
Rejected to meet me???

She looked at the guy who is standing before her , his back is on her side so she can't see his face but still she felt that she has a connection with him ,so she stand there for a moment but then heads towards the exist door. She stepped out of the building, and here the handsome guy turned himself and went inside the lift and pressed the 3rd button , which Aaravi had also used few hours back.

On the other side Aaravi opened the gate of her car and within a minute left the building. In. her way she switched on the AC and then turn on the radio . Song of Taylor swift " You belong with me" is playing on the radio, she loved the lyrics of the song so while driving she also started following the lyrics.

The handsome gentleman knock the door of the office , Manager Neha is still strying to stop her annoyance so when she heard the knock she irritably shouts , " just get out and do not come until i call you ".

" I think i came in wrong time ", some one said from the door which surprised her , she lifted her head and saw a tall man with handsome personality is standing and smiling at her. She got embarrassed as soon as she realised that the person standing is not a simple person....."Mr.Rishabh" , you are here.

Her words comes out slowly with mix of embarrassment .She stands up and said it .

"Have a seat Mr.Rishabh ", she said it politely while called to her staff to come with two cup of coffee in her office.

The staff enters the office after 5 min with two cup of coffee .He serve the coffee and leaves the office.

"Mr.Rishabh , I am sorry but you can't meet Alex" , she said it and started feeling guilty because it was her who assured his meeting with Alex even when she know that she wanted to live while keeping low profile and didn't meet with anyone.

Rishabh listened her and said , " Did you tell her about me ", he is shocked with this rejection because it is impossible for anyone to reject him when he/ she knows about him.This makes him even more curious to know about the painter who paint those beautiful paintings. So he takes out his phone and called someone " Cancel my flight and book the next first flight of tomorrow morning" . He ordered to someone who is on next side of the call. His manager quickly reacted on his order and cancelled the flight and booked the flight of next morning for him.

At this time when Rishabh is talking with a manager Aaravi reached outside a resturant where her friend is waiting for her .

" Hi Alex" , he greeted her and then hugged her.

" Hi Michael", she also greeted him cheerfully.

Michael is one her best friend from her college. He is six feet tall, and the most handsome guy of her college .He is kind ,gentle and most importantly a master of great humour which makes him an amusing person.There is no any person who can stop themselves from laughing. He is a son of famous businessman of London. And currently he is the CEO of ROX. He is a software engineer but still he becomes Aaravi's best friend in college.His office is going through renovation so he wanted her to make a painting for his office and today he called her to discuss the detail about it .

" Shall we go inside and order something before starting a discussion".

She nodded and then they entered the resturant. This an is one of the most expensive resturant of London and famous for its desserts.

Here in the office of the art centre when Rishabh ordered his manager to cancel his flight Neha becomes confused but still didn't say anything .

" Where is she right now", he asked Neha as soon as he finished his call.

"She", Neha got confused when he asked her.She don't know whom he is referring to with "She", right now.So she repeats again "she"....?

Rishabh looked at her and then said, the owner and the painter who rejected to meet me.