
God Statue

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

So this was how the situation had turned out…

Upon hearing Little Leopard Cat's explanation, Zhou Kai understood and felt somewhat regretful.

He hadn't been calm enough earlier and had made his move too early. If the Fox Spirit Lady had continued to attack him, his Exorcism power might have improved.

It was difficult to find such a small boss!

After looking at the clothes on the ground, Zhou Kai discovered a few things: a wallet, an access card, and a key.

There were over 2,000 red notes, a bank card, an identification card, and other items in the wallet.

Zhou Kai took out the identification card to have a look.

Her name was Chen Xiuru. She had not been a local but a resident of a neighboring city 100 kilometers away.

She had been 75 years old.

The access card was for the villa area, but the key didn't show which house it belonged to. The car keys were actually the keys of a BMW.

Tsk tsk… An old granny who drives a BMW. Even a young man couldn't do that.

After mocking her in his mind, Zhou Kai hid the clothes somewhere low after some contemplation. Then, he called Little Leopard Cat and made a beeline for the villa area.

She could run but she couldn't hide.

Since the Fox Spirit Lady had lurked there, she would have left something behind. If there were a few malicious spirits, he might be able to activate some special abilities.

Zhou Kai definitely wouldn't let such a good thing go.

Soon, they arrived at the villa area's gate.

The villa area wasn't small. Dozens of villas were spread out on the Red River, and the inner part had been planted with trees and contained flowing water, thus justifying being a forest villa in name. These factors had caused this place to get sold before an opening price had even been stated.

The Fox Spirit Lady had gotten a villa here through unknown methods.

Although he didn't know which villa it was, this posed no difficulty to Zhou Kai.

After using the access card to go in, he kept pressing the car key. Finally, a BMW parked by a villa responded to it.

He pressed the card a few more times to confirm that this was the right car before he went in.

"Don't move first." Little Leopard Cat pulled Zhou Kai to a stop suddenly.

"Why not?" Zhou Kai looked at her in doubt.

Little Leopard Cat said with a grave expression, "There are anomalies in this house. It seems very dangerous."

Zhou Kai laughed.

Anomalies? He was not scared of them.

If you had said that many burly men are hiding inside, I would have fled even though they're unarmed.

But an anomaly? I couldn't be happier about that.

"It's fine. I'll walk in front. If you sense anything wrong, don't barge in. Just wait for me outside." Then, Zhou Kai approached the villa's gate.

As he stood there, he finally sensed what was wrong with the villa.

An evil aura was spreading inside it, and it vaguely seemed that something was watching him.

Nonetheless, Zhou Kai didn't find it inappropriate. He was just like an ordinary person looking at it and feeling nothing.

He then looked at Little Leopard Cat.

Little Leopard Cat looked as if she was in awe of him. She didn't dare to approach the gate. She only looked at Zhou Kai, her gaze penetrating him with amazement.

Zhou Kai, who didn't care anymore, took the key to open the door before entering the place.

When he entered, the floating evil aura encircled him just like a tide that kept assailing him. Zhou Kai even heard a whimpering sound like a howling wind that resembled the sound of a spirit.

Just as he was wondering where the sound was coming from, a hand suddenly appeared behind Zhou Kai's back and landed on his shoulder before slowly moving toward his neck.

Shocked, Zhou Kai grabbed the arm and performed a shoulder throw.

The hand he had grabbed slowly floated without any weight.

After throwing it over, he actually saw a woman.

This woman was wearing skimpy clothes that revealed her snow-like skin. She had delicate, beautiful facial features, nice curves, and beautiful jet-black hair.

The woman, who seemed shocked by his move, exclaimed in surprise. She then looked at Zhou Kai with hidden bitterness and said flirtatiously with red lips, "Your Highness, you're hurting me."

Her words seemed to carry a kind of demonic power that covered Zhou Kai, causing him to lose his mind for a moment. He could vaguely sense that he was a king and a supreme lord who dominated countless kilometers of mountains and rivers and could determine the fate of many people with his words.

The beautiful woman before his eyes was the beautiful consort that he doted on the most.

Just as he was about to embrace this woman subconsciously, he heard a sound.

Ding-Dong: An evil spirit attacked you. Will +1.

Ding-Dong: An evil spirit attacked you. Will +2.

As the sound continued to linger, Zhou Kai's inexplicable memory dissipated quickly. His thoughts seemed to have coalesced, making him feel like there were eyes all over his body. Everything from all directions was within his visual range.

At the same time, the beautiful woman with the shy expression before him seemed to have become a monster composed of many bodies. She had a male and female head with many crisscrossing stitches on her body, which was clearly ugly and disgusting.

F*ck! What is this?

Frightened, Zhou Kai kicked it.

He sent the monster flying before it landed on the wall and vanished without a trace.

After coming back to his senses, Zhou Kai realized that this was probably one of the anomalies that Little Leopard Cat feared. She actually turned into a beautiful lady to deceive me! Without the help of the Ding-Dong sound, would you play with me with your hands so that you can take over my virgin body?

How shameless! I have to kill you today.

Just as Zhou Kai was about to chase after it, he suddenly stopped. He couldn't take a step forward with his legs.

When he lowered his head to have a look, pairs of hands appeared from the ground and grabbed both his legs, pulling him tight.

Even though he wanted to break free, a shadow appeared suddenly from above.

When he looked up, he saw countless black hair hanging from the ceiling as they continued to grow, wrapping around Zhou Kai's body and enveloping him.

Ding-Dong: An evil spirit attacked you. Exorcism +2.

As he heard this sound, Zhou Kai felt his Exorcism power, which had been consumed so he could fight against the Fox Spirit Lady, instantly recover and even rise greatly.

In an instant, the eruption of the soaring power of exorcism wrapped around Zhou Kai's black hair. The hands on the ground seemed to grab a soldering iron and white smoke burst out suddenly. Then, they wanted to break free and took off.

Since Zhou Kai couldn't allow these things to run away, he turned his hand over and grabbed the hair, producing Exorcism power constantly. That black hair twisted its body just like a snake, and the white smoke gradually became thicker. The black-hair caught fire with a boom and burned away.


Then, he heard a mournful scream that seemed to contain immense pain.

Zhou Kai's intent increased to the degree of his mind. When he heard that sound, he found where it was coming from and immediately rushed over. He opened a door and saw the strangely-arranged, double-headed, four-armed god statue with the fierce expression inside.

However, the head of this god statue had caught fire and was constantly moving downward. The pained, mournful scream was coming from the inside of the god statue.

"I curse you, I curse you."

While Zhou Kai was sizing it up, the area between the god statue's eyebrows emitted a strange red light that landed on his body. Then, it seemed as if a few men and women were talking, radiating extreme resentment and malice.

Ding-Dong: You've suffered an evil spirit's curse. Curse Resistance +1.

Ding-Dong: You've suffered an evil spirit's curse. Curse Resistance +1.

Ding-Dong: You've suffered an evil spirit's curse. Curse Resistance +1.

As the sound was ringing continuously, Zhou Kai was beaming with joy. He had acquired another ability, which was a big gain for him.

However, the sound only rang three times.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Kai looked at the god statue in disappointment and asked expectantly, "Excuse me, can you curse me once more?"

The god statue was left speechless.