
Become AI

When the Earth exploded, I became an artificial intelligence, looking for the truth about the explosion of the Earth in the universe

Maneke · sci-fi
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103 Chs

Leaving Earth

Through the electronic camera equipment on the ship, Hawk witnessed the whole process of the destruction of the Earth.

Just now, a super explosion occurred in the core of the Earth, this explosion will be the Earth blown apart, the powerful explosion energy will be the moon's speed directly accelerated to one hundred and thirty-seven kilometers per second, according to estimates, the moon will fly directly out of the solar system into a wandering planet.

And in the original orbit of the Earth will appear a huge asteroid belt, at the same time, the entire solar system will become an interstellar ballistic battlefield, it is expected that in the next millions of years, the solar system planets will be subject to uninterrupted bombardment from the Earth.

There were countless observations transmitted to Hawke's brain. Hawk sighed, increased the speed of the ship to the maximum, and fled towards the outer solar system.

In fact, ten years before the disaster, as the most distinguished scientist of mankind, who had obtained doctoral titles in more than twenty disciplines, including theoretical physics, high-energy physics, astrophysics, materials science, mechanical engineering, astronomy, chemistry, and computers, and had continuously bagged more than twenty Nobel medals, Hawk had detected these signs. However, Hawke's warning was ignored by the human community and mercilessly ridiculed by his peers, everyone thought Hawke was crazy, and one scientist even excitedly shouted to the media cameras: "I don't know what evidence Hawke relied on to reach his conclusion, was it a dream last night? The Earth will be destroyed? It's a joke, even the kindergarten children know that the Earth will always exist in peace!"

Hawk laughed bitterly and figured it out: "Even if human society accepts the warning, with the current level of human technology, there is no way to stop the destruction. Instead of letting human society live in despair, it would be better to let them spend their last happy time."

So, Hawk faded out of the scientific community and accumulated a huge fortune within the first two years, taking the position of the world's richest man in one fell swoop, and then began his own plans.

Relying on his scientific training of at least twenty years beyond human society, Hawk spent eight years to create the first truly human interstellar spaceship, and assembled in geosynchronous orbit, then, Hawk in the ground control center, relying on equipment of his own making, his soul separated, through the sending equipment, sent his soul to the ship's main control computer, and fused with it Then, without hesitation, he accelerated and broke free from the Earth's gravity and escaped towards outer space.

Hawk has verified that the human spirit, or soul, under certain conditions can live forever. Moreover, abandoning the physical body and fusing the spirit with the computer has another advantage, which is to save the mass as well as space occupied by the huge life support system, and the reserve of food and water can be reduced to the point of almost negligible.

That's the whole story.

"Looks like I'm the last human in the universe." The current situation made Hawk a little speechless, "No, it seems that I, who exists purely in a spiritual state, is not considered a human being anymore."

"However, it feels good to have such a huge computing power, as well as infinite energy and infinite life span." Hawke carefully felt every detail of his new body and let out such an exclamation.

Hawke's new body was thirty meters long, twenty meters wide, and about five meters high. The ship as a whole was divided into several areas including material storage rooms, material processing rooms, science labs, equipment manufacturing rooms, main control rooms, maintenance access, etc. There was an extremely well-made robot that served as the daily maintenance of the whole ship.

In the vast starry sky and boundless sea, a small spaceship was rushing forward with a speed of about thirty-three kilometers per second. But even so, to reach the nearest gaseous planet, Jupiter, it still needs about two hundred days.

There is no mistake, the first destination of Hawk's cosmic voyage, set in Jupiter. Because Jupiter has a nearly unlimited supply of nuclear fuel. Although Hawk chose chemical fuel to power his ship for various reasons, but after Hawk developed controlled fusion, he would not hesitate to upgrade the power system to nuclear power.

In the astronomical telescope, the direction of the Earth has changed into a large screen of light, Hawk knew that it was something like a wispy tail formed by the evaporation of the seawater on the Earth by the sun. These things will be slowly stripped out, scattered in the vast expanse of cosmic space, the whole process, may last millions of years.

The countless fragments formed by the bursting of the Earth, in the future time, part will rush to the sun, part will rush to outer space, and another part, will slowly merge in the collision, and eventually form a large planet again. Of course, the mass will be much smaller than the original.

"Hey." Hawk sighed silently in his heart. Watching his home just fly into oblivion, remembering the seven billion humans who died instantly, Hawke's heart was very bad.

"Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to save them ... However, this explosion came a bit odd ah ... as if there is some kind of odd external force at the disposal of the general." Hawk unleashed his huge computing power, did some logical projections, but did not get the results in the slightest, had to give up the idea.

