
Chapter 18

Chapter 18

3rd Person POV

It's 7 in the morning and Gulf is in his kitchen, cooking some breakfast for himself and also making breakfast and lunch for Mew.  He doesn't know why but he is happy just thinking about Mew eating his food making him all giddy and making his stomach feels like he has all the butterfly flying all around.

An hour later, Gulf is now waiting for Mew in front of the lobby of his house to pick him up. When Mew arrives, Gulf was surprise to see that Mew is riding a bike instead of his car and this is his first time seeing Mew riding a bike.

Not only Mew is riding a bike, the extra bonus is seeing Mew wearing a leather jacket with his uniform. Gulf think that the weather was not that hot but he take it back, the weather just increase in heat when Mew arrive.

Gulf can't stop staring at Mew from top to bottom and he keep gulping his saliva and hoping he didn't choke. 'Mew with that leather jacket and his white shirt that compliments his muscles is bad for my sanity and my heart. Stop beating so fast will you heart and stop salivating on his hotness!' Gulf thought and then he shake his head fast to get on hold of himself. Damn! This guy can he not be this hot first thing in the morning.

On the other hand Mew is also staring at Gulf and wondering how a guy can be so gorgeous, beautiful, cute and hot at the same time in the morning. His thought was stop when Gulf asks, "Where is your car?" and Mew said, "It's in the repair shop since yesterday, the repairman said it will be fixed by tomorrow. You don't mind riding a bike do you?" while using his soft tone towards Gulf.

He is worried that Gulf might feel uncomfortable riding a bike, he didn't think about it at first but now he is worried and he also has another reason why he want to ride a bike with Gulf. You can guess what it is short after.

"No I don't mind, it is just that I never imagine that you can ride a bike." Gulf said as he looks down on his feet, not brave enough to see Mew in the eye.

Mew replies "Oh! So you imagine me sometimes in your thought huh?" as he stare at Gulf face that starting to get red, redder than a tomato.

"No I didn't! Why would I think about you? No way!" Gulf said but anyone could see Gulf is lying because his face is now shade of every red color there is. Mew just chuckle and signal Gulf to come closer to him so he can put the helmet on Gulf.

When Gulf is close enough, Mew put the helmet while staring lovingly at Gulf. He examine all Gulf beautiful feature, his round brown eyes, his pointy nose, his round bread like cheeks and that red luscious lips with the hint of lip balm make that lips so kissable right now.

Gulf in the other hand is looking at every direction except for Mew's eyes, he feels that is face is hot, his heart is beating fast right now and he is hitting his lower lips to prevent him from skilling so widely right now, 'stupid heart calm down will you!'  Gulf thought as he put his hands on his cheeks.

"What are you staring at?" Gulf ask when he has the courage to look at Mew but still he can't stop his heat from beating even faster when he saw Mew smile widely at him.

"Such a cutie." Mew said while bravely pinch on Gulf bread cheeks.

"Stop it." Gulf said as he slap Mew's hand and blush even more shade of red, he doesn't know how many times his heart would skip a beat today and if this goes on, he sure will be submitted to the hospital for cardiac arrest. Mew just laugh on how cute Gulf's antics are and pinch Gulf's nose playfully.

Mew tap on the back seat of his bike to gesture to Gulf to sit on it. Gulf awkwardly sit on the back and making himself comfortable first, then he put his hand on top on Mew's shoulder but he was surprise when Mew suddenly take his hands and put it on Mew's waist . "Why not put it here? It's more secure this way." Mew said as he smirk seeing Gulf shy face at the review mirror.

Gulf just bite his lower lip and then he smirk when he thought of something that can give Mew a taste of his own medicine. "Like this?" Gulf said as he put his chin on Mew's shoulder and tightly wrap his hands on Mew's waist.

Mew was startled and he chokes on his own breath when he feels Gulf hand hugging him around his waist because he doesn't expect Gulf to hug him tightly like this. Mew feels his heart was about to stop beating and he was biting his inner cheeks to stop him for smiling widely.

He was so happy that his heart was about to burst from his chest, he can't understand it himself, why just from Gulf simple touch can make him feel like he is on cloud nine and he doesn't want to feel anything else. Mew can't hide his smile anymore when he saw Gulf is red to his ears, he is smiling so widely until it reach his ears.

Gulf on the other hand was shy, even it is his own doing but he is still shy and he just want to burry himself to the ground right now. 'Can time stop right now, I really don't want this day to end.' Mew thought to himself and for him this is the best day ever.

Mew drives his bike really slowly not because he was afraid that Gulf will scold him for driving so fast but he wanted to savor the moment with Gulf. Mew doesn't want the moment to be over that fast. Like right now, when they stop at the red light and Mew look at Gulf from the review mirror with his loving gaze.

