Overnight, he became Hitler. I just wanted to play the game. If you want to return to the original world, you must win the war. ….. Is it possible?
"I wonder if this is really necessary."
"For what again this time, Ribbentrop?"
I wonder how many times I've said this already. I felt the back of my head tingling, but I wanted to get an explanation so I motioned for him to speak.
"China wants to subordinate Tibet to itself. If we recognize Tibet as an independent country, wouldn't China be secretly displeased?"
Ah, that was it.
In fact, as Ribbentrop said, Chiang Kai-shek, who is planning to rule Tibet, may be dissatisfied with Germany's recognition of Tibet as an official country.
"So what are you going to do? Although China is Germany's friend, we are superior to China in that relationship. "Is there any reason for us to keep an eye on China over the Tibet issue?"
In the 21st century I know, it would have been exactly the opposite, but not here. It is 1945, and China is larger in land mass, but in terms of national power itself, Germany is several times greater than China.
Although China may care about Germany, there is absolutely no need for Germany to care about China.
Even if you are dissatisfied with Germany's recognition of Tibet as an official country, what are you going to do? No matter what China says, just ignore it. And, if Chiang Kai-shek has his way of thinking, will he say bad things about Germany 'just' because of Tibet?
Although Chiang Kai-shek is a Sinocentrist, he is not stupid enough to get into trouble with Germany over the Tibet issue.
Rather, it's the opposite. What I regret is that it is Chiang Kai-shek and not me, so even if some dissatisfaction builds up inside, I will not be able to show it on the outside.
Even if the war with Japan is over and the Communist Party has been eradicated a long time ago, there is nothing good about the soured relationship with Germany.
If the Chinese market grows in 20 or 30 years, Germany will also try to sell products to China, but if China had been more aware of Germany, it would have been more likely to see this relationship reversed.
At least while I'm alive.
"What the President said is correct."
Himmler, who had been looking at Ribbentrop with disapproval for his objection, decided that this was the time and declared his participation in the war.
"Think about it. If we reject Tibet's request, but the United States, which is in competition with Germany, accepts Tibet's request, what will Germany's position be? And what will the countries around the world think when they see this? There is no doubt that they will try to stick to the United States more than Germany. "Isn't that so, Mr. Fuhrer?"
"I guess so?"
"Above all, Tibetans have Aryan blood. Although there is a big difference in origin, in a broad sense, Tibetans are distant brothers with the same ancestors as us Germans. The Aryan people should help each other and survive, but should we ignore the difficulties faced by a people with Aryan blood?"
… .Is that why you were so angry?
When Germany recognized Tibet as an official country, European countries and countries in the Middle East and Central Asia under Germany's influence also recognized Tibet.
Then the United States also recognized Tibet as an official country. Not only did countries that followed the United States recognize Tibet. In addition, the United States even promised a huge amount of aid to Tibet.
This is probably to show it to countries that are worried about Germany and the United States.
Look. We in America are bigger than those Germans! If you join us, you will enjoy greater benefits than if you join Germany!
Now that the two superpowers, Germany and the United States, have recognized Tibet as an official country, the possibility of Tibet becoming part of China and disappearing from the map has been virtually eliminated.
Surprisingly, China did not react in any way. Perhaps, even though they were angry inside, they decided to stay silent because China's national power could not support it.
Meanwhile, the years passed and it was 1946.
The civil war in India still continued.
After all, they say there is no business in front of the page.
The Hindus gained the upper hand in the civil war by demonstrating overwhelming numbers over the Muslims.
In fact, from the beginning of the civil war, the propaganda of the Hindus was almost predictable. No, the Hindus were never pushed back from the beginning of the civil war.
The Muslim countries neighboring India, Iran and Afghanistan, maintained their neutrality, but it was clear that they secretly wanted the propaganda of their fellow Muslim brothers.
It's not that Iran and Afghanistan are on bad terms with India, but isn't there a saying that crayfish are on one side?
That's why I put 'light' pressure on Iran and Afghanistan not to interfere at all with what's happening in India.
