



"I predict that as long as Cuba remains quiet, the United States will leave Cuba alone. "There's nothing good for the U.S. in poking the beehive for no reason."


As seen in the example of Batista, the policy of the current U.S. government is to mercilessly discard even pro-Americans, no matter how incompetent, if they are judged to be too incompetent to be of much help. On the other hand, even if they are communists, as in the case of the Soviet Union and Vietnam, it is in the U.S. national interest. If you decide it meets the criteria, just skip it.


As in real history, the revolution was successful, but it is still unclear what steps Castro will take thereafter.‌​‎‍


In history, Castro maintained amicable relations with the United States at the beginning of his reign, but during the reform process, he confiscated American-owned property in Cuba, which led to a loss with the United States.‌​‎‍


In order to reform Cuba, conflict with American companies deeply rooted in the Cuban economy was unavoidable, and Castro was able to make that choice thanks to the strong support and support of the Soviet Union, a communist country. The world is very different.‌​‎‍


As I have said repeatedly, the Soviet Union is busy taking care of its own livelihood, let alone supporting other countries.


Therefore, the option of receiving support from the Soviet Union is unthinkable.‌​‎‍ It is even closer to impossible to cause a nuclear war crisis by deploying Soviet-made nuclear missiles in the country.‌​‎‍


"No matter how much Castro is a hard-core communist, I think he will compromise because this is the reality."


"Well, talking nonsense about the United States when you have no support is tantamount to suicide."


Just as they cut off Batista, their henchman, because they judged him to be of little help, there was a high possibility that they would tolerate it even if it was a communist regime, as long as Castro did not cross the line.‌​‎‍


As long as Castro has ideas, he will try not to offend the United States.


If war broke out between the United States and Cuba, who would want to help Cuba? The Soviet Union? Or Mongolia or Vietnam? That sounds like a no-brainer.


Castro will know that they are of no help, so he will try to remain as quiet as possible.‌​‎‍


"Cuba, it's a problem between Yankees and communists, so let's skip it. Recently, Yankees' pranks have become more frequent.‌​‎‍"


"You mean U-2? "I also received the report."


In real history, just as it did with the Soviet Union and China, the United States used the U-2 reconnaissance aircraft to frequently fly over Europe and get on Germany's nerves. But unlike real history, it did not dare to fly over our heads. It only appears near the Ural Mountains and over Norway, but Goering seems to be dissatisfied with even this.‌​‎‍


We are not just suffering, and since we are reconnoitering the area over North America with the Arado company's Ar534 reconnaissance aircraft, we are in no position to criticize the United States. However, as Goering said, it is also true that the number of provocations by the United States has become more frequent recently.


Still, I gave instructions not to react emotionally for now.‌​‎‍


The international society is a place where power is more important than law and morality, but just cause also exerts considerable power.‌​‎‍


If you get caught up in your emotions just because you're angry and then give the US an excuse, you end up in more trouble.‌​‎‍


"Your Excellency the Fuhrer's ideals are truly right for Germany and humanity, but considering the current attitude of the United States, I wonder if dialogue will work. There wasn't much response when you proposed cooperation before."


"That's right. But Goering, the days of solving problems through war like in the past are over. Of course, war is still a method that works well against countries with little national power, but the United States is different. I don't know about other countries, but with the United States, we should always prioritize dialogue over force. "Unless you want to spend the rest of your life locked in a bunker."


I tried diligently today to instill in Göring the fact that dialogue with the United States must begin first.‌​‎‍ Accompanying military force must always be a last resort.‌​‎‍


There are many examples throughout history where things went awry when attempts were made to use force when they could have been resolved diplomatically. If we cannot learn from these, there is no reason to learn history.‌​‎‍


"Shouldn't we end the war in our schools and at least pass on a world without war to our children? "Am I wrong?"


"Yes, that's right… … ."


Still, the training so far has not been effective, so I am not saying that one big blow is the end, as it was in the past.‌​‎‍


What a great development this is.


"I've already said it dozens of times, but you, Göring, must lead Germany and, by extension, Europe, in my stead. To do that, you need the ability to see further than ordinary people. "I chose you as my successor because you are a talented person with such abilities."


Goering made a face that made him look like he would jump out of the window right now if I told him to.‌​‎‍ It's so easy to understand now and then.


"Goering, I will repay your trust, even if it means sacrificing my life!"


"You don't have to sacrifice your life, you just have to do what I did, no less."




