
A Walk Through the Dark

The forest at night was pitch black. Without streetlights, the faint illumination from the moon and stars barely filtered through the dense canopy of branches and leaves.

It was the kind of absolute darkness modern humans, accustomed to city lights, had long forgotten.

"Not that it matters to me," Uta said casually.

He strolled through the forest with ease, unhindered by the obstacles around him. He didn't stumble over roots or bump into trees, as if the darkness posed no challenge at all.

"Let's see... this way, I think," he mused.

There was a faint trail of presences deeper in the woods. Fear, desperation, and the unmistakable stench of death lingered in the air.

"Alright, time to hustle."

Breaking into a light jog, Uta followed the ominous signals to their source.



"Ah, there we are," Uta said, stepping into a clearing.

Before him stood five massive creatures and three women. The creatures were grotesque—bloated, towering forms that looked like oversized humans crossed with wild boars. These were orcs. Their pig-like snouts and tusks were unmistakable.

The women, villagers who had been abducted, were in various states of distress. Their clothes had been torn away, and they were struggling helplessly beneath the monstrous brutes. The scene was horrific, even for someone as emotionally detached as Uta.

"Well, this is revolting," Uta muttered, his lips curling in distaste. "Completely unwatchable."

He didn't know these women, and he wasn't particularly concerned about their plight. Yet, imagining someone like Chika, Miko, or Kazuha—his old friends—suffering the same fate made his stomach churn.

"Yeah, no. They've gotta go," Uta decided.

"BUHO?" one of the orcs grunted, turning its head toward Uta.

"Time to turn to dust," Uta said.

He stepped forward and placed his hand on the creature's bloated arm. In an instant, the orc disintegrated, its massive body crumbling into fine gray ash.



The remaining orcs roared, enraged. They grabbed nearby rocks and logs, hurling them at Uta with surprising force.

"Yikes," Uta said, teleporting out of the way. "Guess you guys are mad, huh?"

Appearing behind another orc, Uta reached out and tapped it on the back. The creature turned to dust just like the first.

"Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap," Uta chanted, moving methodically through the clearing.

One by one, the orcs fell, reduced to nothing in a matter of moments. The entire encounter lasted less than a minute.

"And that's a wrap," Uta said, dusting off his hands. He turned his attention to the women, who were huddled on the ground, trembling.

"You okay?" he asked.


"Hic... hic..."

The women were inconsolable, their bodies shaking with sobs. It was clear they were in shock, unable to respond coherently.

"Well, this is awkward," Uta said, scratching his head. "Do I carry you back to the village? Or should I get the villagers to come here?"

As he pondered his next move, a shadow loomed behind him.



A massive log struck Uta's head with enough force to shatter a normal skull. He toppled over, the weight of the log pinning him to the ground.

"GUHUHUHUHU! You killed my children, little human!"

A deep, guttural voice rasped from the shadows. A massive figure stepped into the clearing, clutching the bloodied log like a weapon.

It was another orc—but unlike the others, this one had crimson skin. It stood taller and more muscular, with sharp, intelligent eyes that glinted with malice.

The red-skinned orc sneered down at Uta's motionless body. "Thought you could get away with killing my precious babies? Fools like you always think they're special."

It stomped closer, its voice rising in mocking laughter. "Were you a brave adventurer, little corpse? Or just a reckless villager with a death wish?"

"You're awfully chatty for an orc," Uta muttered, sitting up and shoving the log off his back.

The orc froze, its jaw dropping. "Wha—!? You're alive!?"

"Sure am." Uta stood, brushing dirt off his clothes. "So, what's your deal? You don't look like the others. Are you human?"

"HOW DARE YOU!?" the orc bellowed. "I am Jennifer, the Orc Lord of the Demon King's Vanguard!"

"Jennifer?" Uta echoed, blinking. "Like... that's your name?"

"YES!" Jennifer declared proudly. "I am an emissary of the Demon King! My kin are mere beasts, but I am a ma-zoku! A higher being with intelligence and speech!"

"Ah," Uta said, nodding. "So you're the boss."

"That's right!" Jennifer crowed, puffing out her chest. "You've angered the wrong orc today! Prepare yourself, human, for I shall—"

"Yeah, I'm not listening anymore," Uta interrupted, stepping forward.


Uta touched Jennifer's arm.

"Time to disappear."

In an instant, Jennifer's proud form crumbled into dust.

"Guess even big bosses aren't immune," Uta said with a shrug.

He turned back to the women. "Right. Let's get you all back to the village."

With a wave of his hand, he teleported himself and the three villagers back to safety.

As they reappeared in the village square, Uta called out, "All done! Now, where's my beef stew?"

The women stumbled to their families, who cried tears of relief. The villagers stared at Uta in a mixture of awe and terror, whispering prayers under their breath.

Uta, however, didn't notice or care. His mind was entirely focused on dinner.