

In a world where martial arts reign supreme, Alexis stands accused of the unthinkable. He not only stole a martial arts manual and precious medicinal pills but also captured someone else's fiancée. His actions have labeled him as the ultimate disgrace to the Martial Way and a despicable presence among humanity. Known for his audacity, Alexis has crossed boundaries that others wouldn't dare approach. His lack of compassion extends to such extremes that he wouldn't even lend a hand to an elderly person crossing the road, and he would shamelessly snatch a lollipop from the hands of a three-year-old child. His disruptive presence knows no bounds, leaving even the brightest talents from prestigious families battered and defeated. Now, facing the united disdain of both humans and gods, Alexis finds himself on the brink of complete rejection. Countless martial arts experts of Ember Celestine harbor an intense and enduring hatred for Alexis, longing to dismantle him piece by piece. But Alexis remains unfazed. Instead, he calmly accesses the enigmatic "Super Hatred System," exploring its array of tantalizing options. With a stroke of his chin, he contemplates his vast collection of Hatred Points, pondering what he should exchange them for. Should he choose the sacred realm of Saint-grade medicinal pills, delve into the ancient power of the Primordial Pill, or master the unparalleled martial art skill known as the Null Palm? The allure of the divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron, also beckons him with its extraordinary might. It is a decision that will shape his destiny, even as the world despises his very existence. ------------------------ I DONT OWN THE COVER, I DOWNLOADED IT FROM PINTEREST.

BeggarProMax · Urban
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36 Chs

Life and Death!


*Read first at: thenovelinn.com*(24hrs earlier)

I would appreciate if you guys can support with some PS(Power Stones)


In the darkness, Alexis cautiously approached the unidentified object and soon realized that it was a middle-aged man. The man's body was covered in blood, and he bore numerous injuries all over. His chest heaved irregularly, a sign of the serious injuries he had sustained, and his breath was weak, almost imperceptible. It was evident that he was in critical condition, clinging to life like a faint wisp of air.

Despite his critical condition, the fierce and cruel look in the middle-aged man's eyes indicated that he was far from being incapacitated. His gaze conveyed an intense and dangerous aura, resembling that of a dying wild beast, ready to strike even in its weakened state. The situation called for careful handling, as dealing with a wounded but still formidable opponent required a delicate balance between empathy and self-preservation.

"Fallen from a height of four or five stories, even took a punch from me, and he's still not dead? This guy is definitely a 'Master!'"

As Alexis assessed the situation, he was astonished by the middle-aged man's resilience. Falling from a height of four or five stories and enduring a punch from him without succumbing to death showcased the man's extraordinary strength and skill. Alexis realized that he was dealing with a formidable master, and his instincts kicked in, prompting him to take several steps back to maintain a safe distance.

The middle-aged man stared at Alexis, his eyes gleaming with cunning. "I didn't expect the Black Bandit Company to set up an ambush at the back door as well. Impressive move, a well-calculated plan." Alexis was taken aback, realizing he was facing a skilled and astute opponent. He maintained a safe distance, remaining cautious and on guard.

"However, they thought sending a mere Fourth Level of Martial Disciple Realm would be enough to kill me? It's simply wishful thinking! Kid, even though we have no grudge, you are in my way, and for that, you must die!"


As he finished speaking, he suddenly made his move, launching a palm strike.

[Advanced martial technique – Heart Destroying Palm!]

In an instant, Alexis could feel the terrifying power of the middle-aged man's palm strike, far surpassing the strength of Xiong Batian. The ferocious and venomous energy surged towards him, as if each wave of Qi could tear his body into pieces.

Under the onslaught of the middle-aged man's dreadful bloodthirsty aura, Alexis felt suffocated, and the intensity of the attack threatened to shatter his heart and gallbladder. Ordinary individuals would be utterly incapacitated by such a palm strike, instantly killed with just one blow. The formidable power behind the attack left Alexis grappling with the realization of the grave danger he faced.


Facing the life-and-death crisis, every fiber of Alexis's being tightened as he instinctively responded to the imminent danger.

