
2 | Guildheart

The bustle of the nomad's outpost was greater than LUCAS expected. He expected a small traveling caravan that hosted no more than a hundred people, a hundred-fifty at max. There must have been at least a thousand people here, and the movement of such a large company started to overheat LUCAS's processor at the mere calculation of all the coordination needed.

"This place is kind to you if you're kind to it," Gavin explained as they entered from the western edge. A large stone archway marked their entrance—a formation that was chosen by the nomads due to how perfect it looked to mark a setting. It turned out that LUCAS wasn't the only one who worried about moving such large swathes of people—as Gavin had told him that they hadn't left this spot since finding it a year ago.

"Would it not make it easier for them to find you all? The Kosunagas?"

"That's the thing," Gavin explained, guiding Luke by the back. "No matter where we've been they've found the caravan. And as you can expect, this place has way too many people to move long distances in any reasonable period of time, so I guess it's not too hard to always keep an eye on us."

"I see, so it's more trouble keeping on the move."

"At first it made sense, when this place was much smaller—say fifteen years ago. There were bandits that were 'round these parts that gave us trouble. If we stayed around then we were raided like crazy. But since then, it's not been the same."

"You've been with these guys since the start?"

Gavin reached his hand back over his head and cradled his neck in it. "I've been in the area since. But I don't stay here full time. I frequently travel in search of the pieces of ICARUS that have spread, but when my travels come to an end here is where I return." He held his hands out in a show of the caravan. "Of course, when rumor travels of the Children of the Night of course I'm off to check it out as well—odds are if I can find them I can bet I can locate any of the pieces."

"Have you managed to find any?" LUCAS asked.

His smile evaporated. "No, not yet. Like you said, they are mighty powerful objects, but lots of powerful objects exist in the world. Rumors tend to travel, spread, mix. I don't have the means of investigating everything that comes across my ears. I've sure found a lot of dead ends, though. Which is why I am heavily interested in what you said out there in the wild."

LUCAS looked up to him, she saw a glint in his eyes, the colors seemed dull before against the face that looked like it had seen its fair share of hard work, but now they almost glowed as brightly as his own.

"Don't elucidate here," he said, "I fear too many prying ears around. There's a few people I want you to meet before we discuss things further," Gavin said.

LUCAS nodded and stared up at the people around them. He saw hordes of men and women that were all dressed up in what he would consider cowboy gear—shawls and large hats to shield from the sun while the children around seemed to stay separate, playing their games off in the roads where no adults could ruin their fun. The concept seemed so...normal that it almost echoed Abel's memories of his past with Cain. He had a particular memory of the two drawing chalk monsters on their family's driveway come just behind his eyes. Silently, he held his hand up to his chest in solemn regard.

Gavin led him to a large multicolored tent strung up by thick cables on all sides. Outside was a sign that read something about a guild—he only got but a moment to glance at it before he was guided inside.

As he stepped in the first thing he saw was the large wooden central column that pitched the tent up in the center. Carved into it were a bunch of tiny ornate markings that looked like some sort of language he couldn't understand. This confused him, as realistically he had all generally known languages coded into his database. The confusion these markings hung heavy in his mind. Past the column were three figures lounging on a stretched out bench. The first, a gruff looking man with stringy gray hair and a prosthetic hand was the first to notice them both.

"There's news, Bambo," he called to the two next to him. LUCAS saw them as a lanky looking man who looked to be in his mid-twenties and a woman who looked to be a little older. The man's head seemed a bit too small to fit his body, it gave him a sort of rat-like impression. Meanwhile, the woman looked tough, she could probably split the lanky rat-man in half if she wanted to. She had long dyed hair that was a dark emerald in color.

"Bam, Laven, Roshe, I think we have a way into the Kosunaga plant," Gavin said. "Luke here is going to be officially inundated into the guild."

Roshe, the gruff looking man raised an eyebrow. "Just a kid though, ain't he? What's he got..." He trailed off as he sat up and took a closer look. "Oh, I see," he nodded his head. "Nav-bot, okay."

