



Besides Syngman Rhee, there were many others who were not pleased with Hitler's visit.‌​‎‍


One of them is Shin Seong-mo, Minister of Home Affairs. Shin Seong-mo, who was Syngman Rhee's closest associate and was blindly loyal to Syngman Rhee, served in the British Navy as a merchant marine officer.‌​‎‍


To him, who was naturally influenced greatly by Britain, Hitler's Germany was a country that could never and should not get closer to Korea.‌​‎‍


However, the number of those who welcomed Hitler's visit to Korea was overwhelmingly greater than those who were reluctant.‌​‎‍


Representative examples were Lee Beom-seok, the first Prime Minister and Minister of National Defense, and Ahn Ho-sang, the first Minister of Education.‌​‎‍


Not to mention Ahn Ho-sang, who was friendly to the Nazis and Hitler thanks to his experience studying abroad in Germany, and Lee Beom-seok, who had been deeply impressed by visiting Germany under Hitler, could not hide his excitement at the news of Hitler's visit to Korea.


Previously, Hitler met Son Ki-jeong and Nam Seung-ryong, personally encouraged them, and gave them gold medals for the people of Joseon who were suffering from flood disasters. Despite having no ties with Joseon.


I don't know why he is like that, but one thing is clear: he is friendly towards Korea. Otherwise, there would be no reason to visit this distant land, right?


Kim Gu, who distanced himself from Hitler's militaristic policies, also viewed Hitler's visit to Korea positively.


Even if he visited Korea simply out of curiosity, if it is good for Korea, it is a good thing and not a bad thing.‌​‎‍


"Let's think positively, Woonam. "If this incident raises Korea's status, wouldn't it be a good thing?"


"That's right, Your Excellency! Führer Hitler's visit will be a great help in spreading the name and existence of Korea to the world.‌​‎‍"


When Lee Beom-seok expressed strong support for Kim Gu's words, Syngman Rhee grumbled inwardly as if he was displeased and did not say anything.‌​‎‍


And as time goes by,


The date of Hitler's visit to Korea has arrived.‌​‎‍


"oh my god. "Look at that."


"Why is your stomach so big?"


"It's like looking at a palace, not a ship."


"Hitler is on that big ship?"


People flocked to Incheon Port like a cloud to see Hitler.‌​‎‍


People who flocked to the port for a once-in-a-lifetime sighting couldn't hide their admiration when the Bismarck appeared.‌​‎‍


Eventually, the ship docked in the port, and when Hitler got off the ship, the military band began playing Horst Wessel's song.‌​‎‍


"Mr. President! Welcome to Korea.‌​‎‍"


"Hmm, what about you? "What is your name?"


"It is said to be a strong type.‌​‎‍"


The name of the man who speaks German fluently is Kang Se-hyung. Kang Se-hyung, the first director of the Ministry of National Defense's Political Service Bureau, attended the Humboldt University of Berlin from 1931 to 1935 and was one of the few Germans in Korea who earned a doctorate in philosophy.‌​‎‍


For him, who had become an ardent believer in Nazism since his days living in Germany, this moment felt like a dream.‌​‎‍


Even when I lived in Germany, I only watched Hitler from afar, but now he was paying attention to me.‌​‎‍


"You speak fluent German. Have you ever lived in Germany?"


"yes. I learned German while attending the Humboldt University of Berlin.‌​‎‍"


"I think you speak German more fluently than I do. "I don't think I'll have to worry about an interpreter while I'm staying here."


"of course! We will treat you comfortably while you are in Korea.‌​‎‍"




April 16, 1948


Seoul, South Korea


Incheon Port was crowded with people who had gathered to see me.‌​‎‍


"I had no idea that there were so many followers of His Excellency the President even this far away in the Far East.‌​‎‍"


"… … "That's right."


"Isn't this proof that the values ​​of National Socialism also apply to the Far East? Hahaha!"


Hess and Ribbentrop were talking about various things next to me, but I couldn't really hear them.‌​‎‍


Finally, I finally came to Korea.‌​‎‍ To the 'real Korea'.


I waited for the landing, holding back the urge to ask if I could get the boat a little sooner.‌​‎‍


As Bismarck docked in port and set foot on land, the military band waiting for me began playing Horst Wessel's song.‌​‎‍


I never thought I would hear Horst Wessel's song in Korea, especially at an official event.


The Korean government recommended that I change boats and go up the Han River and go straight to Seoul, but I, who wanted to see in detail what our country looked like in 1948, declined the offer and decided to drive to Seoul.‌​‎‍


All the way from Incheon to Seoul, I could see people gathering on the roadside to see me.‌​‎‍


From small children to women carrying jars on their heads, from elderly people wearing robes and hats to men dressed in suits.


Everyone gathered to watch the procession of the German Führer.‌​‎‍


"… … "There are a lot of people."


"A precious guest has arrived from far away Germany. Who wouldn't be interested?"


