
Chapter 8

Chapter 8


Hi guys!!! Hahahaha I'm talking to you, yes you!! Who are reading this. I know what you all are thinking and don't worry I'm not really courting P'Gulf, I'm just pretending and why you ask? Hehe..because I want to make those two dumb and dumber jealous.

You know my reason right? I want to make P'Mew jealous. He has a crush, wait!! No!! It's not a crush but he is most DEFINITELY is in love with P'Gulf. That idiot brother of mine *sigh* I'm sick and tired of him speaking about P'Gulf 24/7.

I even memorize what P'Gulf like and dislikes are, such as P'Gulf doesn't like to eat carrot but love spinach. He love milk tea and he drink it once a day and that's the reason why P'Mew always drinks milk tea too.

That's why I make this plan to court P'Gulf, so that idiot brother of mine comes out from his hiding place.

To the question why I want to make P'Tay jealous is because...welllllllllll...I LOVE HIM SO DAMN MUCH!! There I said it!! *blush* (He cover his cheek with his palm)

I love him since the first day I meet him. He was so handsome, the way he smile showing his gummy teeth. He is so dreamy don't you think? If you must know let me tell you how we meet.

-Flash back-

-A few years back-

"Hey Gun, I'm home!!!" My brother shouted when he enter our house after he arrive back from school.

When I was about to greet my brother, this handsome guy walk behind him, he stroke his hair back sexily and in slow motion, well in my eyes it was slow motion.

His silk like hair move in between his long thin finger and that smile, damn!! What I can tell you about his smile? It's like sunshine in a dark place or like a rainbow after a stormy day.

It was...damn!! Why am I thinking like this and why my heart bit so fast? My cheek feel hot all of a sudden 'Is it me or is it hot in here or is it just this guy' Wait!! Hot?! Why the hell that I think this guy is hot?! Stop it brain think appropriate thought will you.

(A/N: keep telling that to yourself Gun like that's going to work, hahahaha)

"Gun this is my friend Tay and bro this is my little brother" P'Mew said.

Before I could speak, P'Tay said "Oh! I didn't think that your brother will be this cute Mew? Hi Gun nice to meet you." He put out his hand for a hand shake while smiling brightly like the sun.

I blush to his statement and said "H-hi' then run away upstairs to my room.

When I reach my room, I lock my door and I drop to the floor. My legs become jelly all of a sudden, there is no strength left on them and my face is bright red. Dammit!! What happen to me? My heart is beating so fast. I clutch on my chest and try to calm down my heart.

I know I'm gay when I was 15 because I have a crush with one of my friend and I told my brother about it because I was confuse. I thought that my brother would scold me or would say that it was wrong but my brother was cool about it he said it was normal and he admit to me that day that he was the same.

We bonded over this and talk a lot about the matter. Remembering that day make me feel so thankful to have a brother like P'Mew who always will support and love you no matter what.

After a couple of hours, P'Mew shouted my name to come down for dinner and I was shock when I came down the stairs and saw that Tay guy was still there. Our parents are mostly oversea for work, so it is just always my brother and I.

I sit down across P'Mew and I have this feeling that that guy is looking at me. I put my head down because my face was so damn red and I want to avoid his gaze but my dumb brother who doesn't know how to read the atmosphere said "Why is your face red? Are you having a fever?" While putting his hand on my forehead.

That guy chuckle and I glare at my brother, this dumb brother of mine really.

After that he leave our house, thanking my brother for the dinner and saying goodbye to both of us but I swear he wink at me when he was saying goodbye to me. My heart was beating so fast I thought I was gonna faint right then and there.

I was so dumbfounded that I was staring blankly at the door for a couple of hours until my brother ask me "Why are here still in front of the door?" I turn around and reply "Nothing" and run upstairs to my room and I didn't sleep a wink.

- End of flash back-

-Present time-

A few week after that we started to hangout more and I was obviously flirting with him and always, when I said always I mean ALWAYS give him signal that I was interested in him but he, well, he give me mix signal.

Someday he will treat me like he like me but someday he will treat me like his own brother. I don't know any more until I was so fed up about all this, not just about P'Tay but also about my dumb coward brother who can't confess when he was so in love with P'Gulf.

That's why I decided to do this, to make both of them realize that they are idiots. So let the courting begin shall we, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh*

-End of Chapter 8-

A/N : Gun u little devil 😂😂 well I'm not shock, are you guys expecting this??

U have to take it to your own hands sometimes na 😂😂