His mastery of the Five Form Fist had reached a state of 'Transcendence', allowing him to execute his moves effortlessly. With a surge of focused determination, he summoned his martial prowess, meeting the middle-aged man's ferocious attack head-on.

[Dragon Fist - Golden Dragon's Claw!]

With focused concentration, Alexis's palm transformed into a formidable claw, and his five fingers assumed the shape of eagle talons, fiercely lunging towards his adversary. The power behind his attack was akin to the talons of an eagle, unwavering and relentless. Behind his body, the resonating dragon roar seemed to echo, adding an aura of strength and authority to his assault. The dozens of almost solidified qi attacks rained down on his opponent, their ferocity overwhelming and fierce.

The power behind Alexis's attack surpassed even that of the Tiger Fist, making it his strongest move yet. The force behind it was so tremendous that it seemed capable of tearing apart everything in its path. The ground bore the impact, showing more than a dozen traces of Qi marks, with the earth splitting apart under the sheer force.

*Boom-! Boom-! Boom-!*

As the fists and palms collided, two formidable forces clashed with such intensity that it triggered an explosion, shaking the surroundings with powerful sound waves reverberating in the air. The impact of their clash created a spectacle of raw power, with the forceful collision sending shockwaves rippling through the area.

With a sharp snap, Alexis was forcefully pushed back, forced to retreat more than ten steps. The surging qi and blood in his body indicated the impact of the collision, leaving him momentarily staggered by the formidable force unleashed by his opponent.

"Impossible! My <Heart Destroying Palm> may not be at its peak, but it's still not something you, a mere Fourth Level of Martial Disciple Realm, can withstand." The middle-aged man's face showed shock and disbelief.

"I see now, you've mastered the <Five Form Fist> to such a profound level, no wonder you could unleash such terrifying power, comparable to those advanced martial techniques," the middle-aged man remarked. His words acknowledged Alexis's formidable strength and recognized his profound mastery of the <Five Form Fist>, attributing the terrifying force to this remarkable skill.

"That's impressive, achieving such a feat at such a young age is truly remarkable. However, you should never have become a lackey of the Black Bandit Company. Today, you must die!," the middle-aged man commented, acknowledging Alexis's skill. However, he expressed disdain for Alexis's association with the Black Bandit Company, deeming it a mistake. He declared his intent to end Alexis's life in their present confrontation.

The moment his words fell, he suddenly took out something silver from his body.


Upon recognizing the silver object, Alexis immediately realized that it was a laser gun. The weapon's capabilities were fearsome, as a single pull of the trigger could release a laser that could pierce through one meter thick rock in an instant. The deadly nature of the laser gun left no doubt that for ordinary people, facing such a weapon would result in certain death.

As the realization of the laser gun's deadly threat dawned on Alexis, a chilling sensation washed over him, from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. The gravity of the situation sank in, and he understood that if the middle-aged man indeed wielded the laser gun, his chances of survival would be virtually nonexistent. The immense power of the weapon left him feeling utterly vulnerable and cornered, with no hope of escape.

After all, how could a person be faster than a laser?!

[Snake Fist - Spirit Serpent's Ghostly Descent!!]

In the blink of an eye, Alexis's nerves were stretched to the limit, facing this life-threatening moment. However, amidst the dire danger, he experienced an extraordinary calmness, as if his soul had entered a state of ethereal tranquility. In this critical juncture, time seemed to slow down, and his mind sharpened, allowing him to focus on every detail with heightened clarity.

As his mind raced, Alexis felt an astonishing surge in mental acuity, processing thoughts tens of times faster than before. His mind was like a fireworks display, sparking with heightened clarity and speed. In this heightened state of sensitivity and strength, he experienced an entirely new level of awareness and perception. The enhanced mental acuity allowed him to analyze every aspect of the situation rapidly, strategizing and adapting in real-time to the dangerous circumstances he faced.


Alexis 's body flickered, transforming into a spirit snake. His movements traced a winding path, incredibly swift like lightning, crossing several meters in an instant, and he approached the middle-aged man.


