
Chapter 9

Chapter 9


What???!!!! Did I hear that correctly??!!! Gun want to court Gulf?!! And here I thought he was straight. You want to know what make me think like that? That is because Gun is always, I mean he is ALWAYS surrounded by girls in his faculty and all the guys was jealous of him, even me not because of the girls but because I wish I was all those girls, who was touchy and always with Gun.

What? I like him, wait no no I LOVE THAT CUTE GUY!!! I mean it was obvious I love him, I might give him mix signal but that is because he is my friend's little brother and because I don't know if he likes me like that or he just treat me like a brother you know.

Wait a minute??!!! When I think back, maybe that's why he was always surrounded by girls all the time.

"Damn!!! How can I be so stupid!!" I mumble and face palm myself.

(A/N : Tay,Tay,Tay that's why Gulf nickname you as the dork)

*sigh* I have feelings for him since his brother introduce us at their house and it was love at first sight, well for me it is. When I remembered back that day, it was the most beautiful day of my life because I meet with my angel.

You think Mew is the only one that can call the love of his life angel, I can too you know. Well he is more like a little devil than an angel but you know what I mean.

-Flash back-

- A few years back-

Mew invites me to his house because we need to do a team project for school. We go there by motorcycle and when I went to the house there was this angel looking guy standing in front of us.

He was the cutest guy I ever saw, I thought I didn't swing this way but now I am. I know Mew is gay but I don't have problems with it because being gay is not a disease and Mew has his type and it's not me. Mew introduces that guy as his little brother and when I said he was cute he blush as bright as the sun and run upstairs to his room.

IT WAS SO DAMN CUTE!!! Mom can I keep him or better yet can I marry him? Poor my heart it was like cupid keeps repeating stabbing me with his arrow.

I and Mew did our work in the living room and the cute guy is nowhere to see. I was so focus on the project until Mew asks "You want to stay for dinner? I will cook the by the way"

"If you don't mind I would love to and is your cooking edible or not?" I ask.

"Haha, very funny. I mostly cook in this house, sometimes Gun cook to but mostly me. Our parents travel a lot so I always take care of my brother." Mew said and I just nod saying I understand.

After a couple of hours, Mew called his brother to come down stairs for dinner and I think he was surprise to see me is still here. He sit across Mew and his head down but I think he know I am staring at him because he is beet red.

I hold my laugh when Mew asks him that he has a fever or not because it was so obvious he was blushing. SO. DAMN. CUTE. I think I need to see a heart specialist after this because my heart skips a lot of beat tonight.

I bid myself goodbye after dinner and when I say goodbye to him I wink just want to saw his reaction and it was worth it seeing his stunt blushing face. This day was the best and happiest day of my life. I went home with a huge smile on my face and I didn't sleep wink thinking about that guy.

-End of flashback-

I keep dreaming of Gun after that day and I keep flirting with him since. I don't want to keep my hopes up so I treat him like a brother sometimes just to keep my distance and my heart from a broken heart.

I wanted to confess so badly but I don't want to ruin what we have but now it's too late he confess to Gulf. I know it will hurt but I didn't think it will hurt this badly. I did cry my eyes out later that night but I have to support my friend and the answer to courting can mean no also so, and I don't think Gulf will say yes to Gun that easily after his heartbreak.

Just like right now, Gulf is giving Gun the cold treatment even if Gun is being clingy to him. Gulf is not a very easy shell to crack, he has his walls and a very thick one at that and for you to knock them all you will need a lot of time and patient.

What annoyed me more than seeing Gun being clingy and lovey-dovey to Gulf is when Gun always text me about Gulf. Why didn't he ask for Gulf number? Why is has to text me? Like right now,

From : My Little Devil ❤️

"Phi, do you know where is P'Gulf?"

To : My Little Devil ❤️

"No, why didn't you ask for his number or let me give his number to you and it will be easier for you to ask him yourself."

From : My Little Devil ❤️

"But Phi you are always with him and it is easier for me to text you. I'm shy Phi."

To : My Little Devil ❤️

"Yeah-yeah whatever. I don't know where he is ok. Bye."

Damn this is so annoying, my head is spinning and my heart is hurting. I should confess sooner, I should *sigh* I regret it everyday since that day. What worst is Gun always wants me to give a lunch box to Gulf, like he can give him by himself but he said he was shy and all.

He never gives me a lunch box, hell!! He never cook for me. Maybe Gun really like Gulf and I should be supportive and I'm trying, really trying but still it hurts.

Over the weekend, me and Gulf are going to see a movie and this time Gun and Mew is joining and we are at the cinema already. Mew is not himself lately and he is not there watching Gulf anymore.

I don't blame him if he gave up on his feeling because he always think about his brother first more than himself and he is obviously hurting inside especially right now seeing his brother being clingy and hugging Gulf but what come after Gun makes those cute gesture was I most shock to see. Even Mew is shock and I felt lighting strike me then and there.

(A/N : Any guesses what's happening guys?)

Gulf was chuckling, C.H.U.C.K.L.I.N.G not only that, he pinch Gun cheek's and said "Cute" while smiling at Gun.

That's it I was at my limit and I didn't think twice when I grab Gun's hand and drag him to go elsewhere.

I drag him somewhere that is more private and said "Do you really like Gulf? Look I'm not against it or anything. I just want to make sure that you are sure about your feeling because I don't want you or Gulf to be hurt".

"Why do you want to know? It doesn't concern you if my heart is broken or anything. Who are you to me anyway?!" Said Gun as he emphasis his last word.

"Of course I care!! Gulf is like a brother to me and I love you!!" I saw Gun eyes widen and I cup my mouth when I realize what I have said.

Gun blinks and said "What?".

I look at his eyes and said "You heard me, I said I love you. From the first time I saw you until right now I love you more than my life".

After I said that Gun kiss me on me on the lips, well more like a quick peck and he blush saying "I love you too." Almost whispering while looking down.

I was surprise but then I lift his head and kiss his lips with passion. Gun kiss me back and put his arm on my shoulder.

It was the most amazing kiss I ever had given that it was my first kiss ever. We parted our lips to breath and we both smile at each other.

I ask Gun what going to happen next, he said he doesn't know and he told me that he was not really courting Gulf and tell me everything, every single detail of it. Damn!! I am really, really stupid.

Thank God Gun is not really in love with Gulf but I'm still mad at him for playing like this even if it is for giving me and his brother a lesson. So I drag him to my car, after I put the sit belt on him, he ask "Where are we going?".

"To my house" I said.

"Why?" He asks.

"So that I can punish and love you as I please and you can't run away from me anymore." I said while smirking evilly at him.

His face was bright red, even his ears and he was looking down but stealing a glance of me once in a while along the way. He was so damn cute and I can now proudly say MY BOYFRIEND IS SO DAMN CUTE.

          - End of Chapter 9- 

A/N : Well that went well 😂😂 are any of u is TayGun shipper?? They r cute right?? 😁😁