Like Hitler in Germany, the United States also had no doubt that Cuba's communist regime would uphold basic lines even though it was a communist regime.‌​‎‍


Common sense tells us that there is no other way for Cuba than to cooperate with the United States.‌​‎‍ If Cuba is hostile to the United States, what country will help Cuba? The same communist country, the Soviet Union? Mongolia? vietnam?


Mongolia is a satellite country of the Soviet Union, and the Soviet Union is busy keeping Germany in check. Vietnam is a communist country, but it survives with support from the United States.‌​‎‍


Even if they go crazy one day, there is no way they can help Cuba, which is hostile to the United States, unless they go completely crazy.‌​‎‍


Castro would not be unaware of this fact, so everyone's common perception was that even if he called for communism, he would later make a reasonable compromise with capitalism, and it was predicted that this would actually be the case.‌​‎‍


And Castro shattered everyone's expectations with all his might.‌​‎‍


Castro, who came to power, implemented the plans he had dreamed of based on the full support of the Cuban people.‌​‎‍


"All the land of large landowners will be confiscated and distributed evenly among the people by the state!"


"Kill all the beggars who collaborated with the Batista regime!"


"Nationalize all American-owned companies!"


When the Castro regime's reforms began, the Cuban people, who had suffered from poverty and dictatorship, welcomed them with cheers.‌​‎‍


And foreign countries were shocked.‌​‎‍


"Castro, that crazy bastard!"


"What is that bastard talking about now?"


"What about our money? "Who is confiscating our money at will?"


The United States also did not say anything about forcibly confiscating huge amounts of land owned by large landowners and distributing it to the people, establishing schools and providing compulsory education to eradicate illiteracy, and operating collective farms to encourage agricultural production.‌ ​‎‍


However, when the confiscation of American companies located in Cuba, mainly sugar, fruit and oil companies, began, Americans' eyes turned.


The person who was more embarrassed than anyone else now was MacArthur, who tolerated Batista's resignation and Castro's rise to power.‌​‎‍


Although he was a communist, he thought that he was at least a realist who could discern between opinions, so he condoned Castro's ousting Batista and establishing a communist regime in Cuba.‌​‎‍


However, now that it has been revealed that Castro is a simpleton who cannot even at least discern what is right - from the U.S. perspective - the White House cannot avoid criticism from the public.‌​‎‍


The Democratic Party, especially anxious because of the upcoming presidential election next year, began to criticize the MacArthur administration.


"You always sing about beating up communists, and you allow communists to steal money from our companies. And then you are the president!"


"MacArthur must resign!"


"How much did you get from Castro? "Answer me!"


"Don't talk nonsense just because your mouth is open. "What kind of ridiculous speculation-"


"MacArthur, who is destroying the country, must resign!"


The Democratic Party was excited because for the first time in a while, they had something to criticize the current government.‌​‎‍ As the days passed, the media continued to talk about MacArthur's mistakes, and eventually there was even talk of impeachment.‌​‎‍


The White House was in a hurry.‌​‎‍


MacArthur quickly grasped the current situation. Whatever the reason, it was MacArthur's decision to allow the collapse of the pro-American Batista regime, and it was also MacArthur's responsibility for the Castro regime to take root in Cuba.‌​‎ ‍


The Democratic Party already has a sword in its hand, and the media has also been bitten by it.


The range of choices allowed to MacArthur was not wide.‌​‎‍


Will you admit responsibility or deny it and claim that it had nothing to do with you?


MacArthur chose the former.‌​‎‍


"The establishment of a communist regime in Cuba was clearly my mistake and ignorance.‌​‎‍"


"Look, I said that right?"


"Even MacArthur can't help against concentrated fire."


The Democratic Party was flattered to see the arrogant president meekly admitting his responsibility and apologizing.‌​‎‍ The view of the Navy, which valued MacArthur from the Army, was not much different.‌​‎‍


But they didn't know.‌​‎‍


Why did MacArthur choose to simply apologize?


In a live broadcast broadcast across the United States, MacArthur explained why he decided to allow the collapse of the Batista regime.‌​‎‍


Batista's incompetence, tyranny, and even the Cuban people's reaction to it.


The collapse of the Batista regime was inevitable. Trying to prevent it would only stimulate anti-American sentiment among Cubans.


Therefore, he had no choice but to take the drastic measure of approving the communists' rise to power.‌​‎‍


However, looking back, this was also my mistake.‌​‎‍ I should have taken action to ensure that a third person, neither Batista nor Castro, could come to power peacefully, but I responded complacently and ended up causing damage to the country.‌​‎‍


"Are you saying everything was wrong?"


"Resign, resign!"


"We don't need an incompetent president! "MacArthur must resign!"


