
Begging for Time

Unhappy and unfulfilled, Sirius is murdered. Instead of passing on, the boy is given another chance at life. He wakes in an unfamiliar world where the inhabitants despise humans. A strange, old man gifts Sirius a mysterious stopwatch slowly counting down to zero. When asked what it is ticking down to, the man replies: "Your memories." Will Sirius find a way to keep his memories while dealing with the struggles of his new life? Will he stay alive long enough to get the chance? Does he even want to keep his memories? Or will he break down crying... begging for more time?

MasksofPurple · Fantasie
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38 Chs

Magic, Maps, and Memories

"The cold makes us fragile. It freezes our body and numbs the mind. Blinding us from the horizon, we are left buried in the snow. The world won't hear our muffled cries. We must use our brittle bones to trudge on. For it is only cold when you stand still." - Laurent, Alsi's Puppet 


"Great goddess of water, your radiant beauty sweeping like a tide, pull out from under and spew out which will rise. Imprison and conceal with a wave of thy contorting blood...

Blessing of Esflowna: Sea of Chains!"

The incantation produced from the lips of the aged gentleman, Wilphrey, summons a pool of water underneath his target: Korlin. Both fear and excitement radiate off of the boy with honey-hued eyes. 

Escaping the pool are four tentacles made of nothing but pure, clear water. The arms spiral and latch themselves onto the boy's limbs. With an aggressive force, the tentacles buckle the boy's knees and pin him to the floor of the courtyard.

Grass sits still a moment, before...

"That was amazing! Oh my gosh!! Can you do it again?!" Korlin gleams with the happiness of a child. Though he's experienced this scenario fifteen times now, he still beams with the same excitement.

"You wish for me to do it again before you have even been released?"


"You are a strange one, indeed..."

With a wave of his hand, Wilphrey disperses the water, hydrating the checkered grass below. Korlin, now soaking wet, shakes his hair and squeezes the water out from his new garments. Before, he wore a set of painfully cliche adventure gear, now, he wears one with a much higher acceptance rate.

"Hey, Wilphrey?"


"Experiencing some of your blessings first-hand is great and all, but when do you think I can actually learn some of my own?"

Wilphrey draws a hefty sigh.

"Are you quite sure you wish for me to be your teacher?"

"Of course! Who else would I want? You're already teaching me reading and writing."

"Yes, but those are easy to teach. Blessings are a whole different beast; I fear I'm not the best suited with them."

"Are you not a mage?"

"Mage? Certainly not, I am much more adept with swordplay."

"Swordplay?! Really?!" Korlin's eyes light up as if a firework exploded within them. "You don't carry a sword though."

"I conjure my blade with a blessing. I haven't needed to use it for quite some time, but if you insist, I will demonstrate. Observe," Wilphrey clears his throat. "Draw from the basin of your flowing flesh, o goddess, morph thy being into my steel.

Blessing of Esflowna: Blade of Rill!"

Out of the old man's palm flows a pole of water. The liquid sculpts itself into the shape of an elegant sword. All in a moment, the water freezes over into a blade of pure ice.

Wilphrey grips the chiseled handle with his gloved hand and swings the sword.

"See? I am much further skilled in the art of swords. Not that it matters much anymore... my days of youth have abandoned me."

Korlin, completely ignoring that last statement, awes at the conceived blade of ice.

"That might be the coolest thing I've ever seen. Sirius! Did you see that?!"

"I saw it."

Just across the courtyard sits Sirius. He rests on the edge of a flowerbed, jotting down tidbits of his memories in his journal. His amber eyes have been darting back and forth between his notes and the magic lesson Korlin dragged him out to.

With a shallow breath, Sirius closes his journal and places it on the inside of his new dark jacket. "I didn't take you for the sword type."

Wilphrey grins, likely reminiscing about old times. "Mm, it was my first love. Though it took a while to achieve this blade."

"What do you mean?"

"Blade of Rill is an advanced-level blessing, meaning I had to train my compatibility before I could conjure this frost."

"Can you control the temperature of the water you make?"

"Ah, yes, it is adjustable. If I wish I could boil this back into hot water."

"Oh... neat."

"Let me see that real quick!" Korlin shoots up and tries to grab Wilphrey's ice sword. The old man responds by casting a pair of tentacles from the ground, pinning the boy down. "Aw, man... wait! You didn't use the incantation; how did you do this?!"

"I've explained this before..." Wilphrey sighs and slicks back his white, man-bunned hair. "The incantation is merely to give me the ability to cast the blessing. Since I spoke it aloud, with my current ability, I can cast Sea of Chains for about half a day before having to restate."