The middle-aged man's disbelief was evident as he stared at Alexis in astonishment. He couldn't comprehend how this young kid's speed could be so incredibly fast. Alexis was only at the Fourth Level of Martial Disciple Realm, yet he had instantly approached the middle-aged man with a speed that defied perception. The unexpected swiftness of Alexis's movements left the man startled and unable to react in time.

[Snake Fist- Spirit Serpent's Strike]

In a fluid motion, Alexis's right hand transformed into a serpent, moving at an astonishing speed, ferocious and venomous. Its trajectory was natural and unpredictable, resembling a gazelle with its horns, leaving no trace behind. In an instant, the serpent-like hand struck towards the chest of the middle-aged man. The precision and swiftness of Alexis's attack left no room for the man to evade, catching him off guard and putting him in a vulnerable position.


With a thunderous impact, Alexis's right hand acted like a bullet, piercing through the middle-aged man's chest with devastating force. The attack exploded his heart, sending blood and flesh splattering in all directions.


The middle-aged man's eyes widened in disbelief, his breaths ragged as he stared at Alexis. He never expected to be killed by a mere Fourth Level of Martial Disciple Realm, with his heart pierced through. The shock and realization of his imminent demise left him unable to comprehend how such a seemingly unassuming opponent could possess such lethal prowess.


With a soft thud, the middle-aged man's body slowly fell to the ground, raising a cloud of dust.


Alexis activated the energy within his body, channeling the <Pure Yang Immortal Art>. As he did so, a scorching heat spread throughout his body, burning away all fatigue and negative emotions.

Despite the gravity of the situation, it being his first time killing someone, Alexis felt an unusual sense of detachment, as if he were a robot – calm and composed. The influence of the <Pure Yang Immortal Art> seemed to have a profound effect on his emotions, creating a sense of numbness and distance from the reality of the act he had just committed. The technique's ability to purify and strengthen his mind and body appeared to extend to his emotional state, leaving him in a state of serenity amidst the chaos.

The profound influence of the Pure Yang Indestructible Technique had become an intrinsic part of Alexis's being. It had penetrated deep into his bones, becoming a part of him. The technique's power was such that even the slightest hint of negative emotion would immediately be incinerated by the flames within him. This aspect of the technique left no room for negativity or doubt, forging a strong mental and emotional foundation that allowed Alexis to remain composed in the face of challenging situations.

"Although I knew BlackMoon City was an extremely dangerous place, with the underworld ruling and death and killings everywhere, I never expected to encounter a life-and-death battle right after entering," Alexis reflected.

Feeling a sudden rush of relief, Alexis took a deep breath to calm his exhausted body. That life-and-death battle just now had nearly depleted half of his energy. If he had made the slightest mistake, he might have lost his life right there.

Looking at the middle-aged man lying on the ground, Alexis couldn't help but be surprised. The man's chest was covered with over a dozen scars that revealed the bones beneath, and it seemed like countless ribs had been broken, leaving him on the brink of death from severe injuries.

'But even in such a state, he was able to almost kill me. One can only imagine how terrifying he would have been at his peak.'

"Wait, what are these things?" Alexis stepped forward and immediately noticed that there was a black package behind the middle-aged man, bulging as if it contained something.

He took it down and felt that it was quite heavy.

But before Alexis could open and take a look, a sharp scream came from a distance, "Catch up quickly! That guy definitely didn't die! He dared to betray our Black Bandit Company. We must capture him and tear him into pieces! Let the traitor know the methods of our Black Bandit Company!"

"Damn, this is big trouble now."

Alexis immediately realized that he had caused a huge problem. It seemed that this middle-aged man had done something, possibly stealing something, and had angered the Black Bandit Company, leading to countless powerful individuals chasing after him, resulting in his near-death state.

Now that he had killed the middle-aged man and obtained the package from him, if the people from the Black Bandit Company found out, his life would be in serious danger.

"Escape is a must!"

Alexis made a quick decision. Even though he was only an eighteen-year-old teenager, after awakening his memories, he became quite seasoned and decisive in his actions, never hesitating or being indecisive.

He grabbed the package and fled towards the depths of the alley.





*Read first at: thenovelinn.com*(24hrs earlier)

I would appreciate if you guys can support with some PS(Power Stones)


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