
becoming Dipper in Gravity falls isn’t So bad ,is it??(rewriting)

Synopsis: A human from Earth died after participating in a suspicious online survey. What will he do in the world of "Gravity Falls" as Dipper Pines with only Dr. Vegapunk's intelligence and scientific knowledge as weapons? author's note: gravity falls is not mine and this story is just for fun and the same goes for the cover image of this fanfic

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Chapter 12: I'm Sorry Mabel and Private Discussions with Pacifica

POV of Dipper

"Because of your stupid game, Mabel could have lost her life," she said in a clearly annoyed tone as she ripped her hand from my grip.

I could see the anger in her eyes, I could understand the reasons behind her current behavior towards me.

And to be frank, I deserve this slap a bit, but there's no way a 12 or 13-year-old girl is going to slap me in the face.

"You're right, Pacifica," I said in a slightly frustrated tone. I don't think the monster was going to attack Mabel or prioritize her over me.

"I'm sorry, Mabel, because of me you were injured by that thing," I said, looking at the monster still trapped in my hand.

"Dipper, it's not entirely your fault," Mabel declared, still on the ground, in a slightly apologetic tone.

It seems she feels guilty for getting injured despite the warnings.

"I didn't listen to your advice and I charged headfirst towards the fake you despite you even warning me before you left," she said in a dejected tone.

"Yes, that's true, but I'm the older one and I have to protect you, don't I?" I replied before patting her head to reassure and console her.

"Pacifica," I said, turning to her.

The sudden mention of her name seems to have surprised her a bit.

"Thank you for reminding me to order," I declared in a gentle tone to defuse the situation between us.

I don't know if it was my words or my current facial expression, but Pacifica averted her gaze, though she did steal a few furtive glances at me.

"Okay, I accept your apologies for your immaturity, but don't do it again," she said in a clearly embarrassed tone of voice.

"Apart from this incident, I have to admit it was nice hanging out with you two," she said before having a surprised expression.

"Please forget I said that," she said before leaving quickly towards where Gifany was.

"Hahaha," Mabel laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" I said, a little confused by Mabel's reaction.

"Dipper, you're really blind," she said before trying to get up, only to fail.

"Wait, let me help you," I said, taking her in my arms like a princess.

I'd like to carry her on my back, but there's already my backpack containing my jetpack and currently also the bunker monster enclosed in a box now.

[Dipper, what happened and why are you carrying Mabel and not me?] Gifany complained like a spoiled child, pointing at Mabel in my arms.

"Gifany, this isn't the time," I said, gesturing for her to return to my U-Watch.

"Are you sure you can carry her all the way home?" Pacifica asked, glancing at Mabel and me on the way back.

"No problem," I said confidently, but the reality was much less glorious, as my arms were screaming in pain.

I really need to create an exoskeleton as soon as possible or train physically, as my physical condition is becoming really worrying.

"Don't worry, Pacifica, Dipper may not look it, but he's as strong as an ox or a superhero," Mabel declared to Pacifica, in a self-assured tone.

"I've seen that," she said with a small smile before resuming a more serious expression.

"It's getting late, could I stay with you today?" she proposed.

"Oh, Dipper, say yes, say yes!" Mabel begged.

She was even starting to squirm in my arms, I ask me wondering if she was really injured.

"That would be so great, a pajama party!" she said excitedly.

I who thought she could be possibly traumatized by the experience she just went through, I just see that I have once again underestimated Mabel.

After all, she has faced dimensional demons and other supernatural creatures without being mentally defeated in a definitive way.

[Yes, it would be fun to have more people at home, wouldn't it, Dipper?] Gifany declared, sharing the same opinion as Mabel.

"Okay, okay, Pacifica can stay tonight and come sleep over at our place often," I accepted.

I know Pacifica has been sent by her parents to be near me for a certain purpose, but I also know she's not a bad person, so I don't mind her being Mabel's friend or possibly mine as well.