"Wait, so if you say another incantation, it doesn't cancel out the previous blessing? They stack??"

"I am wielding my blade right now, no?"

"That's so cool..." Korlin looks as if he is about to pass out. "Please teach me an incantation!"

Wilphrey sighs once more. "Very well... I will see if you are compatible with Blessings of Esflowna."


"...Mm, each person is determined at birth which field of magic they are compatible with. I, for example, am compatible with Esflowna's blessings, or water, as you may say."

"So, I can only learn one type of magic?!"

"Yes, considering you are compatible with any field."

Korlin sulks but swiftly regains himself. "Understood. I will become the greatest mage of my field."

"Right... Give me a moment, I will go grab the compatibility reader." With that, Wilphrey steps away into the massive manor.

Korlin is giggling to himself.

"You ready?" Sirius asks, almost laughing to himself.

"I don't know! I'm scared. What if I get something lame like defensive magic?"

Sirius laughs to himself. Since the moment Korlin first witnessed magic back at the capital, he has been adamantly yearning to learn some. Now, that moment is finally within reach. Sirius feels a brief sense of pride in his companion. 

His vision grazing past a second-floor window, Sirius spots a feminine figure walking past.

It's Aureole.

Her teal hair sways as she steps, it's tied up in a ponytail. By chance, she glances out the window and spots Sirius. She offers a wave and a wide smile. The boy returns with the same.

Sirius and Aureole have been having regular chats around breakfast and evening. Their bond has been growing closer by the day. The same goes for all the house members. However, Sirius still feels it odd being around them. He's also fairly awkward around them.

"Wilphrey is back!" Korlin slaps Sirius across the cheek by accident. "Sorry."

"Are you ready?" The man brushes stray dust from his ornate black suit.

"Ahhh, Sirius, you go first!"

"Oh, sure," Sirius wasn't expecting to find out his compatibility anytime soon. Nor did he think about learning magic for himself. He wants Korlin to have his own thing. But if he insists...

"Here we go then," Wilphrey stretches his arm out in front of Sirius' face. A new ring is placed on Wilphrey's ring-bearing hand, likely the compatibility reader. A faint violet glow emits from the ring and the man's fingertips.

Korlin is sweating for some reason.

After only a few seconds, the light dims and Wilphrey drops his arm to look at the ring.

His narrow eyes widen. His thick eyebrows soar to heights not seen before.


"What is it?"

"I was not expecting such a rare one."

"Rare? What did I get?"


"Shadow? What does that mean?"

"Apologies, I have no idea. With all my years, I have never been acquainted with one holding shadow compatibility."


-What is that supposed to mean??

Korlin is dumbfounded. "That sounds awesome!" He shakes a contemplating Sirius vigorously. "Alright, do me next!"

"Of course," Wilphrey fiddles with the ring a moment before enacting the same ritual he did with Sirius. The violet glow vanishes and Wilphrey stares down at the ring. Korlin is trembling with anticipation.

"What did I get?!"

An enigmatic look spreads across the man's face.

"Korlin, you..."


A yell erupts throughout the courtyard, cutting off Wilphrey's dialogue.

It's the lord. Rawlin.

Looking towards the front entrance, the blindfolded man with a tiny top hat stands in the doorframe. 

"I have a lead. Come quick!" 

The boys look at each other and then promptly rush over to the door.

"Sorry, Wilphrey! Tell me later!" Korlin shouts, waving at the man. The boy doesn't seem displeased with not knowing his compatibility.

"Mm..." Wilphrey stands frozen in place. His posture droops as if saddened. "I wish you both luck."


-It's been a week since I decided to get my memories. Korlin and I have continued to learn language and history. And I must say... we're developing quite nicely. Rawlin hasn't mentioned any progress in a way to find the witch. Though, I suppose if it was that easy, he would have found her already...

Not to mention he has his duty as lord and making Aureole the next ruler of Lunalir. Those are arguably much more important duties to take care of, I mean, want to make Aureole queen too. But still... I'm on a time limit here.

The two boys speedwalk through the foyer and up the massive grand staircase. The lord has already disappeared around the corner, gunning for his study.

"I'm surprised you didn't stick around to hear what yours was."

"Well, this is way more important to me." Sirius smiles at the statement. "Besides, it'll just build my anticipation."

"What if that turns out badly? What if you get defensive magic?"

"Ehhh, I don't want to think about that." 

Sirius chuckles. The entire time he's known Korlin, the boy has been overly enthusiastic about being in a new world. While he avidly tends to his desires, the boy is also full of heart.

