

May 4, 1940

New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany

I sat by a sunny window, sipping tooth-achingly cold ginger ale, and reading Navy reports.

One battleship, one heavy cruiser, two aircraft carriers, and three destroyers were destroyed.

According to history, the Courageous aircraft carrier that was sunk this time was torpedoed by a U-boat on September 17th, 16 days after the start of the war, and went to Yonggung.

But here, it has survived longer than history. Even so, the result is the same.

Although the Furious was an aging ship, it was active on all fronts until 1944 and was disbanded in 1948 due to maintenance costs. This one, like her sister ship, was hit by her torpedoes and went to her dragon palace.

Hood, famous for his role in the Bismarck chase, was also sunk.

When Hood was sunk, the British fleet ceased fighting and fled.

However, as soon as news spread that Hood had been sunk, all British ships stationed in the Atlantic began to gather.

In history, after Hood was sunk by Bismarck, the British Navy, overcome with rage, devoted virtually all of its power to chasing Bismarck and eventually succeeded in taking revenge by sinking it.

It may be incomprehensible to summon the entire navy to avenge one battleship.

No matter how important battleships are, isn't that enough to involve the entire navy?

However, considering the symbolism of the hood, the British people's reaction was not strange.

It was called the pride of the British Empire due to its beautiful and majestic appearance, and the hood was a symbol of the British Navy to the extent that many applicants applied to join the navy after seeing the hood.

Naturally, I couldn't help but roll my eyes as the ship I cherished so much was sunk.

The losses of our troops were not negligible.

The German-class armored ship Graf Spe was sunk during the battle, and Lutzo survived until the end of the battle, but the damage to the ship was so severe that she was eventually forced to abandon ship.

The casualties of the ships' aircraft were greater than expected, and three destroyers were sunk. Two ships avoided sinking, but were damaged and require long-term repairs.

The Norwegian army's losses included one minelayer and one armed whaling ship sunk.

Still, the damage somehow stopped at this level.

We did not lose any of our most valuable aircraft carriers or battleships, and we succeeded in putting a big dent in the British Navy, so it was a damage worth enduring.

The problem is that it is so big that the enemies' eyes completely turn away.

"Tell Leder. The British people must have rolled their eyes by now, so don't come out and just stay in a corner deep on the coast. No matter what provocation the enemy makes, never react. From now on, we must avoid combat and focus on maintaining our strength."

"I will deliver it immediately."

So far, I've been able to win twice in a row thanks to a fluke, but there's no way the same luck will happen again.

With Italy's participation in the war, British and French ships stationed in the Mediterranean began to flock to the North Atlantic, but the sinking of Hood turned the British Navy into a vengeful enemy.

If another battle were to break out, the British Navy would try to annihilate the Kryxmarine by mobilizing all its ships.

If the Kryxmarine is annihilated, it is only a matter of time before the entire west coast of Germany is blockaded by the Allied Navy.

Therefore, the most important thing was to safely preserve the current power rather than additional criminal records.

The second report was about a Norwegian from Germany who surrendered to the British army and was captured while serving as a stooge.

This man's Norwegian name is Gunnar Gasland.

German name: Herbert Frahm

Or Willy Brandt.

Willy Brandt.

It's a familiar name, right? That's right, the former German chancellor famous for kneeling in front of the Jewish memorial in Warsaw, Poland.

Willy Brandt, who was an ardent member of the Social Democratic Party and had been a member since his youth, stole a ship from the shipping company where he worked and fled to Norway when the Nazis came to power.

After arriving in Norway, Brandt acquired Norwegian nationality in 1940 and later worked as a spy for the Allies, traveling back and forth between Norway and Sweden.

This is what I know of Brandt's actions in history, but his actions in this world have changed a lot.

When Britain attacked Norway, Norway suddenly became an ally with Germany.

Then Brandt decided to betray Norway and join Britain.

According to the report, Brandt surrendered to the British army, revealed that he was a member of the German Social Democratic Party, and asked to be sent to England.

However, the British army judged Brandt to be a madman or a poor spy, so they detained him and used him as an interpreter.

Brandt, who was acting as an interpreter, was taken prisoner when the British unit he belonged to was surrounded by the Norwegian army and surrendered.

Brandt initially pretended to be a British soldier, but his identity was revealed when captured British soldiers revealed his identity.

In any country in the world, traitors are bound to be targets of anger and disgust.

Brandt, who was German but also Norwegian, was beaten to the point of death by angry Norwegian soldiers.

The Norwegian army then handed Brandt over to the Germans, considering that he was from Germany.

Brandt cried out to be tried in Norway, but to no avail.

According to history, he may have remained a politician respected by people around the world, but now he is just a disgusting traitor who betrayed two countries.

I have no ill feelings toward Brandt personally, but it was obvious what I had to do.

"Goebbels, what would you do with this guy?"