It was LUCAS's turn to be confused. "More than that, and at least try to not be so...you during the first meeting," Gavin groaned. "He's got a map of the place in his head."

This interested the three of them immediately.

"Wait, really?" The lanky man, Bambo, asked.

"That is interesting," the woman, Laven, said, cracking her knuckles.

"I do?" LUCAS asked. "I...I mean, maybe?"

"Does he or not?" Laven asked.

"I mean," LUCAS began, "I...think so? If the plans to the building aren't behind crazy levels of protection then I guess?"

"Even if they were we can ask Blaise to help out," Gavin shrugged, then he seemed to realize LUCAS's confusion. "Oh, right, sorry. Introductions go both ways. This here's Roshe, general hardass and the very definition of wild west ranger. Generally he takes front line in missions we undergo." He pointed toward the man.

At this LUCAS still looked confused. "Missions...this is some sort of guild right?"

"Speak plainly to the boy," Roshe said. "Seems he needs to be told in the plain word."

"Yes, sorry," Gavin laughed. "This group here manages protection over this district of the caravan. There's more than one guild that's sprung up. Anything that's needed from the outside is typically handled by these guys, and when I'm in town I help out whenever I can."

"So you handle front lines," LUCAS said, looking over toward Roshe.

"Anything anybody needs shot, gathered, collected. I'm the one they look to do so."

"Well put, pardner," Gavin said, causing an irritated look on Roshe's face. "Over here is Bambo. Seems awkward, but he's our supplies manager. Anything Roshe brings back gets sorted, organized, and dispersed to this sector of the outpost. He's the numbers guy. Although if I were here longer than I normally am I'm totally sure I could out-manage him."

"You and what backing," Bambo chuckled out a laugh. "Anyways, good to meet you, kid. Stay neat and we'll get along just fine."

"I'm not really a kid," LUCAS said.

"Maybe not, but you look like one. So I'm just gonna go with what's easy."

"Bambo always takes what's easiest," Roshe said. "Conflict an' him go together like water and oil."

"Just like social interaction and you," Gavin pointed out. Roshe grumbled something under his breath, and Gavin continued. "Laven here's defense. She's tasked with keeping the district safe from the outside—considering we're on the western edge of the outpost it's likely that forces coming that way would reach us first, so she's essential in fortification and she also lends the rearguard during missions."

"Not to mention the company morale, the scheduling outside of supplies, the support for general plans, need I go on?"

"Yeah, yeah. She claims all the extra activities and then complains whenever it gets to be too much," Roshe waves her off.

Laven calmly shows him her favorite finger and LUCAS returned his gaze to Gavin.

"I scout for the guild. When I'm away on my own adventures I take note of particular supply deposits, possible threats to camp, so on and so forth. I also contribute to general planning and as I hinted at earlier, I also help coordinate supply management. Dot I's and cross T's if you know what I mean."

"He means cleans up Bambo's mistakes."

"I'll have you know my mistakes are only on account of shoddy organization from everyone else."

"And then there's Blaise," Gavin said. "He's often out on his own too. He manages tech, weapons, outfitting. That kind of deal. He's a bit...enigmatic. Well, I guess everyone has an air of that about them, but you'll see what I mean when you meet him."

All in all, it had been a lot to take in. Gavin had done a lot of assuming on his account that he'd be okay with...all of this, but upon thinking on it, having more people involved helped his feeling lost and confused. LUCAS nodded and took in a deep breath. "I'm LUCAS, although he here called me Luke. Since it hasn't been fully acknowledged, I'm an android. I'm still kinda new at...well, being separate from my mainframe. That's at the bottom of the sea now, but I have a great number of things in my database I can access. It takes me a little to access information that is further from my general knowledge, but I can see if I can't help free the people that have been taken to work at the weapon's plant."