Navigating the maze that is the manor's halls is child's play now. After a week of walking them, their structure is imprinted in both their minds. Korlin even made a map of them.

The two arrive at the door to Rawlin's study. The room is usually off-limits, no one is allowed to enter except the lord himself. Not even Cilas, the butler, can enter to clean.

Sirius knocks twice and opens the door before Rawlin can respond.

Stepping into the marvelous, circular room, the bookshelves span to the ceiling. Rows upon rows of shelves line the room, creating their own mini labyrinth. Rawlin stands at his desk in the middle of the room, spreading out an enormous sheet of paper.

Getting closer, the paper is actually a map. A world map.

The two have seen the map of the world once before in Alzir's observatory. But that one was spherical and had minimal details. This one on the other hand... is breathtaking.

Many notable landmarks are dotted across the world, such as a massive vortex, strangely shaped isles, and the massive ice continent, Aeonice.

"How much do both of you know about this world?" The lord begins, his blindfolded vision is fixated on the map.

"Just basic things, and what we've been taught in our classes."

"Look here," the lord places his finger on a country to the bottom left.

"That's where we are, right?"

"Correct, this is Lunalir." The map details multiple settlements and landmarks across the country, one being the capital, Auretta. To Sirius' surprise, the country is very mountainous. "Situated on the Klephoral continent, we are the second largest country in the world. With the help of the late king, Lunalir grew into the second most flourishing trading partner in all of Mirgaia."

"Is this country just second in everything?"

"We're fourth in population."


"As a massive trade, we rely on other countries to supply us with goods. One such country is here," the lord's finger drifts down. "Alsi."


"Neighboring Lunalir to the south, naturally, Alsi is a very important partner to us."

"Okay... what are you getting at?"

"For some time now, Alsi's goods have been cut off. Or rather, all communication with them has halted."


"The inhabitants of Alsi, the snowsquallers, have always been reliable. They mainly supply us and many other countries with herbs commonly used in medicines and foods. Without them, the whole market is thrown off balance."

"I remember hearing something about that back in Auretta..."

"I'm sure."

"So, why are you telling us this? What do we have to do with it?"

A devious smile spreads across his face.

"I'm glad you asked. As you can see, Alsi is the southernmost country and as such is a snowy region. Mixed with the mountains and weather consisting of constant blizzards, no one dares step foot in the territory. Commonly, only snowsquallers themselves travel back and forth to deliver and receive goods."

"...Are you telling us to..."

"I am."

"Seriously?!" Korlin practically jumps with joy. "We're going there?!"

"But why us?" Sirius asks.

Rawlin smirks.

"Give me a moment," Rawlin rushes off excitedly and climbs up several prongs of a ladder. He slides his hand over spines of books, searching for a certain one.

Korlin is bouncing up and down repeatedly. Sirius places his hands on the boy's shoulder to settle him.

"Settle down, boy..."

"Aha!" The lord grabs a book and jumps off the ladder, landing on top of a bookshelf. Jumping down once again, the lord spreads the tomb over the map. 

-I still can't read this...

While there are few recognizable words, most of the text is foreign.

"While it is merely a rumor, this states that within Alsi... there is a map."

"A map?"

"A map to the witch."


Sirius is speechless, Korlin is as well. The lord grins, failing to conceal his excitement.

"A map to the witch? The witch of death?" A tinge of determination washes over Sirius. This is it.

"Yes, if this rumor is true, we are leaps closer to restoring your memories and finding the witch."

"...That's great. But wait, even if it is true, how are we meant to find it? We would have to search an entire country."

"Ever the pessimist, aren't you? Well, lucky for us, this says that the map was entrusted to the old king of Alsi long ago. Andddd it just so happens, that is precisely where we are heading."

"Seriously?! That's amazing!"

"Quite. While officially we will be there to discuss trade, our primary objective will be to acquire the map. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" Korlin salutes while heavily vibrating.

Sirius nods his head in agreement. "I don't know what to say."

"No need to say a word. You depart tomorrow morning, so get plenty of rest tonight."

"We will. Thank you."

The lord nods and sends the boys out of the room.


The rest of the day proceeds as normal. The only oddity being that Wilphrey decided to take his leave for the night. So, Korlin doesn't get to learn his compatibility. 

With classes off for the day, Sirius thinks it best to try and work. He's been brought into this house out of kindness, he should at least try and repay it.

Gathering cleaning supplies, Sirius makes his way into multiple rooms. All of which are spotless.

