
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
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34 Chs

First Contact

Nathan's POV

I look at my phone to see that she hung up on me. 'I haven't felt this embarrassed since the time Suzie Osborne refused my promposal' I think to myself as I put my phone back into my pocket and return to my nest where I've been patiently waiting all morning for my target to appear.

I look into the scope and see that while I was in a hurry to pick Becca's call I had knocked the perfectly positioned high powered sniper rifle a few inches off target.

I immediately reposition it so that it is once again trained on the entrance of the club across the street. Just as I alter the calibrations so that in 15 minutes I can kill this guy and be done with it, I hear footsteps approaching and soon enough I can feel hot breath against my ear and I can hear the crunch of the chips in her mouth.

"Charlotte why don't you just sit back and let daddy work" I say through gritted teeth because of how annoyed I am by her checking every 5 minutes whether I've killed the target.

"Have you killed the target yet?" she asks as she continues chewing her chips loudly in my ear.

"The answer is the same as it was when you asked 5 minutes ago. No I have not killed the target" I say as my annoyance at her line of questioning continues to grow. She eventually backs out of my personal space which was a relief till she started pacing while blowing and popping her bubblegum repeatedly.

"Can you stop that charlotte, daddy is trying to work her" I say as my anger reaches boiling point.

"You know, you could have avoided all this punishment and pain if you had just allowed me stay at home like I suggested" she says as she comes to a stop.

"Well it's your punishment for not sleeping early thereby making me allow you miss school" I reply as I'm a little bit relieved that she has finally sat down.

"Well that's not entirely my fault; I had to come home the minute I spotted a picture of you and Becca online. And besides you of all people should know better than anyone that I don't really need school" she says.

"We're going to have to talk at length about your internet privileges when we get home. And by the way what do you care about my relationship with Becca? I seem to remember you liking her last night" I say as I stand up while keeping my rifle trained on the door, curious as to why charlotte was stalking Becca and I online.

"Let's get one thing straight here dad. I respect Becca, she's a good person but that doesn't mean that I like her yet" she says in a 'matter of fact' tone. The whole thing sounded as if she would never accept Becca but I choose to be hopeful and hold onto the 'yet' that she added at the end.

"That's good to hear sweetie" I say with a smile knowing fully well that me calling her 'sweetie would upset her'. Judging from the crushed chips in my hair right now I'd say she's pretty pissed.

"Don't call me sweetie ever again" she says as she turns red with anger.

"Ok" I say with my hands held up with me being hopeful that she doesn't attempt to kill me with the knife I gave her for Christmas last year. I'm a bad father, I know. But at least it can't get worse than the taser I got her for her 8th birthday, apparently David Lee suffered severe brain damage after she shocked him one too many times.

I'm so bored" she says with a groan as she starts pacing again.

"that's not my fault, you could have gone to school like a normal kid and spent time with your friends but you stalked Becca and I online and these are the consequences of the actions you willingly took" I say which just causes her frown to deepen as I take my position again seeing as the target should be exiting the bar in a minute.

"I don't understand why you won't let me be the one to kill the target" she says with a pout as she crosses her arms.

"You know what happened last time charlotte, you froze and shook so much that you mistakenly shot your uncle Isaac" I say as I fiddle with the magnification settings on the scope.

"I said I was sorry and besides it was just a flesh wound, it wasn't really serious" she says in a whisper as she's obviously embarrassed by the slip up she made last year.

"Cause having to put him in a medically induced coma after the bullet grazed his heart isn't serious at all" I say sarcastically as my finger rests on the trigger.

"He said he didn't hold it against me and that I wasn't old enough for you to be putting a gun in my hands. So in a way it's your fault daddy" she says and I'm sure she has that beautiful smug smirk she inherited from me on her face.

I almost reply but after weighing the options I see that Isaac was right, she was too young so I'll wait till she's 15 and then I'll put a gun in her hands. 'Well done Nathan' I think happily to myself.