Gavin offered a smirk that LUCAS felt was double-meant. He assumed that these people weren't aware of the full nature of ICARUS and its missing pieces. He wondered what he would have said if he had brought it up, and suddenly, he didn't have to worry for long. Inside his mind he saw a simulation of events play out. He saw himself mention the large power source inside the weapons development building and the noticeable shine that rose in Roshe's eye. He paused the scene and saw the slightest shred of concern on Gavin's face, and ran with one theory: If LUCAS had mentioned the fragment of ICARUS, Roshe would be more motivated in their plan to not just free the workers, but also obtain that power for himself. That look did not inspire confidence that this would be a favorable outcome. In that look he saw that if Roshe were to know of a power like that it would not take much for him to turn from ally to enemy. LUCAS let the simulation play forward and he saw that it resulted in a lot of backstabbing, power struggles, and entirely avoidable conflict. He came back to himself and was staring back at the scene in front of him.

"That sounds mighty fine," Roshe said, startling LUCAS. "Any help is fine help, especially if you do have a map in that head of yours."

"Where's Blaise now?" Gavin asked.

"Went off to bug that lady friend he's been so keen on for some more deals on the junk he collects. You know how he is."

Laven rolled her eyes, and under her breath, "Don't know why he bothers so much..."

"All right, we'll wait for him to get back before we go further on in plans, then. Don't want to preshoot our shot." Gavin began. "Hey, Luke, mind coming in here? I have other things I'd like to discuss," Gavin said, cocking his head and walking toward a room in the back of the tent.

"Yeah, sure," LUCAS said.

"Why must you run away?" Laven asked, a certain...odd curiosity laced in her voice.

"Personal matters," Gavin said. "Ring us when Blaise makes it back."

"Aye," Roshe said, then he closed his eyes once more. Bambo jumped up, "Probably about time for me to ready dinner preparations. Going to need to account for a new face to fee—" he stopped when he remembered, "Oh, you don't eat, don't you?"

LUCAS shook his head. "Nope, no need to worry."

"Ah, well that takes a load off my chest. Although, there is still the matter of private quarters and...oh god other accordiations. I'll be back," he ran off in a huff.

LUCAS looked back at him in a confused daze.

"He's really a worrywart at heart," Laven said, shrugging her shoulders. "Tends to make up words when he gets excitable."

LUCAS knew the meaning of the man's words, but his confusion was not on the words used, but the emotions he could read from Bambo's senses before he left. He so quickly accepted everything as it was and considered LUCAS one of the team. He wasn't sure if he was flattered or concerned, probably a mix of both if he was being truly honest with himself.

He then looked toward Laven. He could get a read on the both of them, but her readings confused him the most. She seemed reserved moreso than the others. He couldn't get a solid read, even monitoring her vitals and surface level presentations. He would have to keep a close eye on her.

LUCAS followed Gavin into the separate room, it was a lot darker than the more open lobby.

Gavin waved his arm across a candle and it lit, instantly. LUCAS looked at him confused and Gavin made a look that LUCAS took to mean "I'll tell you in a second."

Gavin sat down on a seat that looked like it would envelop him whole.

"Go ahead, take a seat, I think we have some important things to talk about," Gavin nodded toward him. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions. I'm sorry about throwing you into the thick like that."

"It's okay," LUCAS said. "It was a little overwhelming, but honestly I think it was worse dealing with the hot sun. Social dealings aren't a large concern for me."

"That's good to hear. Unfortunately the sun is a pervading issue out here in the desert, but maybe Blaise can help your cooling systems." He cracked his neck and casts a flame in his hand, lightening the room even further. "This caught your eye."

LUCAS nodded slowly. "By my records, humans shouldn't be able to do that. My only theory is that it's because you came from another world."

"You would be correct. Humans normally cannot do this. There have been some people that, through one method or another, have been able to perform miracles."

"What else can you do?" LUCAS asked.

