
Become a cute pet in the future animal world

Because of her special abilities, Bai Yue was considered mentally ill since she was a child. She borrowed her special abilities to travel through 2000 years later, thinking that she would be free from worries. Unexpectedly, she would have to be considered mentally retarded. Because the world after 2000 will be full of retarded people! Even if you think you're mentally retarded, you're actually being bought home by an orc? "Hey, stupid wolf, what are you doing? I'm just a retard, and I'm only responsible for being cute!" "Be good." A certain wolf patted Bai Yue's head comfortingly, and from then on he lived a life of being pampered without shame.

Line_Huang · Urban
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185 Chs

Chapter 25 Opening the Door to the New Century

 The staff who followed Lang Ni to stop Bai Yue did not express any dissatisfaction with Bai Yue, but looked at Lang Ni's eyes as if they were abnormal.

  "Brother Wolf, you actually gave the female chicken eggs." The staff member condemned.

  Lang Ni licked the remaining taste in his mouth and said without changing his expression: "I will compensate according to the law. Let's take us ashore first."

  Once ashore, Lang Ni compensated the amusement park with a large amount of contribution points and gained a lot of money. Countless orcs gave strange looks.

  But no one blamed Bai Yue, they just thought she was ignorant.

  Regarding this, Bai Yue silently shed tears of sympathy for Lang Ni in her heart.

  She could barely forgive him for forcing her to kiss her.

  Lang Ni took Bai Yue out of the amusement park and went directly to the hospital. After making sure that eating eggs and meat would not have any adverse effects on the human body, he felt relieved.

  "You, you are so lawless." Langjia flicked Bai Yue on the forehead, dumbfounded.

  He was tricked by Guoguo today. It is estimated that those who want to join his team will hesitate. It can be regarded as a blessing and a curse.

  Bai Yue pouted, Wu Zang Temple felt very satisfied.

  It would be better if you could eat that chicken too.

  "Want to eat chicken?" Lang Ni read Bai Yue's eyes at a glance and whispered into Bai Yue's ear. The breath out of his mouth still smelled of eggs.

  Lang Ni smacked his tongue, feeling more and more that the meat tasted good.

  Bai Yue looked at Lang Ni in confusion.

  Lang Ni looked around, lowered his voice and said, "I'll ask Xiong Yao to catch one for you in the wild tomorrow."

  Bai Yue: Σ(°△°|||)︴

  She seems to have opened up a new world for Lang Ni Gate, what a sin 2333333...


  The deeds of Lang Ni and Bai Yue spread throughout the city within one day. As a member of Lang Ni's team, Xiong Yao was looked at by countless orcs as soon as he returned to the city.

  Therefore, Xiong Yao, who was deaf to what was going on outside the window, learned the news.

  He hurried back in a hurry and was about to ask about the situation when he heard Lang Ni say: "I'll have a chance to catch a chicken tomorrow."

  As he said that, Lang Ni also threw a bag to Xiong Yao.

  "Tie them up and bring them back. The more the merrier, I want to raise some eggs in the yard."

  Xiong Yao: "..."

  Suddenly I felt like I was following a dangerous captain.

  Xiong Yao obeyed Lang Ni's orders, but how could the orcs have hunting experience now?

  Moreover, after two thousand years of evolution, chickens must have a way to survive in the jungle. As a bear beast, Xiong Yao was not good at chasing by nature. He failed to catch the chicken for several days in a row, wasting time in vain, so Lang Ni could no longer count on him.


  More than half a month has passed in a flash.

  Bai Yue's body has obviously improved a lot. She has gained weight, her complexion is rosy, and her delicate face has become much plumper, making her look a little more delicate.

  Langjiu bumped her head and said happily, "It's too heavy."

  Bai Yue frowned and hugged Langjie's neck to prevent him from shaking her.

  I always feel a stomachache, and it hurts even more when I am jolted, and I don't feel like I want to go to the toilet.

  "Why are you so depressed today? Are you in a bad mood?" Lang Ni pinched Bai Yue's nose, but Bai Yue still ignored him.

  Lang Ni had been bored at home for almost a month in order to accompany Bai Yue. He was so depressed that he suddenly came up with an impromptu idea: "Shall I take you outside the city to get some fresh air? By the way, I can catch the chicken for you."

  Bai Yue looked up. Lang Ni took a look, and finally there was some energy in his eyes.

  She has thought of countless chicken dishes these days, and her appetite for chicken is getting stronger day by day.

  Lang Ni used his personal terminal to contact Xiong Yao in the wild, put a leash on Bai Yue, and set off with her in his arms.