

the road alone

Now that the party name had changed, the next task was to attract party members.

After giving several speeches at the former warehouse, the number of people increased considerably, perhaps because they had heard the rumor.

About ten to twenty people.

Since there were only a few people coming, word of mouth alone had its limits.

Deciding that other means were needed, I immediately led all party members out into the streets.

What we did when we went out into the streets...

"Teacher, please read this."

"Kids, go home and show your parents."

It was handing out leaflets.

I'm doing all the part-time flyer jobs here that I never did in my previous life.

Although it may seem a bit mundane, leaflets were a common promotional method in a time when there was no Internet or even TV.

As a result of handing out leaflets to anyone passing by, regardless of age or gender, a certain number of people gathered at the next rally.

Estimated size is about 80 people.

As people gathered, I went up to the podium. People gathered after seeing the leaflets I handed out, but they didn't show much interest in me yet.

They just talk to the person next to them or show more interest in the beer glass in front of them.

Before going up to the podium, I quietly looked at the audience.

From retired soldiers in military uniforms, workers and old women in greasy clothes who clearly work in a factory, students who appear to skip school because they don't want to go to school, and even homeless people.

All kinds of people were gathered together.

I looked around the audience slowly, with my eyes focused, and then began my speech.

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend this event.

"My name is Adolf Hitler, a former soldier who fought on the front lines for the German Empire, and now a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party."

The speeches began, but some still showed little interest to me. But I wasn't embarrassed.

The real match starts now.

"Can you hear me, everyone?"

When the decibel level was suddenly raised, several people were seen turning their heads in shock.

"What do you think our biggest problem is? That's indifference!

Even when the country was in crisis, we chose to become blind, focusing only on what was in front of us and losing interest in our country and society. If no one cares, what's the point?

The result is today. Today is the day! "This is the result of our indifference!"

The speech ended successfully.

At a rally held two days later, 120 people gathered. The small warehouse quickly filled up with no room to move.

But people stood patiently, without complaint, waiting for me to speak.

My heart pounded like crazy at the fact that hundreds of eyes were looking at me. I feel more nervous than when I was on the battlefield.

But I know. If you become intimidated by everyone's gaze, it's the end.

After taking a deep breath, I blurted out the words I had repeated dozens of times in my head. Then he placed it on her tongue and fired it as if yelling.

"Everyone, as you all know, our fatherland, Germany, is currently in crisis.

Millions of young people have sacrificed their only lives for the well-being of their country and the future of their people.

However, we failed to repay the sacrifices of those who sacrificed their lives for our country and fell on the battlefield.

Due to the defeat in the war, we lost our colonies and territory, our economy collapsed, and countless people lost their homes and jobs and are now wandering the streets.

Is that all there is to it? Countries around the world are busy mocking us, ridiculing us, and looking down on us, calling us castrated pigs. What's even more miserable is that everyone in the country is taking that fact for granted.

"What do you think is the cause of all this?"

"That's right, they are communists."

"Are you Lenin, their leader?"

Then someone in the audience shouted.

"He's Jewish!"

If it had been the real Hitler, he might have agreed with that statement, wondering what it was like.

But not me.

Even though I am now in Hitler's body, I am me. I did not pathologically hate the Jews like Hitler did, and I had no intention of scapegoating them and putting all the blame on them.

"Some people may think it's communists, others may think Jews are the cause. But it's not the answer I thought it would be."

"Then what is the answer?"

"My answer is..."

I paused here on purpose.

Because I know it will be more effective that way.

"We are ourselves."


"What does that mean?"

"If you're going to talk nonsense like that, come down quickly!"

The audience seemed perplexed by my answer, and some impatient people shouted at me to fuck off.

The party members below the podium also looked embarrassed.

You might be wondering what on earth he was thinking when he said something like that.

Don't worry. Because I have a plan.

"Why are you denying my answer? I wonder why. The enemy is within us. That is precisely our weakness and indifference!"

As he confidently continued his speech without changing his expression, the people who had been pointing and shouting just a moment ago fell silent.

"The weakness of saying, 'We can't do it, let's stop now' led this country to defeat, and the indifference that said, 'What can I do with my interest in politics? I am the only one' is what allowed the Communist Party to become a parasite on this country.

Even at this very moment, communists are spreading like cholera, making Germany sick and shaking the foundations of society. Their goal is only one: to bring about a civil war in Germany, just as Lenin did in Russia!

Do you really want that kind of future?"


"Unless you are communists, no one would want such a dark future. So why do we just sit by and watch as they try to destroy our future?

Now is the time for all of us to come together. Although our individual power may be weak, united as one we are more powerful than anything else! The owner of the country is not those in power, but you, the people!

Let's show it to those who look down on us and want to destroy this country. "United we are strong, the German people are by no means weak, and Germany can rise again!"

Like a volcano exploding, thunderous applause and cheers erupted.


As the rumor about me spread quickly, not only the number of people coming to listen to my speech but also the number of people wanting to join the party increased exponentially.

Naturally, people's donations increased, and we were no longer able to rent a large auditorium or a luxurious restaurant to give speeches, rather than an old warehouse.

It was no exaggeration to say that things had changed 180 degrees compared to the days when party members depended on their own money.

"I saw at least one person properly."

