
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · Urban
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143 Chs

Valentine's Day (Part-2)

The pink air of the Valentine's day was spread all over the school.

The girls were wandering in the school at lunch time carrying their hearts, their feelings, their secrets packed beautifully in the chocolate box; searching for the right guy to give all those.

The excitement, the nervousness, the new body shivering feeling was overflowing through their eyes.

"Ughh…." Ye Rin said making a disgusted face. "When will this day end? I can't see all this anymore. It's like I'm trapped in some kind of cheesy teenage movie of a high school love story…"

April and Hana exchanged glances and smiled.

Mia also smiled at classic Ye Rin and said, "Well, life is never like a movie. It's more and more complicated and messed up…"

"Yeah…It is a not like a beautiful spring flower shower…It is more like –

"It's more like a muddy rainy day; you get stuck in it and when you pull harder, the shoe remains there and you get only your foot outside!

And if you are wearing white socks, then it's the worst day!" Mia said her face as plain as ever.

"Ohh Mia!!!" April said.

"It feels like I can see a dark gloomy aura around her head…" Hana said. "Please stop talking so depressing…."

"You guys!!" Suddenly So Hee shouted who has been standing a little away from the group. "I'm trying to recall the lines which I'd say to Ray! Will you all just stop talking?"

"Yeah Yeah…..Whatever…." Ye Rin rolled her eyes.


Ray was on the ground practicing with some of his teammates, when all the girls saw him.

"You ready?" April asked.

"Yes!" So Hee said confidently.

"Go now….Hurry up!" Hana encouraged.

"All the best!" Mia said. 'Though he is the guy I like….I'll never leave my friends alone….'

"Okay!" Saying that So Hee ran towards him.

"Ray?….Ray!" She called his name.

Ray turned back, and as he did that all the four girls, who were in the back, quickly hid behind a tree.

Giving the ball to his teammate, Ray ran towards So Hee. "Yeah?" He asked as he wiped the sweat on his head with his bare hands.

"Umm….There was….something I wanted to talk with you about…." She said.

"….Okay…Wait a minute…" He said as he went towards the nearby tap and opened it.

Bending down, he started drinking the water directly with his hands and mouth.

The sweat on his neck was shimmering at every angle whenever he was moving an inch towards the tap.

The water from the tap touched his lips while some got slipped and went down from his chin to his Adam's apple which was rhythmically moving every time he was swallowing the water.

As So Hee was just standing beside him, looking at him, doing all that, she forgot everything she was going to say. 'Uhhhhhhh....?????'

Her head went completely blank. Though he was just drinking the water but her mind was taking her thoughts to the whole another level.

Running his fingers through his hair he pushed them back and got up.

Looking at So Hee who was standing there, her jaw dropped, nearly touching the ground, he asked, "You…..You okay?"

'Aaaaaaaaa!!!! > <' So Hee screamed inside. The signs of her scream were completely visible on her face. Her drool was about to come down of her mouth.

"What the hell is she doing???" April said frustrating as they all were looking at it from behind the tree.

"Did she forget her lines or something?" Hana asked worriedly.

"Oh No Girls…." Ye Rin said. "She has lost her mind!!"

"Huh???" All the girls looked at her in shock.

"Yes! There is only one thing we can do…" Saying this Ye Rin took her phone out and started dialing.

"Who are you calling to?" Hana asked.

"The mental hospital! We better reserve a special room for her!" Ye Rin said with a smirk.

But no one else was in the mood of a joke so they just glared at her.

"Fi~ne…" Ye Rin sighed.

"Wait a minute." Mia said and she picked up a small stone from the ground.

Before anyone could ask anything she threw it hard, in the direction of So Hee.

While, Ray was figuring out what's happened to So Hee, a stone came from nowhere and landed on So Hee's head!

"Tuckk!!" And with that So Hee was down on her knees, holding her head. "Ow Ow Ow!"

Ray quickly looked in the direction from where the stone came, but he saw nothing but some bushes and trees.

"You okay?" He quickly sat down and asked So Hee.

