
Behind Our Masks

Her family deals in stealing and fencing art. His family deals in killings, drugs, and everything else. Her family has nothing but it's name which is still feared even though it's not as powerful as before. His family has the fear of everybody because they put fear in everyone who crosses them. So what happens when they're put in an arranged marriage a day after they had a one night stand. Follow the rollercoaster of emotions and see whether they make it through. And just for kicks we get a bad guy with plans that no one can predict.

DamonKane20 · Urban
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34 Chs


Becca's POV

"Charlotte what are you doing here" Nathan asks as he walks towards her.

"I live here, remember?" she says as she stops in front of him and looks him dead in the eye. Not a single trace of being intimidated by the giant in front of her is found in her facial and body expressions.

"I thought you said you were never coming back, what happened? You miss me too much" he says with a smug smile as he also doesn't back down.

"No. I only came back for some juice boxes and maybe because grandpa snores like a foghorn" she says with a straight face.

"Tough luck kid. But I want my 1240 dollars by tomorrow" Nathan says as he ruffles her hair and goes into his room to change. I try and fail very miserably to make her not notice me, but seriously what kind of animal leaves legos in their carpet. I step on one and immediately shout "son of a bitch". At the same moment Nathan comes out of the room in basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. My pain goes to the back of my mind as I enjoy the way the shirt shows off the muscles I never knew he had. I'm pulled out of my body ogling by Charlotte who shoves a jar filled with 1 dollar bills at me.

"you used a bad word now pay up" she says with an evil smile on her face given that my current lack of clothing might make it hard for me to pay. That smile disappears pretty quickly when I pull a small purse out of the pocket of my jacket that is draped over his sofa and I pull out a 1000 bucks and drop it in the jar.

"There you go little lady. That should buy me a shit ton of swear words" I say with a triumphant smug smile which causes her face to turn sour for a minute before she suddenly perks right back up. I look at her curiously as I try to analyze her next course of action but Nathan quickly interrupts us and saves me by saying "Becca if you need a change of clothes I have something you can wear, if you want it" he says while scratching the back of his head nervously.

I quickly say "yes please. And if you don't mind can you come show me exactly where it is" as I grab his hand and pull him till we find his room. I quickly pull him inside and then I lock the door and turn on some music. I turn around to find him on the bed where he must have landed when I pushed him.

"you know if you really wanted to get me naked you should have just asked" he says with a smug smile that confuses me for a second before I notice that the song I put on is actually 'sexual healing' by Marvin Gaye.

"No I'm not trying to have sex with you, you horny pervert" I say as I turn away from him to hide the blush that I'm sure is on my cheeks.

He stands up and comes closer till he's directly behind me and our bodies are flush together. He reaches his arms around me and I melt against his body before noticing that his hands actually reached for the drawer which I was blocking. My cheeks flush in embarrassment at how badly I interpreted the situation but from the long breath he draws in and from the way his member is pressing into my lower back I'd say I didn't misinterpret the situation that badly.

He slowly and sensually pulls some basketball shorts and a big white t-shirt out of his drawer, and from the way his hands are moving so slowly I can tell that he also doesn't want to move. Eventually he pulls away and I immediately miss the way his hands felt wrapped around me and the way his scent overpowered me and forced all my thoughts out of my head. He's about to leave so I play my trump card to make him stay

"The fact that you already have a daughter might have been nice to know when we first met" I say as I stare at the mirror above the drawers. His hand slowly drops from the door handle as he turns around.

"Well when we first met you were so drunk that you looked as if you were high on coke" he says as he sits down on the bed. I smile to myself at how well this plan seems to be working.

"Still would've been nice to know though, I mean we're getting married and there can be no secrets between us" I say as I reach for the knot securing my towel and pull it which causes his eyes that I can see in the mirror to widen.

He immediately clears his throat and moves towards the door "maybe we can talk about this later" he says as his hands rest on the knob but in the spirit of not losing I quickly move forward and grab his hand.