"I think it would be easier to ask what I can't do," Gavin chuckled. "Manipulation of the elements. It's hard to quantify, but if it's got a flow to it, I can..." he moves his fingers in a certain pattern and the fire spirals in his hand, "bend it to my will."

"And you only scout," LUCAS said, prodding at the point.

Gavin grinned and squeezed his palm tight, extinguishing the flame. "I didn't thank you properly for playing along. Very keen of you."

"I ran a simulation inside my head to what would have happened if I didn't."

"That's magnificent. I assume you saw a certain lust for power in our old friend Roshe?"

"The very same, I'm relieved I'm not the only one to point it out."

Gavin exhaled.

"He's a very powerful ally if you are stronger...or if he believes you are stronger than him. Else, he has within him the temperament to seek greater horizons. It comes with the territory, I am afraid. So I've done my best to weave through the situation as painlessly as possible. If it comes to the point where he needs to be taken care of, I have plans in store to take care...but I sincerely hope it does not have to come to that."

LUCAS nodded, "I see..."

"Now, this power that you sense, how detailed is your feeling?" He swapped topics like a change of clothes. "Apologies for my questions, but you have to see it from my point of view—to me you are like a fresh breath of air after a murky season of mudfall."

"It's fine," LUCAS answered, a little more timid than normal. "It's...strange. I know it's a bit unkempt of me to say, but I don't have a ton of experience with my own systems. My sentience is a more recent thing. So I can't exactly comment on what should be normal...but what feels normal when I sense these...powers feels...more. Like, if you wanted to know that exactly three hundred and ninety-four miles to the east there's a bomb being stored in a solid waste facility. I can't envision the people surrounding it but I can feel the bomb's presence, and clearly. It's not enough to cause me danger, but it has a potential to, if moved closer or detonated in chain. So, my system flags it as a concern item and I see as much as I'm able."

Gavin listened intently, a reassuring fact, and so LUCAS continued.

"With this...whatever is inside the Kosunaga building feels a few thousand times more dangerous than that bomb. So in theory, I should be able to see the inner linings of the pockets of every person connected inside that building. Bigger the threat, bigger the scope of information."

"Makes sense," Gavin nodded, "scale it in proportion to the threat so you can prioritize what to focus on."

"That's what it should be. I...can't see any detail about the inside of that building. It's this large...wall that blocks my view. I can't tell you how many people are inside. I can't tell you how exactly what they've been using that power for. All I can tell you is it's big, and I've only felt that sort of signature back when Godsong was sitting the facility I was created in."

"I see," Gavin said. "A bit of a shame that we don't have any surface level information, but knowledge that it is there is more than I've had, so I do thank you for bringing this to my attention."

"I'm sorry it's not more," LUCAS said, a little downtrodden.

He shook his head, "I'm sure Blaise will be able to get a little more information out of you. Maybe we can reverse engineer a map, maybe we can get some eyes on the place. Either way, when he gets back we can start up and compose a mission out of it. Get the full team's support, and keep the information we need quiet so."

LUCAS nodded. "Going to be a tough course to chart with that if Blaise is able to find information on that."

"Yeah, I've been thinking on that. I may need to speak to him separately and get his cooperation."

"Sure he won't try to take it for himself?"

Gavin nodded. "Blaise is...peculiar. He's hard to get a read on, but I do trust he would work with us and not break formation."

"Got it," LUCAS nodded. "Do you need anything from me, now?"

Gavin shook his head. "No, you should be fine here until we need the analysis to start. I can go see if I can round up Blaise. If you need time to rest feel free to stretch out and take a break. I'm sure it's been crazy busy where you came from."

"You don't have to tell me twice. Thank you Gavin."

He nodded in return and then hopped to his feet. He exited and LUCAS remained alone with his thoughts. There were so many facts he needed to sort, but also so many variables to each of those facts. He wouldn't be able to properly sort them until he could answer more of his inner questions, and those would only come after Blaise did his work. He closed his eyes and slowed his internal systems down. His thoughts slowed and for once he felt at ease.