"Huh?" She looked up. "Yeah…Yeah….I'm fine…" She said and slowly got up.

"You sure?" Ray asked again. "Otherwise let's go to the Nurse's office."

'Aw he's so nice…' So Hee thought. 'But no! Nurse's office is not the place where I want to confess my feeling to him…'

"That's okay!" She said with a weak smile. "Don't worry."

"Okay….So….You wanted to tell me something?"

"Oh! Yeah!" She said as she quickly hid the small paper bag in her hands behind her.

"What is it then?" He asked.

"Umm….Not here. Follow me." She said and started walking.

"But where?" He asked.

"Just…come….please…" She said.


"Thank god Mia, you did that!" April said relieved.

"Yeah, otherwise, that idiot would have lost her last chance!" Ye Rin commented.

"Should we follow her again?" Hana asked.

"No!" April said right away. "She has strictly instructed me that we shouldn't be around them when she is confessing to him. She said she'll tell us everything afterwards."

"Okay then." Hana said.

And with that all the girls walked inside the school.


Ray and So Hee were at the back of the school.

Now Ray had already got the feeling where this all was going.

So Hee was standing before him, her hands still behind her back, holding a bag and her head down pinned to the ground.

Ray just wanted to finish this all as soon as possible. But he also didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings so he was trying to figure out gentler way to talk this all out.

"So?" He spoke up first. "What did you want to say?"

"Ray…" So Hee started talking. "You are so nice and handsome. You are not only smart but the best football player of our team too. I know there had been some conflicts between us in the beginning….but….after that, when I got to know you more…..I…..I started falling for you…." And she looked up at him, right into his eyes.

His eyes were calm and peaceful.

"I…I like you Kim Ray!" She said and taking out the box from the bag she held it before him. "Please accept these….and my feelings too!"

Her head was down and her hands were straight, right in front of his face.

"Please accept it…" She said again.


Mia was alone on the rooftop.

Staring at the cherry blossom tree at the main gate she sighed inside. "It's this time of the year…..already…." She said to herself.

'I used to love it….But now….It's just so….painful…..

I like him…And I can't even tell this to anyone….This is so….suffocating!....

So Hee is right….Keeping your feeling hidden deep in your hearts is really frustrating…It gives us nothing more than stressing us out…..

I wish….I had already confessed my feelings to him. Whatever he would have answered, at least I've had lifted this weight over my heart….and wouldn't have kept thinking about it over and over again…..'

She looked up at the clear blue sky as a teardrop slipped out of her eyes and slid down to her ears.



And Jun tapped on one edge of the ruler. As he did that the eraser from the other edge flew up and fell inside the paper glass which was kept two tables further.

"Yayyy!!!" The 3-4 guys shouted in happiness.

Jun smiled and gave a high five to everyone.

"Now, my turn." One of them said.

As they were busy laughing and enjoying their time, April entered the classroom.

Shyly walking towards them, she stood a little far.

"Jun?" She called his name.

But he didn't hear.

"Jun?" She called again.

But he was too busy talking with his friends and laughing that he really didn't hear her voice.

Biting her lips in nervousness, she went closer.

Standing right behind him, she stretched her arm and holding his sleeve she gave it a small pull.

Startled by this, he quickly turned back and saw a small cute girl standing right behind him, wearing a cute pink bow in her head, looking right at him.

"Huh?" He got a step back in surprise. "A-April?" He said. "Do you need something?"

"Umm….Can you please come outside?" She asked looking down.

"Huh? Outside? Why?" Jun asked.

"Umm….There is something…I need to tell you…."

"Can't you tell me here?" He asked.

'Um..No…Please come outside…." She said hesitantly.

"…Ohkay…." He said and when he looked back at his friends, all of them were looking at him and April only.

With a teasing look in their eyes and a smirk on their faces, they winked at him. While two of them gave him a thumps up.

"Huh?" Being confused by all this, he followed April outside the classroom.

As soon as they stepped out, "Wooohooooo!!!! > <" All his friends howled from inside the class and started laughing in between them.