[Dipper, about the game then? Is there still a prize for the winner?] Gifany asked.

Her question interested everyone, particularly Mabel in my arms.

"Because of the accident Mabel experienced, I declare this game canceled," I said, observing their disappointed expressions.

"But know that I have a little gift prepared for each of you."

I could only do that to properly apologize for this bad experience.

Words are not enough for an offended or injured person to completely move on, and I am a person who believes more in actions than words.

"If your gift is of the same quality as my U-Watch, I'm really looking forward to it," Mabel declared cheerfully in my arms.

"Although the designs of this thing seem to resemble a toy, I'd like to have something similar. Of course, I'm not asking for anything, I'm just giving my opinion," Pacifica declared with a "tsundere" attitude.

We continued to have a pleasant discussion throughout the journey. No one could have guessed that we had faced a monster just a few minutes ago.




"Mr. Dipper, good heavens! But what happened?"

Those were Adrien's words as he looked at our clothes soiled by the dirt of the forest, but also at Mabel's injury.

I explained to him that we had unfortunately encountered some wild animals and that Mabel had been injured in a fall.

"It is truly regrettable that Miss Pacifica and you, Mr. Dipper, can experience such terrible experiences in our forests," he said, taking Mabel from my arms.

Although she seems reluctant to let go of me, Mabel understood that she had to go get treated by Adrien.

"Well, I need to deposit these in a safe place," I said, looking at the small box containing the bunker monster and the briefcase containing Old Man McGucket's computer, which is currently shrunk to toy size.

"You can wait for me a few minutes, Pacifica," I said, walking away.

"Yes, no problem," she replied simply, in a tone that seems slightly disappointed.

[I don't think leaving a guest alone is polite, especially a young lady], Gifany declared in a clearly disapproving tone.

After reflecting on Gifany's words, I stopped my walk towards my laboratory.

"Pacifica, how about seeing my current laboratory? Don't worry, there are no monsters, haha," I said, laughing slightly, embarrassed by my own attempt to defuse the weird atmosphere that had settled since Mabel's departure.

She seemed a bit surprised by my sudden request, but she nodded with a slight smile.

It seems Gifany was right.

Anyway, there is still nothing really secret in my laboratory, so there is no real risk.

Once in the basement, Pacifica seemed intrigued by the place. As for me, I just headed towards a safe to deposit the briefcase and the monster.

"I see my workplace interests you," I said, patting her on the shoulder, an act that made her jump slightly.

She seemed completely immersed in exploring the place.

"Is this where you made your U-Watch?" she asked curiously.

"Exactly, but for now, I'm too exhausted to make anything today," I replied, gesturing for us to leave the place.

"Tell me, Pacifica, you are extremely different from when we first met, aren't you?" I said, walking towards the guest living room.

"I'd say the same about you, Dipper," she replied in a serious tone.

She really deserves to be the heir of a wealthy family, she has gone from a friendly little girl to a diplomat in just a few seconds.

"Yes, I guess we're similar," I said, smiling a little.

"I'm not a psychopath who blackmails for money or influence," she said, frowning.

"I wouldn't qualify myself as a psychopath, since the two of us are quite similar," I replied.

"I wear a mask to intimidate my possible future enemies and protect the innocence of my loved ones about me, but you wear a mask to protect yourself from your reality," I said nonchalantly, as if I hadn't just dropped a bomb.

"You talk as if you know me," she replied in a frustrated tone.

She knew I was telling the truth, that's why she didn't deny anything.

"Yes, I don't really know you, but we're similar," I said before blocking her path.

"We are hypocrites, Pacifica, but we don't do it for pleasure, we've become that way because of our loved ones and circumstances," I said, looking her in the eye.

I didn't continue this conversation after my little speech, even though Pacifica tried to relaunch the topic, but for me this discussion is no longer relevant.


Author's Note: Yes, this chapter has no major events, but it is necessary to clarify things between Dipper and Pacifica.