
Becoming Pregnant For The Billionaire CEO

Merlin who is comitted to her rich boyfriend, is forced to a bar by her bestfriend Lisa. She wakes up the next morning to find herself naked with a stranger, she is devastated and feels guilty for her act and she storms out of his house. Few weeks later she applies for a job as a personal assistant, only to find out that the Billionaire CEO is her one night stand. What would be her fate?

Nessa_Onyema · Teenager
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9 Chs

My One Night Stand Is My Boss!!

"Fuck!!, No!! " I shouted gazing at the one man who gave me sleepless nights.

"Are you okay madam?" The lady who had accompanied me asked.

"Leave us" The Man said, As the lady walked out of the room.

"Why did you run out on me?" he asked, then he paused for a second glancing at his phone before he blurted out, "But i saved you, you know it was never my intention to…."

"To what?, To get me laid as a reward for saving me" I said interrupting.

"But you kissed me first," He said.

"I was drunk, i don't even know who you are, not even your name". I said, still standing and gazing at the handsome Man furiously.

He didn't even seem bothered as he only sat there glancing at me with a smirk on his face.

"I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me" He blurted out.

"But you shouldn't be holding on to that ". He continued this time with a warm smile.

"please do have a seat dear". He said.

But I hesitated while still standing there.

"If you're interested in working in my company you should learn to obey my command, so have a seat ma'am" he insisted then i obeyed. Despite the fact that i had a one night stand with him and cheated on George in the process, I still wanted to work. I could just pretend nothing happened between us and move on.

" I Got a call from my cousin saying they had a personal assistant for me" He said with a straight face.

"You're here for business now, you need to forget all that has happened, I too had a lot of drinks that night, we both made a mistake which I'm sorry for". He said with a warm smile gazing at me with ocean blue eyes that got me aroused any time my eyes met his, even if i had to pretend to hate him. Deep down, I still felt the heat of what happened between us that night.

"My name is Alex Williams, And you're?" He asked, then he stretched his right hand reaching for mine.

"Merlin ... .Merlin Hutton" I replied, returning the shake.

I was later assigned to resume the next week, even without being interviewed. He wasn't so bad afterall, I was so overwhelmed that i decided to give George a surprise visit while I broke the good news to him.

Later that evening, I drove to George's apartment. I couldn't wait to tell him.

George would be so happy to hear this, I thought to myself.

When I rang the doorbell, and waited a few seconds before Emma, his house maid opened the door and glanced at me with a terrified look.

"Good day ma'am" She greeted.

Emma always seemed so happy to see me. I couldn't figure out why she looked so scared this time, so I headed to George's bedroom and suddenly i started hearing moans softly, and my heart started racing fast. I hurriedly badged into the room and i saw him making out with a lady i had seen him with earlier in his office, But he claimed she was his secretary.

When they heard the door opening, they turned around. George looked terrified.

"How could you?" My heart trembled, I hastily shifted my gaze in disgust, I was astonished by what i saw, I felt so devastated and heartbroken, slowly i started losing my breath. I never thought a day like this would come.

"Merlin i'll Explain" he said when he hurriedly got up grabbing his cloth.

I ran out of the room with tears in my eyes. I loved George so much that i never knew he could cheat on me. How long has this been going on?. I thought to myself.

"Merlin wait, please" He called out but i ran, I had never felt so disgraced.

"Leave me alone, I hate you so much". I yelled as tears rolled down my cheek.

"It's over!!!". I said, then i got into my car and drove off.

I could barely see, tears clouded my vision, my heart felt so heavy that it seemed my whole world had ended.

I was being faithful to a cheating boyfriend, even when i made just one mistake i lived with the guilt until now.

How long had their secret affair been going on? I thought to myself. Suddenly i saw a truck coming toward my lane in an uncontrollable speed,

I tried to turn my steering to the other direction to avoid hitting the truck but all my efforts proved futile. I had lost control already, And then i collided with the truck…..

I started breathing slowly, My fingers twitched, Then i could feel my toes. Slowly i could smell the antiseptics Creeping into my nose.

"She's awake!! She's awake". I heard multiple voices as i gently started to open my eyes. The room seemed blurry for a few seconds until i could slowly see Lisa, Then George!, And two nurses on white scrubs.

"Lisa!! "I called out when i was about to get up, But i felt severe pains all over my body.

"No, no, relax, I'm here with you Merlin". Lisa said as a nurse walked towards me.

"How long have i been here". I asked the nurse.

"It's been three days now Ms Merlin". She said with a warm smile.

"Merlin i'm so sorry, this is all my fault" Alex said interrupting the nurse

"Please get away from me" I yelled.

"No Merlin, Please Let me explain please,Listen to me" He pleaded.

"I don't need your Explanation, i can't bear seeing you here George" i said, but i could barely speak..

"After all i've done for you Merlin, This is how you pay me, you know you can't afford to pay your bills yourself, how are you going to do anything without me? " he said insolently before he stormed out of the room.

Two days later i felt much better physically, But yet my heart was shattered. The doctor discharged me after running various check ups.

I got home, but i couldn't get over the incident. I needed to go somewhere far, Lisa was out for work, I needed someone to hold on to, I needed somewhere to cool down so i decided to head to the club i and Lisa had gone to, I needed some shots.

I drove to the club, Got to the bar and ordered some shots.

"What are you doing here?" I heard and i turned to look at Mr Alex.

"Oh I'm sorry i just needed somewhere to cool off.

"You like being in the club don't you?" he asked with a smirk on his cheek.

" No I barely come here" I said and we both laughed.

"You look gorgeous". He said in a thrilling tone, then he came closer, I couldn't look away. He stared down at my lips and he lifted a finger and ran it across my lips.

He whispered something but i was too distracted by the pleasure i felt from his hands on me.

"This time, you're not drunk Merlin…"he whispered softly.

I didn't want to pull out of his touch, I smelt his cologne as he came closer to me.

I brought my hand to touch his chest, I could feel his muscles underneath his plain white shirt.

"I want you Merlin". He whispered.