So Hee was standing there, with the box of chocolates in her hands waiting for Ray's reply.

"So Hee…." Ray's gentle voice made her look up at him.

"I'm sorry So Hee…" He said. "I'm sorry but I can't accept this…..or….your feelings….."

Her eyes went wide as ever, as soon as she heard him. Her hands went down.

"….No….No….." She took a step back. "You….You can't say 'No' to me…."

Ray could do nothing but just look at her.

"No one could reject me….No one….I am Choi So Hee…..No one says 'No' to me…"

"Listen…"Ray said. "Please….I really don't wanna hurt your feelings….I appreciate that you think about me that way….But I just can't return you the same feelings…"



"Every guy wants to date me then why don't you? Why can't you like me like others do?" She asked stepping further and bringing her face right next to his.

"I….I'm sorry….." He said and stopped for sometime before saying, "….I like someone else!!!"


The silence got spread all over the place.

No one talked anything for a minute.

"I'm really sorry that I hurt your feelings…." Ray broke the silence.

"Who is it?" So Hee asked bluntly.

"I can't tell you that." Ray answered.

And before So Hee could insist anything further, he turned his back and started to walk away from there.

"TELL ME WHO IS IT??" So Hee yelled from back but Ray didn't answer nor he stopped.

"Please tell me…..Who is it?" So Hee said to herself as her eyes started welling up.


As Jun just got out from his classroom started walking behind April, his phone beeped twice.

Taking out the phone from his jacket he looked at the screen.

His eyes getting wider and wider at every word.

His heart started beating faster and faster.

"Jun?" April called his name as she noticed that he was left behind.

Walking towards him, she said again, "Jun?"

He looked up at her. "Mia?"


"Do you know where Mia is?"

"Huh?...I….I don't know….Why? What happened?"

"Can you tell me whatever you needed to, later?"


"I need to find Mia." And saying that, he started running in the direction of Mia's classroom. "I'll talk to you later…" He yelled at April turning his head back.

And then without stopping he ran as fast as he could.

April just stood there, with her eyes on the way where he went. Short of words….


'Ye Rin told me that they were on the ground earlier….' Jun thought to himself as he was standing on the edge of it. His eyes searching for her all over the place.

'Where is this idiot?' He thought as he started walking around.

'Whenever I need this idiot…..Donno where she goes….'

He turned his head towards the school and started looking for her again, if she is standing at any window or in the hallways.

Then suddenly, someone standing at the railing of the rooftop caught his attention.

'Is that…..Is that her?' He squinted his eyes to have a better look.

"Yeah! That's my idiot!"

As he was just saying that, Mia who was standing at the railing threw something down.

'What is that?' Jun thought. 'Is that a….paper?.....A paper plane???'

Floating on the air, gently, the plane started coming down.

At every jerk of the air, it would go up a little and then again would start floating down.

'Why is she making paper planes?....Gone mad or something?' Jun was thinking as he was looking at the plane float.

Then he looked back at the place where Mia was standing, but now there was no one. She had already gone.

Jun looked back at the plane.

With the air, the plane flew till the cherry blossom tree of the main gate and then it got stuck on one of the lower branches of it.

Jun walked towards the tree. He looked at the place where Mia was standing and then again at the paper plane which was stuck in the tree.

It wasn't that up for him.

With an easy jump, he grabbed the branch on which it was stuck with one hand and then pulled it down. Stretching the other hand, he grabbed the plane and then let go off the branch.

'What is wrong with this girl?' He thought looking at the crumbled plane in his hands.

As he was looking at it, he felt like something was written on it.

His eyebrows came closer forming a frown. "What is this?" He said to himself.

And then carefully opened it.

Only three lines were written there.


I like him.

I like Kim Ray..."


How is it so far?

How's the twist?

I hope you all are liking it.

Please keep giving this story love as you've always had.

I'm just so lucky to get readers like you.

Thank you so much all of you.

Thank you.....

dokooocreators' thoughts