My little victory dance is interrupted by the target who finally staggers out of the club and immediately turns to the wall and starts peeing. I decide that it's not fair to shoot a man while he has his weiner out so I wait but before he finishes he crumples to the floor with his weiner still out and a pool of blood starting to form around his head. I immediately abandon my sniper's nest and look over the side of the building to see a character in a fucking luchador mask putting a gun into his coat so I do the logical thing. I jump off of the roof.

'Well I couldn't let him steal my kill without some repercussions' I think to myself as I fall down four stories with the wind in my face. Just as I'm about to hit the pavement the rope finally snaps with a jerk and although it almost pulled my shoulders out, I believe it was a better fate than becoming a pancake on the asphalt pavement.

I press the buckle on the harness that is dangling me three feet above the ground and I drop to the floor in a crouch while pulling my glock out of its holster that is strapped around my left thigh. I immediately catch a glimpse of the killer's hideous trench coat turning left onto another street so I grab my gun with both hands and point it downwards while keeping it close to my chest as I run towards the attacker.

I slow down as I near the corner and instead of turning immediately I step to the right and follow the curb line as I turn and my gamble pays off cause waiting right on the other end of the corner that I probably would have so recklessly turned in other conditions, is the attacker in his hideous mask that now that I see it up close isn't a luchador mask but its literally another person's skin that he turned inside out so that the blood and gore is on the outside.

"I got to hand it to you Nate, you're a lot smarter than I expected you to be" he says as he leans against the wall with his hands in the pocket of his trench coat.

"Who the fuck are you, you fucking psycho" I ask as I try to hold in the vomit that threatens to pour out of me after seeing his 'face mask'.

"I'm just someone who is very interested in everything about you. By the way that gun won't be necessary, I'm just here to do one thing" he says while inspecting his fingernails. I scoff at his nerve as I approach him in an attempt to find out who he is before I kill him for stealing a kill from me. As I get closer he suddenly grabs the barrel of the gun with his gloved hands before wrestling it out of my grip and throwing it into the street.

"told you that it wasn't necessary" he says with a smile that causes a patch of skin from what appears to be the upper lip of the person whose face this sick weirdo is wearing, to fall and land on the floor. He shrugs his shoulders before saying

"Well looks like the universe provided dinner just like it said that it would" and then he picks it up and eats it.

This time I can't hold it back and I throw up but I can't tell what disgusted me more, the fact that he just ate someone's flesh or the fact that he picked it up from the streets.

"There's no need to be disgusted. I've always been a fan of the 'five second rule' "he says with a smile after noticing my discomfort at seeing him eat someone's flesh. I immediately decide that I've had enough and that it is time to knock this motherfucker out and take him in so that I can ask him some questions.

I start to approach him and he finally gets off of the wall. I throw a right hook which he blocks easily but in the spirit of not giving up I wrap my arm around his and punch him in the chest and although he stumbles back, he is still smiling when he looks up. I move in again and this time I go for a right hook while my other hand goes for a left hook but he anticipates it and blocks the two attacks before head butting me and a squish is heard as his 'face mask' makes contact with my face. I stagger back a bit and start wiping the blood off of my face when I notice that this bastard is running. 'Not this time' I think to myself as I pick up my glock and chase him down the street.

He eventually crosses the street as he slows down from exhaustion so I speed up and holster my weapon as I use a car mirror as a stepping stone to climb the car and jump onto the streetlight and swing forward. I soar though the air as I aim straight for his back but he turns around at the last moment and jumps up grabbing my head and swinging us around so that I land on my back instead.

As I come to, he quickly wraps his elbow around my neck and begins to choke me out. As I fade out he says "good night b…." and then the darkness comes.

I'm woken up some minutes later by charlotte who looks frantic as she tries to make sure we were not seen but the beauty of the kill spot was that Ryan had already knocked out all the cameras in the area for us.

"Nice of you to take a nap on the job. Where's the attacker?" she asks as she helps me to my feet.

"He got away" I groan out as I feel a stabbing pain in my head.

"He got away? But that's impossible" she says in shock as I think angrily to myself 'who the fuck just kicked my ass? And where can I find him for a rematch? '.

Finally met the villian for the first time. Let me know what you thought by leaving a comment on the last paragraph of the chapter. Also dont forget to vote and recoomend the book to your friends.

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