
The city of Braavos

This was the first time that Thornir had seen a city that spanned over almost a hundred islands in his lifetime, and he must say that it looked quite good for a medieval city.

And if it was a modern city, he was sure that it would look marvelous.

But forgetting about that, after Thornir had docked the boat at one of the docking places he had exited the boat followed by the rest and started walking into the city.

As they walked they had attracted some attention to them mainly because of what they were wearing, which was not something regular travelers would wear in Braavos.

"Welp everybody we are here so what we do first to make some money or something" Said Thornir

"Nobody is going to give us a job while we are wearing something like this, so first thing first is to get some new clothes from somewhere" Said Val

"Indeed, the clothes that all these other people are wearing looks more comfortable to me" Said Stygard

"And they look better than ours" Said Thorell

"But how will we get some new clothes, we don't have any money" Said Val

"Everybody calm down don't worry, first let's ask some people where the best Brothel in Braavos is located then from there we can try and find a job as a sellsword to make some money" Said Thornir

After he said that, Thornir had walked up to a man who was carrying some fish on his back and asked him "Excuse me sir, do you know where the best Brothel in Braavos is located"

The man stopped walking and looked at Thornir "Well the best Inn's, alehouses and Harbors lie near Purple Harbor located in that direction" Said the man pointing to where the Purple Harbor was located.

"Or there is also the Moon pool, which contains some of the best Inn's Alehouses, and Brothels located in that direction"

"But I am current;y heading towards the Purple Harbor to sell my fish that I caught for the day to one of the Inn owners, so you could follow me if you want"

"Thank you sir we would be delighted to follow you by the way my name is Thornir and these are my companions whose names are Thorell, Stygard, Aranir, Val, and Dalla" Said Thornir introducing everybody

The man shook Thornir's hand "Nice to meet you and your companions my name is Vararo Fylliris, but I'm running a bit late so if you will follow me" Said Vararo as he led them to the Purple Harbor

While walking with Vararo to the Purple Harbor, Thornir had talked with him about his life in Braavos and about his past.

Thornir was also looking at the events that were happening around Braavos as they walked throughout the city. Some people were performing songs and there were bards telling stories. There were even a few fights that broke out between people but nothing too serious.

After about half an hour of walking through the city, they had arrived in front of a building which was an Inn.

"Alright, here we are, but before we go in beware that some people are not as respectful of others, so they might say something's and sometimes even do something that might offend you so just keep that in mind" Said Vararo

Thornir nodded and looked back at the others to make sure that they understood. After that, they walked into the Inn and was greeted with the sound of drunk men arguing and people have conversations while drinking

Vararo had walked directly towards the innkeeper with his bag of fish, while Thornir and the rest followed him.

The innkeeper looked at Vararo and smiled as he approached "Vararo I knew you would arrive in time now bring that fish, so I can cook it we have almost 10 people waiting on it"

"Yeah sorry about that Malys I had to avoid some pirates who were looking to loot my boat, luckily I was able to evade them and make it back safely but this time I wasn't able to get that many fish" Said Vararo

"I see, so the pirate attacks from Lys is getting worse huh, Well, the magisters had said they would deal with the situation, but they haven't done anything yet, and I can't find any Sell swords who would want to deal with pirates" said Malys

Hearing this, Thornir had decided to speak up "Actually we can deal with those pirates for you"

"And who are you" Asked the Innkeeper Malys

"Oh these are some people who were looking for the best Inns, and Brothels in Braavos, and I was going to show them the way there, but first I had to stop here" Said Vararo

"I see, and you say that you can deal with these pirates but for how much are you looking to get paid" Asked the Innkeeper

"How about we also get some more fish for you, and you can pay us 20 coins of Braavos"

The innkeeper raised his eyebrow"Assuming that you do gather a lot of fish, how are you going to deal with the Pirates who are well-equipped and have greater numbers than you"

"We can handle ourselves believe me, so what will it be" Said Thornir

"Hmm well I don't think you will be able to beat the pirates but by chance that you do defeat those pirates and bring back more fish that Vararo than I will give you 25 coins of Braavos" Said the Innkeeper Malys not believing that they could actually do it

"Don't worry, we will return, and we will have what we promised for" said Thornir as they walked out of the Inn and headed towards where their boat was at

"So what if they return with more fish, and they defeat the pirates" Said Vararo

"Then I will force them to give it up and not pay them anything why did you really think I was going to pay them 25 coins of Braavos that is crazy" Said the Innkeeper

"Anyways here is your payment for the fish but next time make sure that you bring back more and don't be scared of some pirates because I know what you did in your past, so a couple of pirates shouldn't be a problem" Said Malys

"Yeah, Yeah, ill try harder next time" Said Vararo as he left the Inn

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