
Becoming The Vampire Queen

Excerpt **Please take notice before reading that this is a slow burn romance that takes place in the Victorian time period. It does not entirely stick to the facts and somethings are entirely made up to fit the story because this is a historical-fantasy romance. This book does not depict any rape. This book is the sole work of Ashley_Mitchum29 you are not allowed to copy any part of this book without the permission of the author. If you find this book anywhere but webnovel please let the author know. Any plagiarism of this book will be investigated and legal action will be taken against you. Kasley moved her fingers across the keys, stroking them lightly. She began playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata from memory. He wanted to capture this moment forever. Jackson began to chant the spell. Sparks of light began dancing around her and she did not even notice it. The light sparks made her even more mesmerizing in the still moonlight. He did not take his eyes off her because he wanted this etched into this room. This little moment of time would forever haunt these walls. He smiled at the thought of watching her like this over and over. She was glowing. What was even more captivating was the little sparks of light that captured not only her playing but the sounds coming from the piano. Each stroke emitted a different ray and before long a rainbow of sound waves could be seen floating over the beautiful girl he was watching intently. Jackson was unaware he had been holding his breath until he caught himself heavily breathing out after she had finished playing. His erratic breathing came to an abrupt halt and he gasped as she turned towards him giving him a little mischievous half smile . Her intense gaze burned him and he realized she knew he had been watching her. Jackson slowly emerged from the shadows, “You play just as my mother did.” She gave him a sheepish, slight grin, “Thank-you, your majesty, but I fear I am not worthy of such a prestigious title. Your mother was of nobility and I doubt she would compare me, a-ah, what would your time call it, a-a commoner, to herself.” Jackson momentarily paused, "Kasley Carter there is nothing common about you. Do you not know how you just looked sitting there playing just now?" Even though it was dark, the moonlight hit her face and he could tell she was blushing. He would never get tired of seeing that reaction. She looked up and stared into his eyes, "I am not good at taking compliments. Especially when they come from a gorgeous half-naked man." He looked down at his bare chest. He chuckled and resumed his slow, seductive waltz towards her. Kasley gulped. He would mark her tonight if it was the last thing he done. His eyes stayed glued to hers. Just when he reached the piano he suddenly had an idea. With a sly, arrogant face he climbed on the piano. Kasley’s eyes widened and he slowly inched forward.

Ashley_Mitchum29 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

New Life

Kasley looked at her watch. It was five minutes past eight, "Shit, I'm late on my first day!" She quickly grabbed her bag and got out of her car and hurried towards the building.

She couldn't believe this day had finally come! Glancing at her map in her hand, Kasley confirmed that Lumen Walk was the main road on campus so Carter Hall should be the second building ahead. Making her way she took notice of the beautiful landscape.

Lush green grass with beautiful oak trees filled the campus walk-way. Many seats made of concrete were placed throughout the area and there were pavilions to which you could sit comfortably at.

Many of them faced the ocean which could be seen on either side of the campus. Kasley took note of the library which was made of an entire mirror like glass that reflected the beautiful blue sky. Next to the library was Carter Hall.

Kasley inwardly squealed.

Like the library, it was made of glass walls but the only difference was the entrance looked like something from the time of castles. Probably an original building that was preserved and modernized. The glass walls were on each end of the castle entrance and they extended twenty feet or more towards the sky.

The building had arched stairs that made a loop from one side of the building to the other with a rose garden surrounded by neatly trimmed hedge bushes that trailed along the bottom of the stairs.

In the middle of the garden sat a huge grey stoned fountain with two colorful mermaid statues placed precisely in the middle with water springing out their mouths. It shimmered at the bottom revealing shiny coins students had obviously thrown in to make a wish.

Kasley made her way to the entrance and breathed in deeply while looking towards the sky and endless sea of glass.

"Breathe, girl, breathe!" she whispered. Pushing on the door she made her way inside.

The inside was an ordinary looking building modernized to resemble any other college campus. Vending machines and a few seating areas were to the far right corner of the entrance. More than likely this is where students waited before and during classes.

To the left there was a computer area and welcome desk with a big sign at the top that read "Quiet!"

There was a small hall with a few classrooms and a restroom underneath the staircase that trailed up and down on either side forming a curved shape. Gold trim lined the handles and balusters of the stairs.

Kasley noticed that at the top of the stairs right in the middle were two guys seemingly in a very heated conversation. Just as she was looking towards the stairs the tall guy with black hair pulled back in a low ponytail looked her way.

She quickly looked down at her schedule. She was silently hoping this man had not seen her looking at him. She then focused on the map. Kasley was not sure if she was even in the right spot because she could not find herself on the "You are here--->" part of the map she held in her hand.

Looking back to the guy near the stairs she noticed he was staring at her very thoroughly. No, more like awkward and way too intense for Kasley's comfort. It almost seemed he could devour her right then and there with his eyes. Why would he stare at her in such a way? Was there something on her face? Did she have toilet paper stuck to her shoe?

Dear God, don't let me make a fool of myself the first day she thought.

She looked down again but found herself trying to steal another glance. Just when she figured he had looked away she looked at him again. He was still eyeing her.

She blushed profusely when they made eye contact. He started towards the stairs, never taking his eyes off her. She could hear the sound of shoes hitting the floor with each step he took.

Thump. . .Thump. . .Thump. . . .

Each thump echoed in her ear as if she was in an empty ballroom. Dear Lord he was descending the stairs and it was as if time was slowed because of the echo in her head.

"Oh-Oh-Ohh-MG!" She inwardly screamed.

Her head was beginning to slightly spin. Her heart was rapidly beating a least a million miles a minute. She felt her knees go weak and she knew her face was emitting a bright red aura!

She could feel the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. He was reaching the last few stairs. Her throat felt dry as she gulped. She unconsciously licked her lips not knowing the effect it had on the man approaching her.

When he stood just a few feet from her she noticed that he had the most amazing eyes she had ever seen. Are his eyes a deep red color she thought?

She told herself to focus. Look at the way he's looking at you, her mind screamed. It was quite unnerving. He looked as if he was a beast stalking its prey ready to devour her right there.

Kasley's breathing became erratic. Good Lord, he was more handsome than a Calvin Klein model wearing only a pair of red satin boxers on Christmas morning.

When he finally reached her he gave her a huge smile that showcased his perfect white teeth.

Putting his hands in his pocket he seductively drawled out a simple "Hi!"

Hey guys I have updated this book if you do not see the new updates please delete this book from your library and add it again. I got into this game late but I believe in this book! More to come stay tuned guys.

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