
Beelzebub: The Delinquency System

Koda Ihono was just a bullied boy with nothing going for him. That is, until he received the delinquency system and swore to change everything. Watch as the power hierarchy of the world is flipped on it's back by Koda Ihono, the one who will be the most vile, evil, disgusting trash of a delinquent to ever walk the earth.

Solo_Livid · Anime und Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Objective: Crush Hana

"Is that him?" 

"He's way scrawnier than I thought, is he really that strong?

"I think I could take him..." 

Koda ignored the whispers of his classmates as he sat down for class, putting his head down. His body ached from the fight with Sakura Amaterasu.

He knew he couldn't do this forever, yes he managed to keep catching  his opponents off guard, but that would only work the first time he fought, if someone actually saw him fight they'd be able to avoid any tricks he had.

'I need to get better... Should I just dump the tp in each stat and then work to upgrade them?' He thought, but immediately shut the idea down. If he did that what would happen when there was still an enemy too strong to handle?


Koda gritted his teeth and looked up at the boy who had just slammed their hand on his desk.

"Er... The group project?" The boy said, gulping 

  "Koda's glare dropped as he widened his eyes. "Ah right... I forgot to do my part of the assignment," He said apologetically and the boy just nodded slowly. 

"D-Don't worry I can handle it quickly before class starts!" He yelled and ran away from Koda, leaving the boy confused at his desk.

Koda sighed and opened his textbook. "Heh... Guess I should've seen that coming."

"Seen what coming?" A voice said next to him. 

'Haru Ryuuga?' Koda thought as he looked at the boy, who was smiling sweetly at Koda.

His hair hung down to his shoulders, tucked neatly behind his ears and showing off his piercings.

"Nothing..." Koda said, eyeing the boy strangely before looking back at his textbook.

"Yes, I suppose it is nothing... Unfortunately, we have some business don't we?" Haru Ryuuga asked, smiling widely as he suddenly stood before Koda, looking down at him.

"Business?" Koda asked, his heart beginning to race.

'Huh... When did I get like this?' Koda thought as he stood up, suddenly smiling.

"What business do we have?" 

"You don't know who I am?" Ryuuga asked, his smile falling.

"I don't really care."

"Wanna die?"

"Bring it bi-"

"You two in the back!" The teacher suddenly yelled as he stepped into the room.

The two boys stared at each other before Ryuuga smiled once again. "Alright I see, but you know who Takeshi is, so be prepared."

With that Haru Ryuuga walked out of the class, ignoring the teacher's screams for him to sit back down.

Quest Received: The subordinate

Objective: Beat Haru Ruuga into submission

Reward: {+1 level}

"Heh, I probably would have ended up fighting him anyway... So that bastard had some followers?" Koda thought aloud, ignoring everyone around him. 'Then I'll just kill them all.'


Koda walked out of class at the end of the day before getting stopped by a familiar girl.

"Koda!" Hana yelled to him just as he was about to step outside.

"Hm? What do you want?" 

"Well, where are you going Koda?" Hana asked Koda, her expression stern. When he didn't answer she continued. "You've... Changed a lot you know?"

Koda smiled. "Yeah, I guess I have huh? That's kind of what happens after..." He let his words trail off, his mood plummeting as she stood there fidgeting with her hands.

"I think you should stop fighting. The Koda I know wouldn't-"

"The Koda you know?" He interrupted, his body feeling hot again, just as it did earlier when he was talking to Ryuuga.

"Did everyone hear that!?" He yelled, stopping everyone around them and making them pay attention to the conversation. "She says she knows me..."

Koda backed up a bit, hands in front of him. "But that's weird since I don't know you at all."

A few people laughed and Hana put her head down.

"I'm... Look I'm sorry, but we were young, and I was scared and I wanted to be popular-"


Koda glared at Hana as his hand smashed into the glass doors of the school, shattering them and cutting up his hand. 

He didn't show any reaction though and continued to glare.

"Ha... Everyone can you believe this bitch?" He asked, his voice cold as he looked at the bystanders. 

"She spent months reconnecting with me after we lost touch in middle school... And it was all just to crush me thoroughly. She pretended to be my friend so it was funnier for my bully... Can you believe it?"

People looked at Hana in disgust, but it didn't matter, Koda knew they were the same way. He just wanted to embarrass her. 

"All because she wanted to be popular..."

Quest: Revenge

Objective: Crush Hana's Will

Koda looked at the quest for a second before turning back to the now-crying girl.

"You know... I wanted to believe it so bad," He said in a regretful tone as he began wal;king away.

"Believe what?"

He looked back with a sad smile, staring into her eyes. "That you were my friend."

Koda walked out of school, hands in his pockets as Hana stood there, totally defeated.

'People probably think that's the end... But knowing Hana-'

"Wait!" Her voice rang as she ran outside after him. "Please! You can hurt me, yell at me, beat me whatever, please let's start over!" She begged as Koda stopped.

He smirked. 'Yep, knowing Hana she can't just take the loss. Fine then, don't worry...'

Koda turned, walking slowly toward Hana before stopping a mere foot away from her.

He brought his hands up, grabbing the sides of her head as if he was going to slam her into his knee. 

'I'll destroy you,' He finished his thoughts, hugging her close as he couldn't contain his smile.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, two people were watching the encounter.

"You lost to him Takeshi?" Ryuuga asked again, his mind unable to wrap around the idea that his boss had lost to someone who looked so weak.

"He fights dirty as hell, if I wanted I could beat him right now, but I'd just look desperate if I rush into things... Beat him down for me Ryuuga, then things will go right back to normal.

Ryuuga smirked. "Well fine, I'll kill him for you."