

In a world where martial arts reign supreme, Alexis stands accused of the unthinkable. He not only stole a martial arts manual and precious medicinal pills but also captured someone else's fiancée. His actions have labeled him as the ultimate disgrace to the Martial Way and a despicable presence among humanity. Known for his audacity, Alexis has crossed boundaries that others wouldn't dare approach. His lack of compassion extends to such extremes that he wouldn't even lend a hand to an elderly person crossing the road, and he would shamelessly snatch a lollipop from the hands of a three-year-old child. His disruptive presence knows no bounds, leaving even the brightest talents from prestigious families battered and defeated. Now, facing the united disdain of both humans and gods, Alexis finds himself on the brink of complete rejection. Countless martial arts experts of Ember Celestine harbor an intense and enduring hatred for Alexis, longing to dismantle him piece by piece. But Alexis remains unfazed. Instead, he calmly accesses the enigmatic "Super Hatred System," exploring its array of tantalizing options. With a stroke of his chin, he contemplates his vast collection of Hatred Points, pondering what he should exchange them for. Should he choose the sacred realm of Saint-grade medicinal pills, delve into the ancient power of the Primordial Pill, or master the unparalleled martial art skill known as the Null Palm? The allure of the divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron, also beckons him with its extraordinary might. It is a decision that will shape his destiny, even as the world despises his very existence. ------------------------ I DONT OWN THE COVER, I DOWNLOADED IT FROM PINTEREST.

BeggarProMax · Urban
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36 Chs

Overwhelming Popularity!

"Master BlackHeart!"

After reporting this good news to Alexis, the editor Max calmed down and said, "Please wait and see. I will definitely make sure that such an outstanding work reaches more readers."

After saying that, he ended the video call.

The success of Alexis's book surpassed his wildest expectations. "Over 200,000 pre-orders, this is indeed a bit beyond my imagination," he said to himself, feeling a mix of amazement and joy. Despite knowing his marketing tactics were effective, the level of popularity had exceeded his expectations by leaps and bounds.

As Alexis contemplated the potential financial rewards from his book's success, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The thought of earning a considerable amount of money opened up a world of possibilities for him, particularly in enhancing his martial arts cultivation.

With the financial resources at his disposal, Alexis envisioned acquiring various valuable items, such as spiritual medicines known for their potent healing and enhancing properties. These medicines could aid in accelerating his cultivation progress and nurturing his inner strength, propelling him further in his martial arts.

Additionally, the prospect of obtaining monster meat intrigued him. In the world of martial arts, consuming certain beasts' meat could grant practitioners unique abilities or boost their physical prowess, giving Alexis an edge in combat and training.

"However, even though so many people have subscribed, I wonder what the readers' reviews will be like."


Alexis gently tapped his phone, and with a "ding," a page immediately projected onto the table. It was his novel's page on the Shark Novel website.

As much as Alexis possessed the ability to project the virtual webpage onto his retina, he was cautious about using this feature. He was well aware that excessive usage could lead to significant harm to his eyes and strain his vision. For this reason, he refrained from using this capability unless absolutely necessary or for private matters.

As Alexis had engaged in a private conversation with the editor Max earlier, he had wisely activated the hiding function to ensure the confidentiality of their discussion. But now, as he simply browsed the webpage and enjoyed the public reviews and feedback on his novel, there was no need to utilize that feature.

Alexis's observation of the comments section left him feeling a mix of surprise and relief. "Strange? There seems to be no abusive comments this time," he muttered to himself, a sense of wonderment in his voice. In contrast to the past chaotic days, where the comments section was filled with abusive language due to the celebrity comparison controversy, the current feedback seemed to be much more positive and constructive.

As Alexis observed the comments section of his novel, it became evident that the tumultuous storm of abusive comments had indeed subsided. After two days, readers seemed to have calmed down, and the focus had shifted back to the essence of his storytelling.

It appeared that the platform's moderators had taken action to maintain a positive and respectful environment. Abusive comments had either been deleted or buried under the influx of other comments, allowing the supportive and constructive feedback to take center stage.

He casually looked through the comments and noticed that one reader with the username "BigSwordWeilder" had their comment highlighted by the administrator. Upon opening it, the comment said,

-"I used to be a fan of James Rogan, but when I saw this author's readers dare to criticize James Rogan , I got furious. I grabbed my weapon(device) and gathered dozens of my buddies to cleanse the comments section here."

-"However, later on, I thought about it carefully. Since I haven't read this author's novel, just ranting and venting without substantial content won't be satisfying. So, I thought of spending some money to take a look. If it's not good, I'll consider it as a treat for my dog."

-"Hahaha…..I didn't expect that once I started reading, it felt like being trapped in the online betting games, and I can't get out now. This novel has a certain kind of magic, it's so terrifying that even now, I'm trembling a little."

-"Exactly! I was also lured here by that forum post. After reading the first chapter, it felt like I had consumed some ancient spiritual medicine, and I just can't stop reading it."

-"What a great book! This is the best novel I've read this year. I wonder how many movies the author has watched all year round and how many women they've* played with to have such profound skills. I bet, this person is definitely an experienced player, or else I'll live stream myself eating shit."

