Overnight, he became Hitler. I just wanted to play the game. If you want to return to the original world, you must win the war. ….. Is it possible?
With the resignation of the Fuhrer, the position of second Fuhrer of the Third Reich returned to Goering.
But people, and the world, were not very interested in the birth of a new second Fuhrer. People were more interested in the fact that I resigned from the position of Fuhrer than in the fact that Göring became Fuhrer.
"Führer, Your Excellency the Führer!"
"It's still early!"
"Please lead us further!"
"Germany still needs a Fuhrer!"
On the day I announced my resignation from the position of President, the streets of Berlin were so crowded that there was not even room to step on them.
People were clamoring and asking me to reverse the decision.
In addition to Berlin, protests were held throughout Germany, including Hamburg, Munich, Cologne, Nuremberg, Königsberg, and Stuttgart. Demonstrations were held against my resignation as President.
This is not a boast or a joke; there was truly no city where protests were not held.
Even in small towns not marked on the map, people came out and held demonstrations against the President's resignation, and even the announcer who was delivering the news suddenly declared that he, too, was opposed to the President's resignation.
"Mr. President."
"I'm not the president anymore. Aren't you the President? "Sing it comfortably."
"I understand, Mr. President."
"… … ."
"As you know, Mr. President, there is strong public opposition."
"I know because I watch the news too. But so what?"
"Please listen to the people's wishes just a little longer-"
Oh really.
Even Göring came running to me every day and begged me to take over as President again.
Every time that happened, I kicked him out and told him not to talk nonsense, but Goering didn't even listen to what I said.
"Hey Goering. I'm already approaching 80. I'm at an age where it wouldn't be surprising if I died tomorrow. But do you really want to tell this old man to work until he dies?"
"That's not true. But the German people want you, Mr. Führer, so-"
"That's it. Even if everyone makes a fuss now, if we don't respond and just stay quiet, eventually the people will accept the reality. And I tell you again and again, you are now the Fuhrer of Germany. Now you have to judge and make your own decisions. "Recognize that the fate of Germany depends on you."
After speaking, I hurriedly chased Goering out. Anyway, even after retirement, I was in a position where I couldn't rest as I wanted. Being too popular is also problematic.
The protests continued for a whole month.
People were shouting slogans at the top of their voices every day, wishing for my return, and there were also a number of people who said they would not leave until I announced my return to the presidency.
As this scene continued for a whole week, I finally had no choice but to step forward.
"Ah, dear citizens. This is Adolf Hitler."
Inside the broadcasting station, which was heavily guarded by the Waffen SS, I announced the statement I had prepared the day before.
Right now, at this moment, countless people were forming a long line outside the broadcasting station.
"Over the past few days, I have heard the voices of the people. There are many people who want me to return to the position of President. I bow my head and thank you for your expectations, interest, and love for me."
Maybe it was because the inside of the broadcasting room was dry, so I started coughing a bit. I wasn't particularly nervous, but my mouth kept getting dry. I realized I was getting old again.
"Just as there is an end to a beginning, there are times when you have to shake yourself off and stand up. I have already led this country for 32 years. 32 years. It is a time that cannot be said to be short.
I have worked to correct Germany and restore its fallen prestige. Just as the citizens have maintained their respective positions and devoted themselves to their families and country. And now, I have done my part. I did. Times have changed. If this old man stays in his place forever, what will future generations see and learn?
There is a saying that you should leave when you applaud. With the support and trust from the people in me, I am convinced that now is the time for me to leave. Because I firmly believe that this is the way for Germany.
He is a person who is qualified to lead Germany after President Hermann Goering, whom I appointed as his successor. Please give him your support, support, and interest. Wouldn't he then work diligently to repay your support? Well, I'm a friend who will work like a cow even if people don't care, but isn't there a saying that praise can make even a whale dance?
Then, I will leave now. I hope you all have peace today and tomorrow. Thank you."
After finishing reading the statement, I got back in the car and returned home. To my sanctuary in the outskirts of Berlin.
Even after I announced at the broadcasting station that I had "no intention of returning in the future," the protests continued. However, perhaps because people felt that my will was firm, people gradually accepted the reality.
The past doesn't come back.
The Fuhrer retired.
Now is the time to acknowledge reality and adapt to it.
Those coming out to protest must have vaguely known that they cannot stop me from retiring because of my age.
There were no more protests. People accepted my retirement, and Germany returned to its peaceful daily life.
Shortly after I announced my retirement, my close associates who followed me as passionately as Jehovah resigned one after another. Goebbels, Ribbentrop, Hess, Himmler, etc.
