
Becoming a Russian Oligarch After Rebirth

Reborn at the turn of the century, residing in Moscow, freshly off the plane, preparing to study abroad... Wang Ye only ever wanted a quiet life of modest wealth, to live his days in peaceful bliss. Yet, pushed along by the hand of fate, he found himself helplessly walking down the path towards becoming an oligarch!

Azure Bay · Urban
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674 Chs

Chapter 104 Buying Expensive Things is Always Right_1

Translator: 549690339

In the supermarket, Angelina was about to push the shopping cart towards the food and beverage area when Wang Ye stopped her.

He nodded his chin towards a direction, hinting, "Let's go that way first. You mentioned that your father likes to drink, didn't you?"

Indeed, in Russia, it's rare to find a man who doesn't like to drink...

Angelina nodded, "Yes, he has a bit of it every night."

"Then let's buy him some alcohol," Wang Ye suggested.

Angelina was somewhat surprised. Before she could ask why Wang Ye wanted to buy alcohol for her father, he pre-emptively explained, "In our country, it's customary for a guy to bring gifts to the girl's family when he visits her home for the first time. It's a matter of etiquette."

He wasn't bluffing. In China, if you dare to visit your girlfriend's home without bringing a gift, you'd be in for a rough time...

Let's not even start with being branded as "this clueless child".