
Become A True God, I Created A Chat Group

Traveling through the chaos, experiencing hundreds of millions of years, and becoming a true god in the confrontation with evil gods, Chen Fan was so bored that he fell into a deep sleep. In his sleep, Chen Fan created a chat channel in a daze, and pulled in characters from many dimensions. When Chen Fan woke up, he felt his youth returned. When Uchiha Itachi embraces different ideas? When the Celestial Dragons and the nobles of the world perish? When the Tathagata Buddha was crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain? When Yang Jian becomes the new emperor? When Acedes fell in love with Tazmi? Chen Fan: Just let the powerhouses of countless dimensions accompany me to pass the boring time! Original Author: Chat Career Source: https://wap.faloo.com/980123.html

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Chat Group Death

After Tokisaki Kurumi sat down, knowing that Tokisaki Kurumi didn't intend to share the story, no one said anything.

On the contrary, Misaka Mikoto has a lot of curiosity in his heart. Thinking of what the group leader has said since he joined the group, he couldn't sit still, "Group leader, so you say, do you even have my story?"

Lin Jiu was also curious, but speaking of it, his story was not so magical. It was just a story about cultivating Taoism in Maoshan, slaying demons and catching zombies. The group of people here, the story is no worse than his.

Looking at the clothes on some people, they are so gorgeous, they should not be ordinary people.

At this moment, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help asking curiously.

Akua drank tea and pricked up her ears, wanting to see if the girl would be willing to share the story.

Having read the stories of the other five group members, Akuya is very curious about the stories of the newcomers.

Before joining the chat group, Akuya never imagined that there would be so many Otherworlds different from her cognition, and each world was wonderful.

What about the newcomer this time?

Chen Fan: "You want to read it too? You can also go in through that door, there will be your story there, if you are curious to read the stories of other people in the group, then your story will also be open to the rest of the group members in the future , if you don't agree, only you can belong to the door of your own story."

For Chen Fan, these story scenes are all directly fished out from the long river of time. It doesn't matter whether he goes to see them or not. Before, he just took people to see them by the way.

The story of Misaka Mikoto is also wonderful.

Her life will be magnificent.

In a world that is equivalent to the merger, deletion, and addition of new plots from the worlds of the forbidden world and the railgun world, the future of Misaka Mikoto is not easy.

The existence of the demon god is nothing to Chen Fan, but to Misaka Mikoto, it is an insurmountable gap.

LV5 is just the beginning.

However, it is extremely difficult to upgrade to LV6.

After Misaka Mikoto heard Chen Fan's words, he also finished his cup of tea and bowed to Chen Fan, "Thank you, Lord God, for bringing me into the group. I'm really curious about my future. Thank you for your hospitality. I'll watch it later, okay? As for everyone in the group, I'm also very curious, since we're all sitting here, why don't you introduce yourself, I'm Misaka Mikoto, a psychic from Academy City."

"Academy City, what is that place? I'm Tokisaki Kurumi, my identity is hard to say." Tokisaki Kurumi is actually curious about the world of the group members, but she doesn't want to share her own story now. Just introduce each other.

The nine group members quickly introduced themselves.

Misaka Mikoto also found that several old group members are not simple, it seems that there are strong men with the same extraordinary power, and there are goddesses?

But this goddess looks a bit off-line.

When Aqua, who called herself a goddess, opened her mouth, she couldn't see the aura of a god.

To truly understand these people, I'm afraid you have to share stories with each other.

During the chat, Misaka Mikoto also learned that the six group members have shared stories with each other, so I will share it with myself later.

There should be nothing wrong with my own story. Anyway, we are not in the same world, so what is the problem.

Misaka Mikoto already knew the knowledge in the chat group, and learned from Chen Fan in the chat that normally speaking, it is difficult to cross between different worlds, and the probability of one in a billion is considered high.

The one-in-a-billion probability does not mean that one out of 100 million people can come across the world.

It is possible that in a billion worlds, no one will cross over to her world without reaching the power level.

Out of curiosity, Lin Jiu also started talking, wanting to get more information.

At present, Lin Jiuguang knows that this magical chat group is a great opportunity from the two points of drinking tea and knowing the story. Even if he meets a real fairy, it may not be so good.

If you can really see your own story for free, you can be prepared for some disasters that may happen in the future.

In this world, the eminent monks who do his job don't have much life insurance.

There is a very small probability of encountering an accident, and you may die unexpectedly.

A group of people drank tea quietly.

Although Tokisaki Kurumi had thoughts in her mind, since Chen Fan asked her to drink tea first, she has been very quiet.

Luo Hao drank tea and didn't talk, the old group members basically came to drink tea.

Every time the group leader who appears in the group, compared with the real body of the group leader, it looks like two extremes.

The human body of the group leader is so gentle.

The tea is exhausted.

"Next, let's go and read your story." It belongs to Misaka Mikoto's story.

A group of people are very interested, only Tokisaki Kuang does not move, she refuses to share her own story, and naturally loses the qualification to read other people's stories.

It's just that Tokisaki Kurumi didn't care.

For her, the most important thing is to eliminate that guy and change the fate of the world.

At this time, Chen Fan also did not move, let them go in by themselves.

"Kangsan, I thought you would send a clone consciousness to test it out." Now there are only two tea drinkers left, Chen Fan is sitting, gentle and handsome, smiling at Tokisaki Kusan.

Tokisaki Kurumi also responded with a respectful smile: "Facing an existence like you, how dare I not let the main body come."

From the time he saw the blurred real body projection that the other party said, Tokisaki Kurumi knew that the gap was too big.

If the other party wants to do something to her, no matter how much she resists, it is useless. One thought can crush her to death. time, so she also came directly to the main body.

This is the intuition of elves.

And now that she has been called to have the ability to have clones, Tokisaki Kurumi is not surprised, after all, the scene of the story even stripped off all the colors of her underwear.

"It seems that you are really determined to do it. In fact, as long as you improve the power of Kekedi, you may not have a chance." There were only two people left, and Chen Fan also told Tokisaki Kurumi bluntly.

Tokisaki Kurumi's eyes lit up: "How can I improve?"

"If you stay in the group, you will have a chance. In fact, I also hope that you can give me a different story." Chen Fan smiled.

And the door that reads the story.

A group of people looked weird, watching a slut taking advantage of Misaka Mikoto in various ways.

Misaka Mikoto blushed like a steam engine, ah, it's over, why did I forget about Kuroko just now!

When you go back, you must make Heizi look good.

This is all right, the chat group is dead!