
Before my daughters were killed, I returned from the divine realm!

Emotionless God Emperor Yun Mo, in the Wuji realm to control the heavenly artifacts Yanfushanju Tu ...... One Thousand Years, Qi Practice - Foundation Building - Jindan - Yuanying - God Transformation - Transmigration - Ascension to the Wuji Spiritual Realm. Two Thousand Years, Return to the Virtual Body - Body - Mahayana - Ascension to the Wuji Immortal Realm. Three thousand years, True Immortal - Golden Immortal - Dao Ancestor - ascending to the Wuji Divine Realm. Four thousand years, God King - God Emperor - God Emperor - ascended to the throne of the Wuji Emperor. Ten thousand years, Yun Mo did not forget their own, when on earth relatives, friends ...... in this eat people do not spit out the bones of the empire, Yun Mo can only do is no end to cultivation, killing ...... to this day. The light is ten thousand feet, epoch reversal, time and space back.

DaoistOydNd4 · Fantasie
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64 Chs

Chapter 11 On the Subway 1


Shanghai subway line two.

In order to sharpen the character of the two little girls, Yun Mo did not take a taxi, nor did he drive the limousine that his mother left at the mansion, but instead he specifically took the bus and the subway, so that the two girls could come into contact with more and more strangers.

Ten thirty, at that time there are not many people in the subway.

The two girls today can be regarded as particularly happy to play, bought beautiful clothes, strolling the most wanted to go to the amusement park, and now a person holding a large dog bear doll in the seat grabbed the doll's hand to slap each other.

An action that often causes the surrounding passengers to look sideways.

Beautiful things, always inviting people to love, the two children since shedding that ordinary little dress, began to become unusually noble and lovely.

The passengers who could ride the subway at that time were the kind who worked overtime and had bloodshot eyes, but none of them rested in their seats with their eyes closed, but glanced at the two little girls from time to time.

Or they were thinking of their children who were waiting at home for them to come home, or they were thinking of their girlfriends who were working late just like them.

"Daddy, can we go to Disney tomorrow, my sister really likes Princess Elsa, can you fulfill her little wish?" Xin Xin said to Yun Mo.

"Daddy, sister especially likes Donald Duck ...," Shishi was not willing to show weakness.

The two girls had this little thought, but Yun Mo could see it clearly.

"Okay, tomorrow I'll take you to Disney, but when you get home soon, you have to rest early. Before eleven o'clock, you must go to bed, you can do this in the future, wherever you want to go to play, daddy will take you to play." Yun Mo said.

The two little girls looked at each other.

"Daddy, can I listen to the story of the elf for half an hour?" XinXin asked weakly.

"No, twenty minutes at the most." Yun Mo said with a deliberately stern face.

"Twenty-five minutes okay daddy." Shishi said.

These two girls, they could negotiate.

"Okay, twenty-five minutes." Yun Mo finally compromised.

"Yay! Daddy is the best! Trojan horse." The two girls kissed Yun Mo left and right.

It made the passengers next to them feel doubly comfortable.

"Ai, brother, I really envy you for having two little cotton jackets, the kid in my house, but it makes me worry a lot." The man sitting next to Yun Mo sighed and said.

"Well, a daughter is more noticeable than a child." Yun Mo said without the slightest bit of modesty.

"Well, a daughter is more eye-catching than a boy." Yun Mo said without the slightest bit of modesty.

"Hey, where does your kid go to kindergarten?" The journey was lonely, the man continued to chat with Yun Mo without a word.

"Kindergarten?" Yun Mo hadn't really thought about it.

"Since your child is four and a half years old, does he not go to school yet?" The man asked.

"Well, I don't have much to do right now, so I'll just teach the two kids myself." Yun Mo said.

"Can't see it brother, still a full time baby daddy." The man said with a smile, "However, the child goes to kindergarten, learning and whatnot is a small matter, the main ah, is that there is a group of partners to be able to play together, the child can also be happier, and the parents can also rest assured." The man said.

"It's so reasonable." Yun Mo nodded thoughtfully, thinking at the same time, should we ask the two girls if they want to go to kindergarten, with their current age, directly to the middle class is good.

Just then, the subway arrived at the station, getting off one wave of people and getting on another wave of people.

Yun Mo looked at the stop sign, there was one more stop before he got home.

"Hiss, my God, what's that smell?"

Across from Yun Mo, a drunk woman stood up, and next to her, an aunt whistled with her hand in front of her nose as if the smell of alcohol was choking her.

But actually, the smell wasn't that bad.

"Dressed like that, drunk in the middle of the night, I don't know what kind of scene you're in." The aunt broke down and hurriedly changed seats.

The woman, on the other hand, was half leaning on the side of the subway seat, as if she was having a hard time.

"Girls these days, ah, hey!"

The people next to him also began to whisper.

Yun Mo also glanced at the woman.

The woman was dressed very openly, a lace blouse with a fleece coat draped on the outside, a delicate professional skirt, a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in two flesh-colored stockings, and a pair of black high heels.

With light makeup, it was obvious that the woman looked very good.

However, her expression was not so normal.

"Vomit~ Vomit~"

The woman covered her chest with one hand, and then stood up, staggering.

At that moment, the people around her were so scared that they hurriedly avoided her.

At that moment, everyone around her was so scared that they hurriedly avoided her.

Nowadays, in this world, no one wants to get into trouble, what if this woman is a porcelain bumper?


Under the disgusted gaze of the crowd, the woman vomited and then collapsed on the subway, leaving her bag on the subway seat.

The woman opened her eyes and stared at her bag, shaking, her mouth moving slightly as if she were saying something.

The surrounding passengers, take pictures of the photo, send a circle of friends send a circle of friends, but no one wants to help the meaning.

In the eyes of the crowd, this woman is self-indulgence, which is also known as the body in society.

In front of every bar, there are countless corpse pickers. This kind of woman's fate and consequences, basically, the next day dawn was found in the garbage cans, or naked by the gang of corpse pickers "use up" and then casually thrown on the side of the road.

"Dad, what's wrong with that sister? She looks like she's having a hard time."

In a child's eyes, there are not so many dirty thoughts, only the purest of hearts.

Yun Mo looked into his eyes and thought that this was a good opportunity to train the temperament of the two little girls.

"Shishi Xinxin, this sister is sick, you guys go through the bag that sister left on the seat, see if there are any small brown pills, take them over and feed them to her." Yun Mo said.

"Good!" The two little ones weren't very afraid of strangers after today's refinement, so following Yun Mo's orders, Shishi ran to the woman's side and continued to comfort her, while Xinxin went to the seat where the woman had just been, opened the woman's bag, and started to look for the pills Yun Mo had mentioned.

"Brother, what does this kind of person care about, it's just self-indulgence." The man next to him who had just talked to Yun Mo said with a frown.

Yun Mo ignored him and calmly looked at his two daughters.

"Ai, how do you as an adult raise your children, how do you casually go through people's bags? Steal things openly?" The aunt who had just changed her seat pointed at Yun Mo's exit and gave her a lesson.

The people next to her didn't say anything, but watched quietly.

"Sister, how are you, do you want some water?" Shishi unscrewed her own bottle of mineral water.

Looking at the two little girls, who were like angels, the woman's eyes filled with tears.

"Daddy, is this it?" XinXin rummaged around for half a day before she found a slab of brown pills, picked it up, and waved her hand at Yun Mo.