-I'm supposed to be helping around the mansion, but... Cilas is a monster. He cleans EVERYTHING.

Finding the man, Sirius confronts him. Cilas, a man with an extravagant mustache, is currently upside down dusting a ceiling light. He looks like a spider that keeled over on its back.

"Hey, can I... help with anything?"

"That won't be necessary."

Cilas proceeds to clean vigorously. He's an old man! What kind of gremlin is he?? 


Sirius leaves the man to his work.

-Then again, I am still being paid regardless. So, win-win if he really likes cleaning that much. As the great philosopher, Pholy, once spoke: "Get paid now, bitch later." I think I can live by that.

With no work and no class, Sirius collapses at his desk. A claw in hand, he begins to study words in his journal. 

-For the past week, Korin has been taking me out with him to magic lessons with Wilphrey. While it mostly consists of Wilphrey demonstrating water magic, there have also been some very interesting things I've picked up.

For example, when a blessing is cast, it actually morphs the nearby particles into the magic of choice. Obviously, Wilphrey doesn't know what particles are, as he described them as "nearby air." Regardless, it seems the Law of Conservation of Mass applies to this world as well.

This sent me down a little rabbit hole as I started asking him about other processes. I've confirmed that all of Newton's Laws of Motion exist. Though, to no one's surprise, Wilphrey had no idea who Issac Newton was or any idea of what I was rambling about. I don't blame him; I hate that guy... physics class sucked.

Also, some things Wilphrey said implied String Theory is real... which... I don't want to think of. I did a project on it back in high school before I died and... damn. I should ask Alzir about this stuff next time...

Moving on from magic and physics... he studies Lunalir's language, which has become increasingly easier for him. His arm shuffling from left to right as he jots down notes, the tethered stopwatch slips from his sleeve.

"I need to tape this thing down..."

Scrambling around the table and nearby shelves, he stumbles upon a thick, rubbery band tied around two books. Unlatching it from the books, he tests the band's stretch, and it seems suitable. Pulling back his sleeve with his teeth, he tucks the watch in place and wraps the band around it. 

-What the hell is tape...

While the word resonates on his tongue, an image of the item fails to render.

Acting as more protection and a strain, the black band holds the watch firmly in place. The only issue is he needs to loosen it to check the timer and time of day. 

21623751 seconds remain.

-The number is considerably lower than before. How many days are left? According to Alzir, days are slightly shorter here than on Earth. I haven't been able to notice, but still knowing that fact messes with me.

Sirius sighs and picks up the claw once more.

knock knock

Immediately following the sound, without any chance to respond, the door to his room bursts open.

"Hey!" Korlin laughs in a panicked manner. "Sirius, buddy ol pal, how's it going? You doing well? Good, good. That's great. What are you up to? Can I hide out here- I mean, join you?"

"...What did you do?"



Pholy's yell echoes through the entire manor. Korlin stiffens straighter than a board.

"Ha... I'm going to hide under your bed if that's alright with you. Cool? Cool." Korlin slowly scrambles under the bed, a tragic expression emanating pure fear.

With Korlin out of sight, the crackle of flames enters earshot.

Pholy appears in the doorway, the ends of her golden hair, her eyelashes, and her fists are lit ablaze with pink flames.

"Where is he?"

She glares her glowing eyes into Sirius'. This has more or less become a daily routine. Korlin does something stupid, and Pholy tries to burn him. Though Sirius suspects they both secretly enjoy it.

Sirius nods his head in the direction of his bed, ousting his human companion.

-Sorry, Korlin. I don't want to be burned.

He thinks that, but Pholy and Sirius have a mutual understanding. Pholy likely wouldn't light Sirius on fire, they both equally like to mess with Korlin.

Pholy fixates on the bed and walks to the foot of it. She is hardly taller than the raised bed frame.

"Would you mind explaining what that was?"

Korlin doesn't respond.

"Ha, do I need to smoke you out from under there?" Pholy smiles a diabolical smile, her voice reflecting as such.

Carefully, out from the other side of the bed, Korlin crawls out. He methodically shifts towards the doorway, but, unfortunately for him, is immediately caught by Pholy's side-eye.

"I'm sorry."

Pholy's fist erupts into a larger flame, and Korlin barrels out of the room. "I'M SORRY!" Pholy chases after him, and after a couple of seconds...



-Sorry, Korlin.

Down in the kitchen...

"Seriously, what is this?"

Pholy is scolding Korlin over the miserable failure of cooking he attempted. He almost burned down the kitchen, scorch marks cover the stoves and nearby surfaces. There is also a scorch mark on Korlin's face, in the shape of a hand.