"Shouldn't we kill him, of course? Instead, rather than killing them right away, let them live for now. "We need to bring him to the court and show the people what a traitor means."

"Well, indeed. "I will leave this to you."

"We will definitely live up to the expectations of His Excellency the President."

Goebbels, who had the opportunity to fully demonstrate his specialty, laughed cheerfully.

A public trial show of traitors approved by the President and directly planned by the Minister of Propaganda. Wouldn't just hearing your name immediately grab people's attention?

"Oh, don't use Freisler instead. That friend is loyal, but his reputation is not very good. "Let's make another friend."

"Is that so?"

As expected, Goebbels was very disappointed that he had Freisler in mind.

How is it that your thoughts never deviate from the scope?

Roland Freisler, Nazi Germany's Deputy Minister of Justice and President of the National Tribunal, was absolutely loyal to Hitler and the Nazis, but was notorious as a harsh judge who hurled all kinds of insults and curses at defendants during trials and overused death sentences.

Not only the German people but even fellow Nazi Party members disliked Freisler, and when Freisler died in an air raid, the hospital staff who saw his remains were said to have sarcastically said that he had been punished by heaven.

During the Nuremberg war crimes trials, Goering watched the video recording of Freisler's trial and commented that it was more unpleasant than the Holocaust recording video.

To that extent, Freisler was considered a crazy person by both anti-Nazis and Nazis.

Putting such a person as the main character in a news movie? Rather than increasing the morale of the people, it will plummet.

Freisler was in charge of the trial during the second Night of the Long Knives trial, but since this trial was scheduled to be recorded on video and released to the public, someone other than Freisler had to be appointed.

"The ruling has already been decided anyway, so it doesn't matter who is appointed. "Make me a friend who can talk to you in moderation."

"If the President says so, then what…"

Goebbels kept licking his lips as if he couldn't bear it, but even thinking about cancer, Freysler couldn't do it. Do you think all German people are like you?

The third report was news of the new Fw190.

The MG17 machine gun mounted inside the main wing of the existing Fw190 (A-1 type) was replaced with an MG151 machine gun to enhance firepower, and the BMW 801 D-2 engine, which is more powerful than the BMW 801 C-1 engine, was installed, increasing the output from 1,560 horsepower. Increased to 1700 horsepower. This is a characteristic of the actual historical Type A-3.

The existing A-1 type alone overwhelms all fighter jets possessed by Britain and France, but with the even more powerful A-3 type, Allied pilots will be in dire straits.

The best fighter among the British Air Force's fighters at this time was the Supermarine Spitfire Mk.I, which had lower performance than the Bf109 F type and Fw190 A-1 type.

The Mk.IX type, which was superior to these, would not appear until July 1942, and by then the Luftwaffe would have been armed with a new, much more powerful fighter.

If we continue like this, we will be able to avoid Berlin becoming a sea of fire due to bombing.

The situation on the southern front is still favorable.

The Italian army attempted an offensive every day, but each time, they were often repulsed by our mountain divisions.

The enraged enemy mobilized hundreds of bombers to attack cities near the border, but they had little fun due to the friendly air defenses led by the Uda Raider.

In fact, the number of Italian pilots who were shot down and killed was greater than the number of Austrians killed in air raids.

On roads where tanks can pass, mines are buried in advance and anti-tank guns are installed to shoot down any Italian tanks that appear.

It would be easier to blow up the bridge or tunnel, but I gave orders to preserve the bridge and tunnel as intact as possible unless it was unavoidable.

Wouldn't it be a waste of money and time to build a new bridge or tunnel when we push into Italy in the future?

Even if the defense line is breached, there is no need to blow up bridges and tunnels because it can be done by deploying reserve units from the rear.

It is said that Mussolini, who became anxious when things did not go as planned, finally asked Yugoslavia to allow its troops to pass through its territory.

They seem to have decided that since a frontal attack would be impossible, they would have a chance of winning if they attacked the Yugoslav border, which was expected to have relatively weak defenses.

Naturally, the Yugoslav government flatly rejected Mussolini's request.

Yugoslavia did not have a good relationship with Germany, but neither did it have a good relationship with Italy, so there was no reason for Yugoslavia to comply with Mussolini's demands.

"Mussolini, you idiot. At first glance, it looks like he joined the war with the intention of siding with Youngf and trying to steal some of our land, but he got it wrong. "If you were so greedy for land, you should have remained neutral until the outcome was decided."

How much trouble did you have because of the pasta guys in the last regression? Now it's time to take revenge.

I will step on you thoroughly so that the evangel of war can never be brought out again.


May 8, 1940

cologne germany

British and French air forces launched air raids on Cologne, Germany. There had been several instances in the past when British or French bombers appeared over Cologne, dropped bombs and fled, but this was the first large-scale airstrike.