It was something I was saying to myself, but Kang Se-hyeong, who was in charge of the guide, understood it like a ghost and spoke. Oh, I wasn't really expecting an answer.


"I can't tell you how surprised I was when I heard that His Excellency the President was coming to Daehan.‌​‎‍"


"That's too much praise. "I'm not that great of a person."


"What are you saying! Your Excellency the President has accomplished an unprecedented feat that no one has ever accomplished in human history. I can assure you that even hundreds or even thousands of years from now, no one will be able to surpass His Excellency the President."


"Hmm. "I'm embarrassed."


After finishing speaking, Kang Se-hyung looked at me for a moment. It looked like he wanted to say something.


"You seem to have a lot to say, so please speak without hesitation. "I will answer anything."


"Thank you.‌​‎‍ I'm curious as to why your Excellency the President came all the way to Korea instead of to another country.‌​‎‍"


"Well, there's no such grand reason. "I just vaguely thought I wanted to come here for a long time."


"Oh oh… … ."


I couldn't reveal that I was Korean, so I was just saying this out loud, but Kang Se-hyung seemed genuinely touched.‌​‎‍


Is this something that will really move you that much? I didn't say much good things about Korea.


Kang Se-hyung asked many questions after this, but I don't remember much. Because he was busy looking at the surrounding scenery while driving.


Although not as large as Tibet, our country at this time also had a lot of empty plains.‌​‎‍ This is only natural as it is a new country that only became independent four years ago.


Most of the buildings were ugly, and there were a lot of thatched-roof houses.‌​‎‍


At this time, our country was one of the poorest countries in the world, so there was nothing we could do about it, but seeing the reality of our country being so desperately poor with my own eyes made me feel a little bitter.‌​‎‍


It will take a lot of time for the Korea I know to become what I know.‌​‎‍


"It's a shame, but the country's financial situation is still poor, so it will look very plain compared to the streets of Berlin.‌​‎‍"


Kang Se-hyeong, who looked out the window and roughly guessed what I was thinking, said.‌​‎‍


"There is no need to feel sorry. It's not even your fault. "How can a country that was a colony of Japan until just four years ago become rich overnight?"


As I entered Seoul, I began to notice buildings that could be called high-rise buildings.‌​‎‍


Because the remnants of Japanese colonial rule still remain, many Japanese-style wooden buildings were visible, and ox carts were seen frequently.‌​‎‍


There was a large welcome procession in Incheon, but when I came to Seoul, the number was incomparable. People lined every street, craning their necks to get a glimpse of me. ‌​‎‍


Even though Germany had done nothing for Korea, people cheered as I passed by.‌​‎‍


When I rolled down the window and waved my hand in response to people's support, the voice got louder.‌​‎‍


"Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!"


"Can you hear that sound? Everyone sincerely welcomes the visit of His Excellency the President.‌​‎‍"


"haha. This is so... … ."


The Taegeukgi and Hakenkreuz flags hung side by side at the main gate of the former Joseon Government-General building and the current National Assembly building of the Republic of Korea.‌​‎‍


When I got out of the limousine, another named person who I had only seen in pictures in history books was waiting for me.‌​‎‍


"It is truly an honor to meet you, Mr. President!"


Beomseok Lee couldn't speak German, but he spoke his first words in German almost perfectly.‌​‎‍ He was probably practicing for this moment.


With a smile on my face, I held Beomseok Lee's calloused hand and shook it. As befits a great man who devoted his life to the independence movement, his words and actions were full of moderation.‌​‎‍


"Adolf Hitler, the German Fuhrer. "It's an honor to meet you too."


Besides Lee Beom-seok, there were several other high-ranking officials who came to welcome me.‌​‎‍


It was truly mysterious to see people like Kim Gyu-sik, Jo Man-sik, Shin Ik-hee, Shin Seong-mo, and others I had only seen in photos in textbooks lining up to meet me.‌​‎‍


After saying hello to them all, I headed to Gyeongmudae, which had not yet been renamed the Blue House.‌​‎‍ And there I met Syngman Rhee and Kim Gu.‌​‎‍


Both are great figures who cannot be left out when discussing modern Korean history.


Kim Gu held my hand with a bright smile, but Syngman Rhee greeted me with a calm expression.‌​‎‍


"You worked very hard to come this far."


"It was nothing. Are you having a hard time? "It was a very comfortable trip."


Until now, Kang Se-hyung followed me and acted as the interpreter, but when I spoke with Syngman Rhee, Syngman Rhee's wife, Francesca, acted as the interpreter.‌​‎‍


"I heard that the First Lady is from the same country as me.‌​‎‍ I had no idea that I would meet someone from the same country in a far away country in the Far East.‌​‎‍"


"Hehehe… … Let's go inside.‌​‎‍"




The people I mainly talked to were Kim Gu and Lee Beom-seok, and I didn't talk that much with Syngman Rhee.‌​‎‍


There was something to be guessed about Syngman Rhee's particularly hard attitude.‌​‎‍


As you know, Syngman Rhee is a half-American who has lived in the United States for decades. Even though he later degenerated into a dictator, he still believes in democracy. In his eyes, I am the Fuhrer of Germany, which is the antithesis of democracy, and I would be a very unworthy person. ‌​‎‍ Moreover, Germany is a country that went to war with the United States.