"I can't cook."

"I can tell."

"I'll clean it up..." Korlin drags his feet to gather cleaning supplies.

"I'll help too," Pholy sighs. This, naturally, lifts Korlin's spirits.

With the necessary supplies, the two knock out the cleaning in no time. When reaching for the charred monstrosity he created, Korlin's attempt at food gurgles at him.

"What the hell..."

Korlin hesitantly pours water over it and then dumps it in the trash.

"What does hell mean?" Pholy asks, washing her hands.

"Oh. Well, technically it's a religious... afterlife place," he responds, washing his hands beside her.

"Afterlife...?" The concept must be foreign. "Are you religious?"

"Nope. I just say it more as a swear."


"Do you guys have swears here? Do you know what shit means?"

"...You look like shit. You smell like shit. You're a piece of shit. Your hair is a pile of shit. You're full of shit-"

"I get it..."

"You look like shit."

"You already said that... What about bitch?"

"You're a bitch."


"You're an ass-wipe."


"Fuck you."

"Are you offering?"

"Would you like me to go get some toys?"

"Touché... You own toys???"

"Get out of here."

"Yes, ma'am."

Leaving the room, Korlin immediately rushes to his room to practice curse words in Lunalir's language.


Closing his journal, Sirius stretches and removes himself from his room. The commotion of Korlin and Pholy seems to have settled, so Sirius goes to check on his companion.

knock knock

Sirius bursts into the room, mimicking Korlin's previous actions.

On the boy's desk is his journal and a claw. But the boy does not reside at his desk, he stands in the middle of his room, wielding a wooden, makeshift staff.

"YAAAaaaahh..." Noticing Sirius' presence, the two share an awkward twenty seconds of silence.

"Should I ask?"

"I'm practicing." Korlin embodies embarrassment and shrinks. "When I become the greatest magician, this world has ever seen, I will thank myself for the practice I put in today."

"Are you not just swinging around a stick?"

"Shush," Korlin walks over and bonks Sirius on the head with the staff.

"Why even have a staff? You don't need one to use blessings."

Korlin draws a disappointed sigh. "Tsk tsk, Sirius, my naive pupil... magic is about looking cool, not efficiency." They share a chuckle and Korlin sets the staff against the wall. "So, what's up?"

"Just checking on how your prep is going."

"I'm all packed!" Korlin shuffles over and leans close to Sirius' ear. "I even packed a secret weapon." After sharing, Korlin giddily jumps on his bed. 

"You seem excited," Sirius states. Watching Korlin's enthusiasm is like seeing a child's. Not that it's a bad thing, but it comes off slightly comical for someone his age.

"We're going to go on an adventure! Why would I not be excited?!" The grin on his face says it all. "I've always wanted to go on one..."

"Why didn't you? Back on Earth, I mean."

"Hmm? You're one to talk," he teases.

"Mmm," Sirius groans.

"I'm just messing," Korlin sits up. My life before this was... restricting." The grin vanishes. "Or... maybe I restricted myself... Either way, I couldn't possibly go on an adventure. I could hardly bring myself to leave the house..." Korlin jumps into a sitting position. "But now! Now, I am free! I'll have an adventure that will put all others to shame!"

-Korlin... what kind of life did you lead? What were you like?

"That's the spirit."

"Yes! You need to get in the spirit too! Our journey to get our memories back starts here!"

"I'll try, it's just hard for me to get amped up. Besides, if what the lord says is true, it might be dangerous there. I need to try and stay calm and ready."

"Mmmmm, logically you're probably right... but that is a boring way to live. This is a new world! Nothing matters here! Let loose a little."

"I'll try."

Korlin nods in approval. Turning his head, he looks through the window and into the evening sky. A melancholic smile creeps into his expression.

"I hope this dream never ends..."


"Ah, I'm going to hit the hay early tonight. You know, to get all rested for our big day tomorrow."

"Alright..." Sirius silently makes his way to the door. "Good night."

Korlin offers a gleeful wave until the door closes on his room and his facade.

Sirius heads back to his room, he should probably follow Korlin's example.

-I've grown pretty accustomed to life here at the mansion. Going on an "adventure" will be a strange change of pace... But that's what I wanted. That's what I want. Change. In whatever form it presents itself in... I should welcome it.

Our journey starts tomorrow. This may just be the first step... but I will keep my memories. I won't forget you, me.

Sorry for delay, I was working on the new cover. Anyway, Arc 2 begins!

MasksofPurplecreators' thoughts