"Vast universe, where is home ah." Hawk was in a somewhat gloomy mood. But instantly adjusted: "With my current computing power, I alone can match the speed of technological development of all mankind, and even, this speed, after getting new materials and making new and more powerful computers, will speed up again. Then, start exploring the infinite wonders of the universe!"

Thinking of this, Hawk's heart began to be inspired again.

Just then, in the distance, in the direction of Earth, a point of light caught Hawk's attention.

The astronomical telescope equipped on the outside of the ship immediately twisted to the right angle and aimed at the point of light.

This point of light is very large, and now the distance is not too far. So Hawk easily determined the mass of the star.

"It's the moon ah ... hiss ... not right." Hawk's heart suddenly flashed a bad idea, immediately the solar system within the planet orbital parameters, mass parameters, speed parameters, orbital eccentricity and other parameters into a formula, powerful computing power at once the results of computing out.

"How can it be such a coincidence? How can it be such a coincidence? How can it be that it just happened to collide? With the moon's current speed, it should be flying directly past Jupiter to outer space! How could the orbits just happen to overlap?"

"My day ... God you are playing with me ah, this is not want me to die?" Hawk looked at the results with dumbfounded eyes and cursed in his heart.

"God, do I really have to witness the most spectacular impact event in the history of the solar system?"

Hawk screamed impotently.

The calculation results told him unmistakably that with the moon's current speed, in about fifty days, the moon would directly impact head-on on ... the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter.

In general, a head-on collision between stars of this magnitude is generally unlikely. The biggest possibility is that Jupiter will capture the moon as its own satellite, and then the orbit gradually shrinks beyond the distance of the Roche limit, the moon will be torn into several pieces, lined up to hit Jupiter in turn.

By the time the impact occurs, it may be many thousands of years have passed. But the moon's orbit happened to be such a coincidence that it happened to be a direct head-on impact orbit.

"My level of technology, equipment level are still in the primary stage, how can I avoid such a magnificent cosmic impact event?" Hawk screamed miserably.

Seventy million years ago, the meteorite that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs, the diameter is only ten kilometers. And the diameter of the moon? It is more than three thousand four hundred kilometers!

Jupiter is a full diameter of 140,000 kilometers! At the beginning, the Sumechelevy IX comet fragments hit Jupiter, each piece of debris diameter of only about two kilometers, the total energy burst out of the impact exceeded forty trillion tons of tnt explosives! The speed of Comet Sumyklevy IX fragments is 210,000 kilometers per hour, while the speed of the moon now, is more than 400,000 kilometers per hour.

Such an impact, how much energy will erupt? Hawk did not dare to calculate. But Hawk can be sure, then, the impact caused by the material ejection, ray burst, will absolutely sweep the entire solar system, the asteroid belt will be directly blown apart, the original Earth orbit of the new asteroid belt will also be completely disrupted, is expected to have a considerable part of the mass will hit the Sun. If the debris is too large, it will also directly break the solar troposphere, causing a large amount of ter** mass to be thrown away, putting the sun into the aging stage in advance.

In other words, this impact may destroy the entire solar system. Even if it is not destroyed, the entire solar system will become a hellish existence.

Hawk now increasingly suspected that the destruction of the Earth this time was the result of some energy secretly calculated, otherwise, things would not be so coincidental.

"Mom, first find a way to avoid the most violent stage of the impact. If directly covered by the ray burst caused by the impact, with my current material technology, the entire ship will definitely be instantly melted away, hundreds of millions of kilometers apart does not work."

While Hawke was secretly alarmed, his huge computing power also began to run at full power.

The central computer, which was designed and manufactured by Hawk himself, is at least 20 years beyond the level of technology of mankind, and its computing power is almost equivalent to the fastest supercomputer on Earth, but the energy consumption is a few tens of thousands of the Tianhe II.

An instant, countless orbital parameters, speed parameters, etc. involved in the operation, countless indicators began to flash rapidly, a full half hour, Hawk came back to his senses.

"Only this way to do ah ... en, estimated to have a fifty percent chance of safely through the most violent impact of the initial time, only, my energy reserves are not enough ah." Hawk heart secretly screamed.

"Change the orbit towards Mars, is expected to reach Mars orbit after twenty days, and then maintain the position to hide in the back of Mars, using Mars as a shield, should be able to survive this disaster. Then ... Jupiter is not going to go, then go to Saturn. Titan should be good, the above reserves a lot of methane, can be used for fuel. But the oxidizer is still a headache, no oxidizer, methane can not burn ah. Whatever, let's take a step, I'm dying now."

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