
Begin Again | BTS Jimin & Jungkook

[rewriting][editing] "Jungkook!" "I’m sorry, but do I know you?" Its been two years since Jeon Jungkook got into the accident that put him in a coma, he just woke up to a boy with a familiar face and voice but he can't remember who he is. He wants to remember but what will happen when he does remember, secrets and horrible doings will come to light, he’ll probably wish he never woke up from that coma.

taes_gucci_sandals · Prominente
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21 Chs


<p>*Ding Dong*<br/><br/>Jimin, tired and half asleep got up and went down to see who it was. He stretched as he reached out and opened the door. <br/><br/>"Hey Jimin!" Said Taehyung.<br/>"Ugh, Tae what are you doing here at this time, it's so early!!" Complained Jimin. <br/>"I heard about Kookie's accident and now he's awake," replied Taehyung. <br/>"What? From who?" Asked Jimin confused. <br/>"From Jin hyung," replied Taehyung. <br/>"Oh, so you came to see him? But why at this time in the morning!" Said Jimin.<br/>"Yeah, I was off work today, so I thought why not," replied Taehyung.<br/>"Well he's asleep and-" before he could finish he got cut off. "Hyung, I was wondering could we maybe visit Taehyung hyung today?" Asked Jungkook from the stairs above Jimin. <br/>"Oh, sounds like he's awake now!" Smiled Taehyung. <br/>"Fine, come in then," said Jimin. "Uh, Jungkook if you wanna see Taehyung than now's your chance, he's here." <br/><br/>Jungkook went down.<br/><br/>"Hey, Kookie," said Taehyung with his adorable box smile. <br/>"Taehyung hyung?" Replied Jungkook. He went up to Tae and looked at him.<br/>"Yeah! Jungkookie we've known each other since we were kids!" Said Taehyung. "It's nice to see you after such a long time." <br/>"Uh, Yeah, you too I guess," replied Jungkook.<br/>"You look really different," said Taehyung. <br/>"I'd say the same but I don't really remember what you looked like when we were kids," laughed Jungkook. <br/>"Oh it's no problem, here," said Taehyung handing Jungkook a rectangular piece of paper. He looked at it. <br/><br/>"Hey this looks familiar, it's you, Jimin hyung and me. This was when we were at the amusement park that one summer day and Jimin hyung was too afraid to go on that one ride," said Jungkook starting to laugh.<br/>"Okay, for the record that ride was scary, and I thought I was gonna die," replied Jimin.<br/><br/> Taehyung and Jungkook started to laugh uncontrollably. <br/><br/>Jimin silently stood there unamused.<br/>"Haha,very funny," said Jimin sarcastically. <br/><br/>*Ding Dong*<br/><br/>Jimin went over and answered the door.<br/><br/>"Hey, Jimin," said the man in front of him. <br/><br/>Jimin pushed him out onto the porch and closed the door behind him.<br/><br/>"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked angrily. <br/>"I just wanted to visit, its been awhile," replied the man.<br/>"I told you not to come here ever again after that thing with my family," said Jimin.<br/>"Well, I was worried about you and your brother," replied the man.<br/>"Yeah sure, you and I both know that you're the one who sent that semi on us that day!" Exclaimed Jimin.<br/>"I don't know what you're talking about," replied the man in a fake innocent voice.<br/>"Oh, cut the crap, why are you here for real?" Asked Jimin.<br/>"Fine, I'm here about that little deal we made awhile back," replied the man. <br/>"Why can't we just deal with this later than?" asked Jimin.<br/>"Because, I can't wait any longer, its been three years since I let you off, it's pay back time," replied the man.<br/>"Fine, but leave Jungkook out of it."<br/>"But, I want to see my baby brother," replied the man.<br/>"I don't see why you still call us your brothers. Mom hid you for a reason, from that day on you were no longer a part of this family," said Jimin. "Besides I don't think Jungkook would even want to see you, much less remember you." <br/>"Why wouldn't he remember his big bro?" Asked the man. "Besides mom is dead she can no longer protect you two."<br/>"Well of course, you made sure of that along with your father. Besides it's not like you were ever apart of his life for him to remember you as such a thing, the only thing that you ever were to him was a kid that lived near us and liked to play with us as kids," replied Jimin. <br/><br/>Jimin was about to go back inside when he saw SeokJin coming up from behind the man. <br/><br/>"Jin hyung? what are you doing here?" He asked.<br/>"I'm sorry Jimin but he..."<br/>"Oh, so you decided to go back with him." Jimin cut him off. "Why hyung?"<br/>"I-"<br/>"Save your breath, he told you what to say, didn't he?" Scoffed Jimin. "All you're doing is letting him control you and before you know it you'll be doing everything for him." <br/>"What?" Asked SeokJin. <br/>"No need to lie, I've been where you are, he just takes what he wants when he wants, that's what his father taught him," replied Jimin. "Isn't that right, Namjoon hyung?"<br/><br/>Namjoon glared at him and gave him a fake <br/>smile. <br/><br/>"Now get the hell off my property," said Jimin angrily as he headed back inside.<br/>"This isn't over, we'll be back," replied Namjoon. "Lets go Jin."<br/><br/>They went back down the concrete steps and got in their car, a big black SUV. Jimin went back into the mansion, where he found Jungkook and Taehyung happily conversating in the living room. Jimin silently stood there and smiled at them, they noticed him and waved him over.</p>