
A song

A song that kept me believing of you all these years

A song that almost drove you away

A song that brought you back

A song that you sang for me once

A song from them to bring us closer

A song ....

all of this, 'to sing a song of yours and mine'

"until then İ find myself searching in everysong your voice to hear"

(every melodie looking for a heart beat, the way you made mine beat, that one time, maybe you still remember?)

the song you left the last time i saw you, keeps me company

even if i cannot hear your voice singing

the words

İ want to believe


İ believe

you may not admit it yet,

but if my heart beats like this,

yours must be too

maybe we share the same fears too,

if you read this, if you are ever gone again a day, 3 or longer

alwaya leave a song

so nomather how long it takes

hearing your voice in anothers words,

hearing your heart speak in a song sang by another

nomather how long,

no mather how far you are

nomather how lost İ am

nomather ho difficult everything may become

İ will find my way to you

you just wait,

it is enough,

İ'll find you

just leave me a piece of your heart

as long it is beating for me too

İ will find you