Since Goebbels and Ribbentrop originally had a poor relationship with Goering, they decided that rather than working under Goering, it would be better to retire and stick by my side and enjoy a leisurely retirement life like me.
How do you know that? It's all revealed on your face.
Himmler and Hess are not on good terms with Goering, but they are both older, and they retired, saying that they could not stay when I retired.
The position of head of the SS, previously occupied by Himmler, went to Hausser.
However, Hausser soon retired due to old age, and Dietrich took over as head of the SS.
When he was president, work continued every day, but after retirement, there was nothing to do.
The work I had been in charge of so far was now Göring's, and all I had to do was enjoy my leisurely and pleasant retirement life to the fullest.
After I retired, I spent two months doing nothing but reading books and watching TV at home.
I occasionally went out for a walk or to watch a movie at the cinema, but other than this, I spent all my time at home.
Then I started traveling.
Even though I went on several tours during the time of general unification, I could not enjoy sightseeing purely because it was an extension of my work.
But now that I am just a retired old man, I can go sightseeing as much as I want.
I went sightseeing a lot and also attended funerals often. Just as there is no business ahead of time, no one can defy time. Everyone gets old and dies when their lifespan comes to an end.
I know that, but still, watching the 'comrades' who had shared life, death and ups and downs being buried in the ground made me feel various emotions.
"How are you feeling?"
"Oh my, Mr. President. "Please come all the way here-"
"Even though he is no longer the President. Well, really people."
Guderian underwent surgery for ruptured esophageal varices. As he lay in the hospital bed, he looked much more emaciated than I remembered.
As I faced him with sunken cheeks and sunken eyes, I realized that the doctor in charge said that his condition was very bad.
"Still, Erich visited yesterday."
"Oh, I heard about that."
Guderian's close friend, Manstein, is said to have visited Guderian yesterday and returned home.
"I enjoyed reading the book written by my enemy. "I thought I could be a writer instead of a soldier."
"That's too much praise. I'm just scribbling down whatever comes to mind."
Guderian's memoir, 'Erinnerungen eines Soldaten' (Reminiscences of a Soldier), has enjoyed enormous popularity ever since it was first published.
It was not only popular in Germany, but also became a bestseller in the former enemy countries of England, France, and the United States, with hundreds of copies being sold every day.
It is said that the number of copies printed is still not keeping up with the demand, so I could see how popular it was.
"It falls short of the Mein Kampf written by His Excellency the President. By the way, Mr. President, don't you have any intention of writing a new memoir? "It is sure to become a bestseller as soon as it comes out."
"But I'm bored these days, so I'm using it to kill time. I don't know when it will be completed."
"I'm looking forward to it. "Can you send me a copy when it's finished?"
"of course. Don't worry. As soon as it is completed, it will be the first thing to be shown to the enemy."
"Ha ha ha ha ha!!!"
Guderian never read my second book.
The day after meeting me, Guderian passed away forever.
As a pioneer of mobile warfare and the father of German armor, he made a great contribution to Germany's victory in World War II. He suffered a heart attack while sleeping in his hospital bed and died.
When Guderian died, many people paid tribute to him. I also attended Guderian's funeral with Göring and read the eulogy.
Prominent heroes such as Keitel, Leder, Rundstedt, Weber, and Falkenhausen also passed away around the same time.
One by one, those who contributed greatly to establishing the success story of the Third Reich became eternal legends.
The world was quiet. In actual history, the '68 Movement, which started in Europe and shook the whole world, did not occur.
A somewhat similar trend flowed in France, where the '68 Movement took place. When Laval died and François Mitterrand, who became the President of France in real history, ascended to the position of Marshal of France, protests against the government's dictatorship occurred throughout France. A protest broke out.
Protesters, mainly young people such as college students, marched calling for an easing of dictatorship, and Mitterrand immediately accepted the protesters' demands and announced the lifting of several measures enacted by Laval.
Surprisingly, the government meekly accepted the demand, and the protesters dispersed shortly afterwards.
Göring did not tackle Mitterrand's decision.
Mitterrand's announcement did not contain any anti-German content, and the nature of the protest was not directed at Germany or the Axis powers, so there was no reason to tackle it.
The United States eventually succeeded in developing a manned spacecraft and landing its own people on the moon. Although it was two years behind history, it still kept its promise to land on the moon within five years.
Coincidentally, a book was published in Germany on the day that American Neil Armstrong became the first American and the third person in human history to walk on the surface of the moon.
The title is Our Struggle.
