
Become A True God, I Created A Chat Group

Traveling through the chaos, experiencing hundreds of millions of years, and becoming a true god in the confrontation with evil gods, Chen Fan was so bored that he fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep, Chen Fan created a chat channel in a daze, and pulled in characters from many dimensions. When Chen Fan woke up, he felt his youth returned. When Uchiha Itachi embraces different ideas? When the Celestial Dragons and the nobles of the world perish? When the Tathagata Buddha was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain? When Yang Jian becomes the new emperor? When Acedes fell in love with Tazmi? Chen Fan: Just let the powerhouses of countless dimensions accompany me to pass the boring time! Original Author: Chat Career Source: https://wap.faloo.com/980123.html

skiptail · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs

Demon Zunlou: My Fist Is Hard

"About yours, it's an interesting creation, are you interested in seeing it?" Chen Fan extended an invitation to everyone.

At this moment, the six Edward Newgate, Akuya, Luo Hao, Dagu, Uchiha Itachi, and Fan Ma Renya that came to mind also had different expressions, some were calm, some had strange expressions, and some had a twitching expression on their lips. smoke.

It seems that none of the six group members who came in later had read the files in the group.

Just take advantage of this time to let them know more functions of the chat group.

However, none of the six group members who came in at the back seemed simple, and they wouldn't take it too seriously when they thought about it, but some of the created plots in it would always be of concern after reading it. If you want to see their expressions, you must be very happy fun.

Aqua looked forward to it.

In fact, when she first knew that she was a character in the work in another world, she was a little confused, but her optimist personality still made her not at ease.

[Chen Fan uploaded group files "The Story of Lin Nine Taoists", "Railgun", "Pokémon", "Sword III", "Lotus Lantern"].

Uncle Jiu: "I also have a share?"

Misaka Mikoto: "And mine?" Misaka Mikoto suddenly had a bad feeling.

Xiaozhi: "Are Pokémon talking about my world?"

Mo Zunlou: "What is the meaning of Immortal Sword III?"

Yang Jian: "..." When you see the Lotus Lantern, you know who it is related to. Does this group leader really know everything? Such power, how powerful it is, it doesn't seem strange to know Sanmei's Lotus Lantern.

In this world of Yang Jian, the lotus lamp is definitely a first-class magic weapon, with infinite power, and the master can have the capital to fight against first-class gods, but it is a pity that the Three Virgins themselves are not strong enough, otherwise it would not be so easy to be caught by Erlang God and suppressed in Huashan .

[Chen Fan started the group video].

Chen Fan: "So, everyone, in order not to waste your time, come in."

This time, it was time for the whole group to be present again.

As soon as Chen Fan starts the group video, normal group members will come in.

You can enjoy great benefits in the space inside, and it doesn't take much time. It is simply a holy place that many strong people dare not even dream of.

It's a pity that no one dared to ask Chen Fan to open the group video space and let them drink more tea. In fact, they couldn't stand it if they drank too much.

However, the benefits obtained are really eye-catching.

Everyone wants as much as possible.

It's just that those who join the group and have seen the power of the group leader understand that this is a gift from God.

If God doesn't open his mouth to give, don't ask for it.

Can't be too greedy.

For the group owner, their existence doesn't seem to bring much benefit to the group owner. The only meaning is probably what they say is interesting.

In the heavens and worlds, there are too many interesting people.

If the interesting person doesn't know how to be interesting, get another one.

In order not to be replaced, it is better to be cautious.

The figures sat down one after another, and those with experience knew that the movie watching moment had begun.

First, let's start with "The Story of Lin Nine Taoists".

Lin Jiu saw that at the beginning of the chapter, there was a person who looked exactly like himself, catching zombies and catching ghosts. They were also two incompetent disciples, but the methods of the people in it didn't look like they had real magic power. What kind of props should they have used? juggling?

A group of group members looked puzzled, why did the group leader let himself watch this?

Outside the group video space, Tokisaki Kurumi pouted and watched the group quiet down. When watching movies, she couldn't go in. Who told her not to share her stories with the people in the group, so Chen Fan didn't show her work either. , nor let her in.

Otherwise, even from these works, I have some understanding of some group members.

Therefore, Tokisaki Kurumi could not enter here.

Twelve people sat in a row, watching the scene of Lin Jiu.

After reading the story of Lin Jiu, and then watching "Railgun", many contents in it were skipped, lest Misaka Mikoto become a steam engine, the story in "Railgun" is much less than Misaka Mikoto's own story Due to length, some contents have been changed.

Misaka Mikoto lives in a technologically advanced world, and she already understands what she is looking at.

It's just how could the group owner have such a thing, who else is so boring to shoot such an animation with her as the protagonist?

Looking at "Pokémon" again, the length of "Pokémon" is too long, and many contents are quickly skipped. The members of the group still saw Xiaozhi's various mistakes and failed to win the championship.

Xiaozhi: "Ah, what is this?!"

Lin Jiu complained: "Although I don't know what's going on here, it seems to be our story, but Xiaozhi sometimes loses too forcefully."

Misaka Mikoto: "Yeah, that Pikachu's strength also fluctuates."

Mo Zunlou was a little impatient, bored, what was put here, it was boring.

Edward Newgate is looking forward to it, wondering what the works about the Mo Zunlou will be like.

Yang Jian didn't know what was shown here, but he was speechless about the many contents of the stories that happened in it. What happened to Xiaozhi, his IQ also fluctuated.

Soon, it was finally the turn of "Chinese Paladin III".

The opening chapter is a story about a gangster and Tang Jiabao.

Soon a person similar to Mo Zunlou appeared.

Mo Zunlou complained: "This guy doesn't even have a ten-thousandth of my Haki."

Chen Fan: "Of course not. You can see that the people here are playing roles. They are all just mortals. Of course they don't have the momentum you want."

The plot keeps developing.

When Mo Zunlou saw some evil sword fairy appearing, the six worlds were facing a crisis, and when Kakuzu was interrupted at the end, he stood up immediately, "What the hell is this?!"

"Who is this guy, how could this deity lose to this guy?!"

Mo Zunlou was furious.

What evil sword fairy, if such an awesome character really exists, why haven't I heard of it.

It is unforgivable that the horn is broken.

Even if it's a role-play, it can't be forgiven, no, it should be said that it's even more difficult to forgive!

A terrifying momentum erupted, and the group members next to him were almost overturned.

Chen Fan dispelled Mo Zunlou's aura in time, "Calm down, I said it's just an impersonation, a story made up by others."

Mo Zunlou: "Which daring mortal dares to arrange this deity like this?!"