Even after MacArthur acknowledged responsibility, the Democratic Party's attacks on MacArthur continued.‌​‎‍


But the public reaction was different.‌​‎‍


"Why are they like that again?"


"I just apologized. What more do you want here?"


"If you open your mouth, you'll either resign or be impeached… … "They're making a fuss because they really want to hold back."


"Well, you can make mistakes and things like that. "In fact, they are the ones who allowed spies to run wild."


Americans are sick of the Democratic Party's attacks.‌​‎‍


People were antipathetic to the Democratic Party, which talked about resignation or impeachment at every opportunity, and naturally, people's criticism was directed at the Democratic Party, not the White House.‌​‎‍


"Why is the approval rating like this? "Are you sure you investigated this properly?"


"Why is it falling further than before? why?"


"No, why? "It's the White House that's at fault!"


Unlike MacArthur, whose approval rating recovered again, the Democratic Party's approval rating fell vertically.‌​‎‍


MacArthur's gamble paid off.‌​‎‍




July 6, 1959


Washington DC White House, USA


"I'm tired of those damn commies."


"Still, I'm glad we got through the crisis safely.‌​‎‍"


Eisenhower wiped his forehead with a handkerchief, as if he was still sweating.‌​‎‍


"Things like dirt… … There is a right line in everything. "Tsk, tsk, what kind of politics are these people who don't even know?"


"Someone would think that you were born to be a politician.‌​‎‍"


The public reacted positively to the president who readily admitted his mistakes instead of avoiding responsibility.‌​‎‍


On the contrary, he had antipathy towards the Democratic Party, which continued to attack even though the President bowed his head.‌​‎‍


In particular, the support of the classes that benefited the most from the abolition of the government's discriminatory policy, people of color and women, was unwavering.‌​‎‍


They thought that if MacArthur really resigned and a Democratic government came into power, all of MacArthur's policies might be reversed. If you look at their current actions, they are enough to do that.‌​‎‍


MacArthur's resignation meant a return to the past, and it was like opening the gates of hell again.‌​‎‍


Likewise, hardliners, who expressed great satisfaction with the government's strong anti-communist and anti-German policies, were also concerned that if MacArthur stepped down, communists and fascists would return.‌​‎‍


People supported the government for their own reasons and criticized the opposition party for only attacking the government.‌​‎‍


MacArthur, who succeeded in making a comeback using public support as a weapon, enthusiastically pursued the following policies.‌​‎‍


"First of all, America should punish the communists who created this division."


MacArthur imposed economic sanctions on Cuba.‌​‎‍


Since they attempted to rob the American people of their property, shouldn't they pay a heavy price?


"I thought you were going to send in the military right away?"


"What do you think of me? Of course, we'll have to send in the military, but that's for later. "First of all, we should dry up the blood of those people as much as possible so that they don't have the strength to stand up with guns, and then send in the military. Wouldn't the blood shed by our soldiers be reduced?"


Why did this guy get so upset during the bonus demonstration... … Even if you knew it, you wouldn't know it. Eisenhower had a strange idea.‌​‎‍


"And recently Germany.‌​‎‍"


Eisenhower reported on the increased activity of German reconnaissance planes. MacArthur nodded as if he knew.


"Just looking at it, it's because of the U-2 problem. "Are you saying they will respond in the same way if you keep messing around?"


"What do you want to do?"


"If I was going to back down from here, I wouldn't have flown it over Europe in the first place. Isn't it an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? "The Air Force has already been advocating for reconnaissance across Europe, so let's do as they say."


"In this case, Germany will not sit still."


"When did Jerry stay still? We can't just stare at them forever and watch what they think. "Things are meant to be used, and the U-2 was created for that purpose, so it should be used for its intended purpose."


He did not forget to train anti-communist Cubans who fled Cuba to the United States due to Castro's rise to power.


Castro did not blindly touch American capital just because he was crazy.‌​‎‍


This was because reform was difficult without touching American capital. If it were possible to carry out reform without confiscating the assets of American companies, he would have done so.


However, American companies had already taken root deep in the Cuban economy, and reform was impossible without touching them.‌​‎‍


Therefore, despite anticipating a backlash from the United States, Castro took an ultra-hardline policy of confiscating the assets of American companies.‌​‎‍


But whatever the reason, Castro's actions ultimately amounted to plucking the nose hairs of a sleeping lion.‌​‎‍


The United States was angry at Castro's actions, and MacArthur, the owner of the White House, could no longer sit idly by.‌​‎‍


There was a need to fix Cuba for the elections to be held next year.‌​‎‍


Another harsh wind began to blow in North America.‌​‎‍