So it was understandable that he had that attitude.‌​‎‍


Moreover, Korea is currently receiving aid from the United States, and I am very worried that my visit may cause strange misunderstandings in the United States.‌​‎‍


"I had no idea that President Hitler would be so interested in Korea.‌​‎‍"


"Don't give it too much air. "I don't know that much, I just read a few books."


"Is there anything you want to ask, Woonam?"


Kim Gu, sitting next to him, asked Syngman Rhee as he raised his coffee cup.


I have no idea whether all these people here understand what I'm talking about.


"It's not a common occurrence, so please tell Woonam. "Führer Hitler is not a guest before he is the Führer of Germany."


"Kuhm. Then what… … ."


When Syngman Rhee put down his glass and opened his mouth, I turned my gaze towards him to hear what he had to say.‌​‎‍


"The reason the President came all the way to the Far East peninsula is not just for sightseeing. Is there anything else you want?"


One question is hot. As a person who gave the United States of America a big blow by releasing him as an anti-communist, he had no shame.‌​‎‍


"ha ha ha. That's what you want. There is nothing like that.‌​‎‍"


Syngman Rhee may not believe it, but I really came here as a tourist.‌​‎‍


Formally, the goal is to promote friendly relations with Asian countries, but there is really nothing that Korea wants.‌​‎‍ What is there to eat from a country that is already desperately poor?


The port that Crixmarine will use as a base? Syngman Rhee, a pro-American, would not allow a German naval base to be built on the Korean Peninsula, and if he did so, the United States would immediately burst into protest.‌​‎‍


I also thought about tungsten, a mineral that is abundantly produced on the Korean Peninsula, but Germany already imports tungsten from Spain, Portugal, Turkey, and China, so tungsten mined on the Korean Peninsula is not that valuable.‌​‎‍


In terms of ore quality, Korean tungsten is higher quality than Chinese tungsten, but when considering all secondary factors such as transportation costs, it is much cheaper to import tungsten from China.‌​‎‍


Of course, if there is a falling out with China, we will have to consider importing tungsten from Korea, but that will not happen unless the Kuomintang government collapses and the fallen Communist Party is revived and rules over all of China.‌​‎‍


"The only reason I came to Korea is because I want to build a strong relationship between Germany and Korea. Other than that, I have no other desires."


"exactly? Hehe, it looks like I made a misunderstanding. The older this old man gets, the more suspicious he becomes. Anyway, he came a long way, so get some rest."


When I denied it, Syngman Rhee didn't ask any more questions. The look in his eyes still seemed convinced that there was something, but what else could he do here, not in the interrogation room.




"Honey, it was too dangerous earlier."


This was what Francesca said to her husband Syngman Rhee when the dinner was over and it was time to go to bed.‌​‎‍


"Hitler was a good man, so it was a remark that could have been considered rude."


"Even if you feel that way, what are you going to do? I am the president here. And if a man just heard that one question and kept it inside, he wouldn't have gotten to that level."


Although he was overlooked because he was such a naughty guy, Syngman Rhee was still suspicious of Hitler.‌​‎‍


It is impossible for someone as high as the German Fuhrer to come all the way to the Far East without any reason. There must have been another purpose.


Syngman Rhee wondered what the purpose was.‌​‎‍ The Korean Peninsula is in a very important geopolitical position, between China and the Japanese archipelago.‌​‎‍


If we occupy the Korean Peninsula, it will be possible to advance into the Pacific Ocean and mainland China.‌​‎‍


It is clear that Hitler's goal was to incorporate the Korean peninsula into Germany's stronghold, or at least make it a location under strong German influence.‌​‎‍


No one knows that the United States and Germany are in conflict with each other. If they take control of the Korean Peninsula, they can not only threaten Japan, which is ruled by the United States, but also divide the United States and China, and finally, the Soviet Union's Primorsky Territory, which is Germany's bitter enemy. Can attack.‌​‎‍


By now, Hitler may be envisioning a future in which he would establish a base for the German army on the Korean Peninsula and exert influence over the Asia-Pacific region. No, it certainly would.‌​‎‍


Now that we've conquered Europe, what's there to fear? It would be no surprise if he set his sights on Asia.‌​‎‍


Nevertheless, Kim Gu and Lee Beom-seok were taken in by Hitler and thought of him as nothing more than a benefactor with infinite affection for Korea. Syngman Rhee did not deserve this.‌​‎‍


The country that will rule the world in the future will not be a militaristic dictatorship like Germany, but the United States, the vanguard of liberal democracy... …