It was my second autobiography, following My Struggle.
Unlike when I wrote My Struggle, I was worried about what to write at first because history has changed so much.
Because the international situation has changed, I can no longer write about the history I knew - the Tiananmen Square incident, the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Russo-Russian War, etc.
So, considering the current situation, I filled it with information about what might happen in the future.
It concluded with content about the development and practical use of various electronic devices such as space exploration, home computers, portable computers (laptops, smartphones), the Internet, and drones, which were not included in My Struggle.
Experts working in related fields would be disgusted by the content, calling it a hodgepodge of miscellaneous things, but the book sold well.
All profits earned in this way were sent to the national treasury.
Since I don't have to worry about money until I die anyway, it was money I could either have or not have. In that case, it would be right to use it for society. Even if you die, you won't take the money with you, right?
The fun and leisurely life continued. I traveled all over the world and did things to my heart's content that I had not been able to do before.
I visited the United States and saw the Grand Canyon and Mount Rushmore, and in Africa, I watched elephants and lions frolicking right in front of me.
I also tried piloting tanks, armored vehicles, fighter planes, and bombers. Perhaps because I was hard-headed, it took me quite a while to learn how to fly them.
While enjoying such a sweet retirement life,
That day has come for me too.
April 30, 1972.
"Mr. President."
"Is it still that sound?"
When I heard Goering's voice, I turned my head and looked at him. Goering was looking at me with a face full of concern.
Now that I think about it, he is really old too. There was no wrinkle on his forehead or under his eyes.
"Didn't you come yesterday too?"
"It's been there since yesterday."
"What about the country's affairs?"
"… … ."
"What happened?"
I glanced around the room.
"They all know each other."
Among the people in the room, there was not a face I did not know.
Göring, Goebbels, Himmler, Hess, Ribbentrop, Speer, Dönitz, Galland, Maurice, Rommel, Modell, Hausser, Dietrich, Pfeiffer, etc.
There were so many people in the room that it felt cramped in a room the size of an ordinary school auditorium. For just one person.
"I really don't have anything to do. You came just to see this old man. "Isn't there so much to do?"
"… … ."
"I'm thirsty."
I was thirsty, probably because I woke up from sleep. The nurse handed me a cup filled with water, but I shook my head.
"Do you have any cola?"
"I want a cold coke. "A glass of cola is okay, right?"
In less than 30 seconds, a cold cola was delivered. It was so cold that it made my teeth ache.
"Yes, Mr. President."
"That note I wrote… … "You still have it, right?"
"Of course."
When I resigned from the position of Führer, I left a note to Goering.
The memo contained instructions that could not be revealed to the world. My request to Göring and his successors.
I left several requests to Germany so that it does not repeat the same mistakes as history.
Think of coexistence rather than hostility with the United States, and negotiation rather than war.
However, if the United States touches Germany's sphere of influence, then judge by prioritizing Germany's rights.
Hire talent based on ability, regardless of gender or race. There should never be a quota system. But don't hire someone with a personality that is half as good as a talented person.
Interest in and support for the socially underprivileged must continue. However, we must not just hand out money blindly, but keep in mind that the goal is to enable them to become self-reliant.
Be friendly with Islamic countries. If we fall out, it will be a pain in the ass. Instead, do not accept immigration at all. That would be good for Germany.
We must continue to pay attention and care to ensure that all German citizens receive medical benefits. Don't let people die because you don't have money when you could save them.
Religious freedom must be guaranteed, but do not allow religion to limit human rights.
Lastly, I did not forget to say that the existence of this memo must never be made known to the world. As long as Germany continues as it is now, the memo I wrote will never be made public to the world.
I just woke up, but I felt drowsy again. Now I spent two or three times more time sleeping than awake.
Before going back to sleep, I suddenly had something I wanted to ask. I had a rough idea of what answers everyone would say, but I still wanted to hear it with my own ears.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Please tell me."
"What do you think? If this is enough… … You must have tried hard... … ?"
Although they were all elderly people, the voices they answered were as loud as the roar of a cannon.
"… … of course!"
After hearing that resounding answer, my heart felt much lighter.
"okay. Then that's it... … ."
My eyelids kept closing. The air in the room felt stale, so I asked them to open the window. When I opened the window, cool air came in.
The wind blew and the curtains fluttered. Light penetrated the room through the fluttering curtains. It was the intense light emitted by the sun in the sky.
The light was dazzling, but strangely it didn't feel uncomfortable.
The light gently enveloped my entire body, making it seem as if the whole world had been dyed white.