With a satisfied smile, Drexler sliced the steak and brought it to his mouth.

It was an unimaginable luxury, considering that just a year ago, meals were made with boiled potatoes or turnips.

"This is all thanks to you, Hitler. "Thanks to you, I can enjoy all these luxuries."

Drexler, who lived a modest life as a locksmith, said it all seemed like a dream. I smiled lightly and agreed to that.

"Thank you for the compliment. But it's still a long way off. "You're probably not satisfied here, are you?"

"Is that possible? "By nature, human greed has no end."

Mashed potatoes were placed on steak pieces soaked in gravy.

The juiciness of the beef and the mild taste of the boiled potatoes combined to gently embrace the tongue.

Wow, this is it.

As I was washing my hot tongue with wine, Drexler lowered his voice and asked.

"I'll just ask you one question."

"say it."

"How far is your goal?"

"To what extent? That's right..."

I paused for a moment as a waiter approached me.

As the waiter set down the plum pudding topped with honey-poured apples and pears and left, he spoke in a low voice so that only Drexler could hear.

"It's everything in the world."


While my friends who were in charge of the party's treasurer spent several days and nights wondering how to manage the increased donations, I thought about what to say in my next speech and Drexler chose a place to hold the rally.

Once the meeting location was decided, party members put up posters on the streets to announce when and where the meeting would be held, and people flocked like bees.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. This is Adolf Hitler. Some of you may have seen me before, and some of you may have only heard of me through rumors but this is your first time seeing me.

Every time I see you, I feel joy and excitement, but at the same time, I feel embarrassed.

"When I first spoke, I could see each and every person's face, but now there are so many people that I don't know where to put my eyes."

"Ha ha ha ha ha···."

First of all, it is effective to start with a few light jokes. That way, you can relax people and at the same time make the counter behind you more powerful.

"Communism does not suit Germany. Have you seen water and oil mixing?

Communism is an ideology that only looks good on the outside, but in reality only leads to violence and destruction!

You don't have to go far to see Russia! Lenin and his minions claim that they created a revolution and freed the people, but in reality, they killed countless people in the name of realizing the justice they advocated.

Simply because their thoughts are different from theirs! How can such barbaric ideas fit in with Germany, a great civilized country!

We, Germany, are a great country. It is a country at the center of Europe and destined to lead the world. Although the war is lost and the whole country is in chaos, this is only a fleeting growing pain.

"If you are together, the hardships you are experiencing now are just small hardships that can end with you looking back on the past and saying, 'There were times like that!'"

"Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!"


What was a no-frills political party that was nothing more than a gathering of idiots has suddenly transformed into a large and well-known political party in Bavaria.

Naturally, people lined up to join the Nazi Party, and among them were some with unique backgrounds.

"My name is Ernst Röhm. "Nice to meet you."

"Welcome, Mr. Roem. Adolf Hitler."

The first person we met was Ernst Röhm. An active captain in the German National Guard (Reichswehr) and a man who will serve as the head of the Assault Troops (SA).

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hitler. Rudolf Hess, I came here after hearing your speech. "It's an honor to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Hess. "I am more honored."

Rudolf Hess. Hitler's closest associate who wrote Hitler's autobiography.

However, by the time Hitler came to power, his presence had faded and he was pushed out by his secretary, Martin Bormann. During the war, he flew to England alone in a Bf110 fighter plane, saying he would sign a peace treaty with England, and was taken prisoner.

In the original history, it was no exaggeration to say that Hess was the German version of Heo Management, but due to past regressions, the perception of Hess has changed slightly.

This is because when the Wehrmacht launched a coup, it was Hess who was shot and killed along with Goebbels while trying to evacuate me.

That's why I was happy to meet him again. 'This' may have been Hess' first time meeting me.

"My name is Gregor Strasser, Mr. Hitler. "This is my brother Otto."

"I can't believe my brother is coming to see me at the same time. "I think I'm quite popular too."

Gregor Strasser and his younger brother Otto Strasser, leaders of the left wing of the Nazi Party.

His older brother, Gregor, was purged because he was loyal to Hitler but opposed him over the party line, while Otto, unlike his older brother, fled to a foreign country and survived until the end by engaging in anti-Nazi activities.

Will these brothers meet the same fate in this return? Or will I live a different life?

What kind of life they will live will depend on my choice.

"I am Ernst Hanfstangle, Mr. Hitler."

The name of this mafia boss-looking man is Ernst Hanfstangle.

Just looking at his face and size, he looks like he can hit 3:500, but he is an intellectual among intellectuals who graduated from the famous Harvard University in the United States.

He met Hitler and supported him in the early days of the Nazi Party, but later his relationship with Hitler soured and he went into exile in the United States.

In fact, his ex-wife and son were big fans of Hitler, so they stayed in Germany.

Hanfstangle, whose family was wealthy and who was also a member of the upper class, had close relationships with many Bavarian political and business figures.

He took me to parties and various gatherings and made me meet people from the upper class.

One of the relationships that arose that way is...

"My name is Adolf Hitler."

"My name is Göring. Hermann Goering. "I heard a lot of rumors, but this is how we meet, hehe."

Nazi Germany's eternal X-man, Hermann Goering.

This brings together all the basic options.