
Becoming A Global Superstar With System

I was an Assistant Director working in commercial movies of Bollywood i worked for various Directors and famous Actors but didn't got my break in movie and while working on an project due to some mishappening i died ........ when i open my eyes i saw an unfamiliar ceiling and my body was in full of pain and when i looked my surrounding i saw myself in a hospital and i got to know that i am in an parallel world ..... witness the story of MC how he rise and become Global Superstar... . . . This is my First full fledge novel i hope you enjoy the novel and you can give some suggestions and healthy criticism are accepted with open arms and please support my novel ......

Vishwajeet_Bhutada · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 3:- Got System

When I died I saw myself in a place where all my surrounding was black I felt like I was in black hole so I was curiously looking in my surrounding at that time I heard someone calling my name I tried to look from where the sound came with a sense of curiosity and fear .

I saw bright light coming towards me it was so bright and magnificient that my instincts were saying to bow infront of the figure which was to come and due to bright light my eyes got closed then again I heard my name which was spoke in very melodious way that it can even hypnotise a person.

When I tried to open my eyes I saw an lady which was outerworld beauty which was at approx 6 feet she said " You are early than expected my dear Aditya. " I was looking at her in confusing expression . Seeing my expression she said " It was not the time for you to day . It was a mistake of Sister Faith that you died early ."

Hearing that i don't know how to react , it took me full 1 minute to understand what the fairy like lady was saying and then I was feeling very angry I said to her "What do you mean by mistake ??? Aren't you a god how can you do mistake." seeing my reaction she sighed .

She said," I know you are angry but it was a mistake and we can't do anything as now your body also got burnt down due to accident ." listening to this shit she said I feelt like my blood was boiling and when i saw her she was making a pitiful face and slowly my anger was diminished significantly and then i said to her "But i had dreams which now can't be fulfillied due to your stupid mistake. " I told her sarcastically and sighed.

Then she said "As we had done mistake and you died from saving a person i will send you to parallel world where you can again try to work hard and as an apology I will give you a boost which is a entertainment system ." hearing that i was overjoyed but suddenly my expression changed seeing my expression changing from happy to warry she asked "What happened ??? are you not happy "

I said to her i have read many books where gods give a person a system and try to control them manipulate them and make them your puppet . I don't want to became your puppet hearing that she sighed and said "Listen Aditya we will not do such things believe me I will swear on world tree that the system will never try to harm you and he will only report to you and only help you to live your life to the fullest ."

Hearing that i said her okay and hearing my response she said i will now send you to new world but hear me you will get transmigrated in new world .