don't know either but I quickly think up an excuse and use the first one I can find

"His daughter was there, I couldn't exactly play naked time with daddy in front of his 12 year old kid" I say so that she gets off of my back about this 'sex' thing.

"You're right but next time can you please do it. Even though I may not want to admit it, I'm old as fuck and I can only live these sexual exploits through your eyes Accalia" she says as she cups my cheek in an attempt to guilt me into telling her all about the next time Nathan and I have sex which is funny because she doesn't know about the last time we had naked time because if she did her head would explode and I'd be trapped explaining every single move of a night I don't remember to her.

"Nice try but I'm not falling for that" I reply with a smug smile showcasing my pride at catching onto her plans.

"Fine, if you don't want to talk about that then we'll do it next time. But how about the daughter" she says as she finally decides to change the subject even though I noticed the 'next time' she thought she could slip in there without me noticing.

"She was nice, a little bitchy but nice nonetheless" I say as I try to hide the fact that I actually had fun with charlotte.

"Sure she was" my grandmother says in a skeptical tone.

"Why can't you believe me? I had a nice time with the girl" I say exasperatedly.

"no woman ever forms a bond that quickly with their stepmother it's a tried and proven fact, kids like the simplicity of how their lives used to be and any change to that is perceived as a threat. So if I were you I'd watch my back cause the only reason she'd have for being nice to you is if she has a different plan in place" she says in a whisper as if we're gossiping about which cheerleader is pregnant with which jock's child.

"What can I say, kids love me" I say with a smile

"so she didn't try to get rid of you or to stop you're relationship with Nathan from progressing?" she asks and I immediately think about her trying to pay me off, and also her putting an ankle monitor on me that beeped whenever I left the fort. Trust me holding that much pee in, isn't good for anybody.

"No" I reply with a straight face so as to throw suspicion off of me.

"You're hiding something from me and I will find out what it is" she says with narrowed eyes.

"Ok grandma, just remember that if you're going to tail me personally then be careful cause hip surgery for old people is really expensive" I joke at her and I'm rewarded with a sharp and swift slap on the head

"Have some respect for the elderly and besides I'm fit as a fiddle." She says as she twirls around to show that besides her supreme sense of fashion, she is also as she said accurately in her own words 'fit as a fiddle'.

"Yes you are. Anyway, tell me about the meeting "I say so that I can finally push Nathan out of the discussion, but from the smile on my grandmother's face I can already tell that no such thing is going to happen because she won't let me.

"No way. You're not changing the conversation till you tell me when next you are going to see Nathan" she says with her schoolgirl smile back on her face.

"Grandma just drop it" I beg her but the stubborn bitch shakes her head in disagreement

"Nope you have to tell me when next you're seeing each other" she says with her hands crossed as she attempts to appear threatening.

"Grandma we only met 4 days ago and I can't keep pestering him all the time. So can you please give it a rest?" I ask her in exasperation from all the questioning and fangirling over Nathan.

"Hell no. you're going to pick up that fucking phone and call him" she says with a stern face.

"I don't think we should disturb him, he's probably at work and I don't want to seem clingy and needy" I say as I try to once again weasel my way out of doing it but she just won't back down.

"You're not chickening out of this one" she says so I play a card that I hope works

"Why do you need me to call him right this instant? What's so important to you that it warrants rushing my relationship with Nathan?" I ask but it doesn't have the desired effect though because she doesn't cower away from the question.

"That's easy. The date for your wedding has already been set for the 12th of august and that's in 4 months. I would really like it if the both of you could fall in love before the marriage cause I don't want you feeling trapped and it gives you ample time to decide if you want to be with him" she says with a straight face and regrettably I can't argue with that logic so I pick up my phone and dial Nathan who picks up almost immediately which shocks me to the point of speechlessness.

"I didn't have you pegged as someone who calls me just to hear me breathe" he says after a few minutes of me being silent, and I swear I could hear the smug smile he had on.

"fuck you Nathan" I finally say which earns me a smack on the head from my grandmother, and it's fucking ironic because she swears more than anyone I've ever known.

Nathan obviously noticed my muffled groan of pain because he immediately says "hello Marcella" after which they exchange pleasantries and he asks whether he can have a private conversation with me which she gladly obliges to even though she doesn't go very far.

"Thanks for that Nathan" I whisper to him.

"You're welcome, but I can tell she didn't go very far did she?" he asks with a chuckle.

"No she didn't" I reply with a laugh of my own.

"So why did you call?" he asks casually and I take a deep breath as the moment of truth has finally arrived.

"I was wondering when next I could see you" I tell him and hold my breath as I wait for his answer while my grandmother stands in the corner with her fingers crossed and her eyes tightly shut.

"I'm sorry but charlotte and I are in Beirut on a job but we'll be back next week and maybe we could grab a quick lunch when I get back" he says and even though I've only known him for four days, my heart sinks at the prospect of not seeing him for a week.

"Ok I'll see you next week" I say and hang up.

My grandmother quickly walks over and grabs my hand and starts pulling me out of the office and towards the elevator.

"Where are we going" I ask as I try to put my coat on with one hand

"We're going shopping of course. We have to get you sexy enough for lunch with Nathan next week" my grandmother says as she giggles like a schoolgirl

"Yay shopping" I say sarcastically as the elevator doors close. 'Someone please shoot me' I think to myself as we begin our descent to the lobby.