A/N*: As they are not aware of the author's gender, they are using collective pronouns.------xxxxx-------

-"You all praise him, but I have to scold him. This author is shameless and heartless, no wonder they call him/her 'Black-hearted Beggar.' Writing this kind of stories, causing harm to others and themselves. My family lives in a slum, and our income is just average."

-"Since I started reading this novel, all the nutritious drinks at home have disappeared, and my nutrition is completely insufficient. I now have dark circles under my eyes like two pandas, and I haven't gone out for three days. My mother is so angry that she wants to kick me out of the house."

A/N*: Bwahaha…..bruh! are you serious? ---xxxx-----

-"I'm 100% sure that this writer is an absolute beast. He started playing with women at the age of nine, started taking girls to hotels at the age of 12, started plucking many flowers at the same time, started going to women's house at the age of 15, and by now is a veteran of flowers at the age of 30 or 40, with countless experiences. Otherwise, he would not be able to write such a sophisticated work. After all, such a novel, even me, an old driver* who has been with countless women, is fascinated, one can just imagine how terrifying it is. ""

A/N*: You all know what he drives!

A/N*: Since majority of the erotic novel writer are males, so this particular comment takes that into account.-----xxxxxx----

-"The author is absolute beast!"

-"Everyone, don't go off-topic. It's just speculation. Don't believe rumors."

-"Well, although it's speculation, I'd say there's a pretty good chance of it being true, like 70-80% or maybe 90%!"

-"The author is absolute beast!"

The readers below are engaged in replying, and just on this topic alone, there are thousands of comments, making the discussion extremely lively.

It's evident that the topic has ignited intense interest among the readers, as seen by the thousands of comments in response to the speculation. The lively discussion clearly shows how deeply the novel has captured the readers' attention and sparked their curiosity about the author.

A reader who identifies as "PotatoKing" wrote a post:

-"After reading this novel, it has deeply shaken my soul. Although it is an erotic novel, it transcends the boundaries of such genre. I would say it is, in fact, a literary work critiquing realism. The protagonist, Dani Daniel, is an honorable teacher of the people. She has a family and a husband, but her husband is very weak and cowardly, unable to understand or support her. Additionally, her career prospects are hindered, and she feels lonely without friends by her side. She is a lonely woman, yet also beautiful."

The reader's comment reflects a poignant truth about society. They express that it is a sorrowful reality that beautiful women often become the subject of numerous rumors, regardless of whether they desire it or not. Envy and the darker aspects of society lead to the spreading of rumors that may not be favorable to the woman involved. This creates immense pressure on the female protagonist in the novel.

Unfortunately, her weak and coward and incapable husband is unable to provide her with the support and understanding she needs. This lack of support adds to the protagonist's burdens and challenges, making her journey even more difficult. The comment highlights the struggles that beautiful women face due to society's prejudices and the need for genuine support and understanding from their partners and loved ones.

The reader continues their analysis, stating that it is almost natural and inevitable for the protagonist to engage in extramarital relationships. In their view, this behavior is a result of the social circumstances she faces and the inherent injustices and pressures within society. They explain that the protagonist has had emotional entanglements with various men, including school principals, government officials, colleagues, ruffians, and even former lovers and students. However, the reader firmly believes that this is not her fault; rather, it is a consequence of the societal oppression and unfairness she has experienced.

According to the reader's perspective, the protagonist's actions are not a reflection of her character but rather a response to the societal wrongs she has endured. They place the blame on the social pressures and inequalities that have pushed her into such a situation, suggesting that the society itself bears responsibility for her choices and actions.

-"As we all know, even in this highly technologically advanced era, women still live under various forms of discrimination and are bound by numerous traditional norms and customs."

-"I believe the author intended to use this novel and the distinctive character of Dani Daniel, the female protagonist, as a means to satirize the various injustices and shortcomings in society. Through this, they aim to shed light on pressing issues, provoke thought, and deliver a powerful message that resonates with readers."

-"Reading to the end, tears are streaming down my face, and I can't seem to stop. Now, I no longer care about the future fate of the female protagonist. What remains in my heart is the realization that there are countless women in society, just like Dani Daniel, living in difficult circumstances. This realization brings me immense pain, and I find it hard to sleep at night."

-"Big brother, it's just a piece of erotic fiction. The author probably didn't think that deeply about it."

-"Masterful analysis, OP! To extract so much social significance from an erotic fiction is truly impressive. I bow down to your brilliance."

-"After reading OP's comment, I'm in awe and need to go back to elementary school to refresh my reading comprehension skills."

-"OP is right, there are still many women in the world living in difficult situations. I'm planning to bring some people together tonight and spend some money to help them."

A/N*: I gotta go too!----xxxx---

-"I completely understand. I cried too, just in different places."

-"Is this an emotional drama?"

A group of readers discussed.

Alexis looked at these reader's responses, and he felt like his values had been completely refreshed several times.


Just as Alexis was reading the novel's comments, Evangeline suddenly walked over.




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