This airstrike was carried out at the strong request of the British government, and was carried out in retaliation for the sinking of Hood by the German battleship Bismarck in the North Sea a few days earlier.

When Hood was sunk, Churchill lost his temper with anger and immediately issued a special order.

Sink Bismarck by any means necessary.

All British naval forces in the Atlantic Ocean were mobilized to hunt the German fleet.

However, as soon as the battle was over, the German fleet received orders from its home country and sheltered itself in a corner of the coast leading inland near Bergen.

The British Navy could not possibly touch the German fleet, which was buried deep in a corner leading inland from the famously complex Norwegian coast.

To catch the German fleet hidden in a corner, you had to go up the Norwegian coastline, but if the grand fleet was concentrated in the narrow entrance, it would easily become a meal for the Norwegian coastal guns and forts.

A German U-boat attempted to infiltrate a submarine and sink an enemy ship, as it did at Scapa Flow, but it ended in failure as it was discovered in advance by Ar196, which was scouting.

The S-class submarine that was discovered was hit by a depth charge dropped by Ar196 and became unable to navigate, and was captured by the Norwegian military. The Norwegian military eagerly promoted this and ridiculed the British military.

Where is that? The German Air Force, already deployed in Norway, was also a problem for the British fleet.

Already, several destroyers and cruisers snooping around the Norwegian coast to determine Bismarck's location were sunk by the Germans' Ju88 and Do217.

If they tried to catch the German fleet hidden inland, they would be annihilated by the Norwegian coastal guns and forts, but if they stayed still like this, the abuse of superiors and public opinion was no joke.

We tried every possible way to lure the enemy fleet, but the enemy did not move.

To make matters worse, ships dispatched to search for and lure the enemy fleet were caught by U-boats and aircraft and were sunk or captured.

From the British military's point of view, it was like going crazy and jumping around.

Accordingly, Britain attempted to avenge Hood by bombing German cities.

I had by no means given up on hunting Bismarck, but it was the only way to do it right now.

As soon as British and French bombers were detected on Uda radar, an air raid warning went off in the city.

As police officers shouted and led people into bomb shelters, hundreds of searchlights tore through the dark night sky, spotting a parade of bombers heading toward the city.

"Start shooting!"

As the searchlights detected enemy bombers, anti-aircraft guns opened fire.

The Vickers Wellington bomber pilots flying over Cologne were frightened by the intense anti-aircraft fire, but carried out their duties calmly.

In order to return to base alive, it was necessary to lighten the aircraft by dropping all the bombs it had brought with it.

When the bomb bay opened and the bombs began to fall one by one towards the city of Cologne, several fighter jets secretly approached the rear of the formation.

It was a Bf110 heavy fighter of the German Air Force.

The Bf110 was highly anticipated by many from the beginning of development due to its durability, long range thanks to twin engines, and powerful armament, but it had the problem of being somewhat inferior in mobility and maximum speed.

Accordingly, Hitler ordered that the Bf110 be deployed as an interceptor instead of a bomber escort.

The Bf110, deployed as an interceptor, was modified to be equipped with a radar antenna and a new machine gun called Schräge musik, and then was put into interception missions and showed its true value.

The Bf110s deployed on interception missions had their fuselages painted dark gray, so their existence could not be known without looking closely.

The Bf110 pilot, who succeeded in safely approaching the rear turret of the Wellington bomber without being detected, smiled and gave a brief farewell to the pilots of the bomber he had targeted.

"Goodbye, Tommy."

When Schregemusik spewed fire, the bottom of Wellington's fuselage instantly became a beehive.

As the fuel tank exploded, Wellington lost balance and plummeted to the ground. Having completed its mission, the Bf110 quickly fled.

-Jackson got hit!

-This is Winston! The aircraft does not listen! Fall!

-what? What on earth happened?!

The bomber squadron, which failed to notice the presence of the Bf110, quickly fell into chaos.

No matter where they looked, they could not see any enemy planes, so the pilots thought they had crashed after being hit by anti-aircraft fire.

"Red flag at 2 o'clock!"

The rear turret gunner, who belatedly discovered the Bf110, hurriedly fired the machine gun, but the Bf110 entered the machine gun's blind spot.

When the Bf110 positioned below the bomber, where the machine gun could not aim, fired Schregemusik, another Wellington crashed, emitting smoke.


The Allied air raid on Cologne ended with only heavy losses, with 38 British bombers shot down and 26 French bombers shot down.

Cologne, which was hit by an air raid, also suffered damage, with parts of the city burning, buildings collapsing and people dying, but the Youngf Army judged that the damage suffered by its own troops was greater than the losses inflicted on the enemy.

The leaders of both armies concluded that the loss was caused by flying to Cologne, which was too far away, and planned to attack Stuttgart, which was closer than Cologne, next.

However, the Allies' next plan was never put into action.

This is because the German invasion of France began two days after the Cologne air raid.