Gulf on the other hand can't stop blushing when their gaze meets on the review mirror. He really wants to blame his good blood circulation and honest ears.

After half an hour they arrive at Gulf faculty, Gulf hope off from Mew's bike and give the helmet to Mew. "Thank you for picking me up." Gulf said.

Mew said, "It's my pleasure, as long as I can spend my time with you, I'm okay picking you up and I will drop by during lunch okay?" Gulf just nodded as an answer and that make him remember something.

He took out a paper bag from his bag and gives it to Mew. "What is this?" Mew ask.

Gulf reply shyly "It's your breakfast."

Mew blink after hearing that and Mew said "Really??!! For me?" while still in the state of shock. He really didn't expect this from Gulf; his heart literally will jump out anytime because he is so happy right now.

God!! He really wants to lock Gulf up right now because in his eye right now Gulf is so precious and cute. Gulf again just nod as a reply because he is so shy right now.

"You are so lovely you know that." Mew said while he pinch on Gulf's cheek and Gulf, what else to say other than he is beet red right now; he hide his face on the back of him palm.

'Is it me or the weather is hot today?' Gulf thought when he fell that his face is so hot right now but he didn't realize it was not because of the sun but because he is shy on Mew's loving gaze and smile towards him. With the courage he has left, Gulf take a deep breath and as fast as lightning he kiss more like a peck on Mew's lips and run away as fast he could.

Mew on the other hand was in daze of what happen, he unconsciously raise his hand on his lips where Gulf just kiss him and raise his other hand to pinch his right cheek to see whether he is dreaming or not, "Ouch!! SO I WASN'T DREAMING!! YESSS!!" Mew shouted while raise his both hands above his head and ignoring everyone that seeing him being crazy right now.

He was sooooo happy and he feel he is about to cry again, until this day he still can't believe he was given the chance to court Gulf. Everyday, he wake up he reads his text message with Gulf to see weather this is a dream or not.

'Today will be a great day' Mew thought while drive away from Gulf faculty to go to his class but he still can't stop smiling widely reaching his eyes and he feel the flower bloom in his heart has become a garden of flowers and they bloom as much as his love to Gulf.

After Gulf think that he is far enough distance from Mew, Gulf stop and take a deep breath to stop his heart from beating any faster that it should.

'SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! I can't believe I just did that, I can't believe I just kiss his lips. OMG! OMG! OMG! DKSJSJJJSSJSAJSJSJ! AGGGHHHHHHH! WHAT HAVE I DONE??!!!!! OMG!!! But his lips was so soft, Damn Gulf! This is not the time to think about that, but but OMG!!' Gulf giggles at his own thought and shakes his head and continues to go to his class with the happiest smile that anyone has ever seen, a smile that radiate like the sun.

Gulf arrives at his class and greet Tay who was seating in their usual seat. Tay was surprise by how Gulf aura radiate differently today because Gulf right now literally oozing his happy aura around him and it's rare to see him like this.

The Gulf he knows always has this sadness or more like hurt in his eyes but today is totally the opposite, Gulf eyes sparkles and shine like the star at night. Not only that but Gulf is glowing like someone is beam a spotlight behind him, even the sun ray is not a match on how radiating Gulf is today.

"What is it?" Gulf ask Tay  because Tay is staring at him like he is an alien.

Tay just shake his head and said, "Nothing" while smiling at Gulf. There is no question about it, the happiness that Gulf shows on his face is because of one person and that person is Mew.

Tay is grateful and happy to see Gulf smiling like this because it has been a long time since he sees Gulf like this. The last time he sees the smile on Gulf face is when Gulf tell him about his engagement with Bright but then that smile disappear when Bright told him the ugly truth about his feeling towards Gulf.

After that day, he never saw Gulf smile again, well Gulf did smile but he knows it's a fake one. Right now, Tay really can breathe at ease seeing Gulf smile again. 'Thank you Mew for bringing the smile back to Gulf face' Tay said in his heart.

- Lunch Break -

Gulf is walking more like power walking to his faculty cafeteria because he is eager to see Mew. He can't stop smiling and giggling all the way there when he thinks about how Mew would react when he knows Gulf is not only cook breakfast for him but also their lunch.

He literally has to bite his inner cheeks to stop him from smiling widely. He is just sooo sooooooo happy right now, his heart can burst at any time and the butterflies in his stomach are dancing like crazy.

Gulf was so immerse in his thought that he didn't realize that there is someone following him. When that person is near enough, that person grabs his right hand and dragged him to the opposite direction.

- End of Chapter 18-


A/N : I am blushing when i wrote this chapter..they r so cute dont u think?? Thank you for reading guys 🥰 and Happy New Year everyone 🥳🥳