"where are you running off to, I have a lot of questions that need answering and besides you've already seen me naked before so I don't see why this is such a challenge" I say as I laugh at how uncomfortable he feels. I won't lie, I felt so powerful that for the first time I was the one making him blush like a kid.

"So you're okay with me staying?" he asks as he tries to keep his eyes from straying below my neckline. I laugh before nodding and almost immediately he changes before my eyes. His awkwardly pursed lips and his throat that miraculously needed to be cleared every minute were suddenly replaced by a smug, confident smile.

"this was your plan all along" I say as I notice that he only played shy and innocent so that I could grant him verbal permission to see me naked. 'Well two can play at that game' I think to myself as I decide that if he's going to watch me then instead of squirming and blushing, I might as well give him a show. I'm going to show him that he doesn't push my buttons, I push his.

"So are you married? Is that why you have a daughter" I ask him as I grab a bottle of lotion from the bedside drawer right beside him.

"Charlotte's mom and I are separated, we've been separated since Charlotte was 2" he says as I start to apply the lotion to my toes giving him a clear view of the mounds he hasn't been able to keep his eyes off of.

"Separated huh? Forgive me for saying this but I find it very hard to believe that your wife left you and somehow you got custody" I say with a laugh as I turn to face him while applying lotion to my chest.

"What makes you think she's the one who left me?" he asks as his eyes follow the movements of my hands that are slowly going down south.

"Because you probably stared at her perversely just like you're doing to me right now" I answer in a 'duh' tone.

"Well that's probably true, but I left her because she wanted something different" he says with a sigh as his eyes finally leave my body. I get dressed quickly and go to sit next to him because I feel guilty for bringing it up in the first place.

"Why didn't both of you try to work through those differences" I pry as I place a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. I mean I may be sorry for him but I'm also curious and I just have to know why exactly they split.

"How do you work through differences when she wants to be able to sleep with different men and still stay married to me" he says and I actually feel sorry for him that he had to go through that. I don't know what propelled me to do it but I hug him. We stay like that for a few minutes and although he may be sad I'm actually quite happy, that is until his daughter barges in.

"daddy, I want pizza" she says as we pull apart very quickly and clear our throat as we readjust to try and hide our intimate moment from the little girl whose scrutinizing gaze is burning holes in the both of us.

"Well you can have pizza tomorrow when you follow me to work as your punishment for still being awake at midnight" Nathan says as he stands up and tries to shoo her out of the room but she turns around rather quickly and plays a card I didn't expect.

"Daddy, it's that time of the month" she says as she looks up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Nice try, I'm not falling for that one again. We both know your time of the month isn't due for another 2 weeks" Nathan says with a triumphant smile as he believes that he has beaten Charlotte at her own game.

"Let me ask you something daddy, are you a woman?" she asks Nathan who shakes his head signifying a 'no'.

"Have you ever had a period?" she asks and again he shakes his head.

"Then you have no idea what a period is, and if I tell you I'm on my period, then I'm on my period. So I suggest you go get me a pizza before I have another mood swing and accidentally burn a hole in all of your clothes" she says with a sickly sweet smile that terrifies even me.

"Fine" Nathan says as he resigns to the fact that he's about to go on a late night pizza hunt.

"Wait who is going to watch you?" he asks hoping that he's just found a loophole that would guarantee him staying here.

"Becca can do it, after all I'd really like to spend some time with my new mom" Charlotte says as she turns her puppy dog eyes on me and in a moment of weakness I agree.

Nathan mutters a quick "thank you" as he grabs his keys and a jacket opting to keep the basketball shorts. He steps into the elevator and as the door closes I turn around to find charlotte looking at me with murder in her eyes. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out three 100 dollar bills before putting them in the swear jar.

"Ok let's cut the crap, name your price so I can cut you a big fat fucking check and you can get the fuck out of our lives" she says as she stares me down.

"This is seriously not my night" I think to myself as I realize that I don't know the code for the elevator and I'm now stuck in this house with Charlotte.