

If only you would understand,

That all rainbows are but an illusion,

What is real is the rain before the sunshine!

The dark cold nights before, and

those who follow after,

There is no rainbow left to show youh

If only you'd be able to see,

That I am looking at you, and

see you still

even when there is no light at all

One day,

If you too will see me, for...

who I really am,

when there is no light at all

Do let me know,


Nomather hoe many colors you can see in a rainbow

A spark of light in the dark,

carries all the collors within,..

Do close your eyes someday,

and let me know if you still see me

~ Who cares for thode who have gone blind?

~For those who have become to fearful?

~ For us whos heartd has become ice cold?