Although they did not specifically say what would happen if they violated this rule, the two quick-witted people understood it clearly, and even closed their eyes and ears to the help coming from their Muslim brothers from India and pretended not to notice.
Still, they turned a blind eye to accepting Muslim refugees who crossed the border into exile. If they remained in India, they would be slaughtered by Hindus.
As the civil war dragged on, Hindus gradually began to grow tired.
They already had nothing, but as the civil war broke out, their lives plummeted underground and tens of thousands of people starved to death.
As 1946 passed and entered 1947, both Hindus and Muslims began to seek a compromise.
Nehru and Bose's hard work were great, but the bigger reason was that all Indians, regardless of religion, were fed up with the civil war.
Even though independence was achieved, the quality of life declined compared to the British colonial period, and Indians became tired of the daily battles and terrorism.
The exhausted Indians began to yearn for peace. The hatred towards the other side did not cool down, but the Indian people were so fed up with the civil war that they even forgot that hatred.
It was also important that we came forward and urged negotiations. I stimulated the anxiety of the Indian people by having Goebbels express concern that Britain might intervene in India again if the civil war continued in India.
Would you like to go back to the British colonial era? really?
Even if you hate Amman Muslims/Hindus, wouldn't it be better than going back to colonial times? And how long are you going to live the rest of your life fighting like that?
Once a nationwide consensus was formed to stop the civil war, Hindus and Muslims sat down at the negotiating table.
After long and tedious negotiations, the two religions finally reached a common compromise.
Hindus granted enormous autonomy to Muslims who gave up their independence.
Hindu leaders promised that Muslims' opinions would be reflected in important national matters, and Muslim leaders also pledged not to call for independence.
In this way, the Indian civil war finally ended with over 6 million deaths.
Coincidentally, the day the Indian Civil War ended was August 15, 1947. In actual history, this is the day India gained independence from Britain.
The Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of India was Nehru and the President was Bose, but Muslims and Sikhs held more seats than Hindus in the cabinet.
Even though full-fledged negotiations were concluded, radicals who did not recognize the agreement carried out terrorist attacks in various parts of India, but this gradually decreased over time.
It took a really long time, really.
Too much blood was shed, and no one knows what will happen in the future, but the ending was still good compared to the process.
As the Indian civil war was coming to an end, I had a series of meetings with Middle Eastern countries.
First, starting with Egypt, which transitioned from a kingdom to a republic.
Muhammad Naguib, the president of the new Republic of Egypt, was interested in language and spoke English, French, German, and Hebrew, so he was able to hold meetings without an interpreter.
Naguib asked for German support for Egypt's modernization, and in return proposed that Germany and Egypt jointly manage the Suez Canal, which is on Egyptian territory.
I accepted Naguib's offer and promised support to Egypt.
Although they cannot provide much financial support, they can provide just enough training for the military and entrusted training for officers.
Transjordan, withdrew from Britain, became independent into Palestine and Jordan, respectively.
Both countries pledged allegiance to Germany and asked for a small amount of support in return for their loyalty. The same goes for Iraq.
Lebanon and Syria still remain French colonies, but independent public opinion is beginning to emerge in those regions as well.
As he had done in Algeria and Morocco, Pétain had to appease Lebanon and Syria by offering them enormous autonomy if they did not achieve independence.
Although the French were initially dissatisfied with Pétain's appeasement policy, Pétain's power grew stronger as the attempted coup dealt an irreparable blow to the ultra-hardliners and communist forces within the military.
However, in the report sent by Blomberg, it is said that Pétain is not very impressed by his increased power.
This may be because, apart from his own power becoming stronger, Germany's surveillance has become stronger than before due to the attempted coup.
Europe was generally peaceful. Anti-fascism and anti-King forces are increasing in Italy, causing trouble for the royal family and the fascist party, but that is an Italian problem, not a German problem, so I don't know. No.
Although Mussolini's house arrest was lifted, he still remained secluded in his home and did not appear outside.
Sometimes all I do is go for a walk accompanied by bodyguards.
Compared to the days when the king was appointed as the leader of Italy and ruled as the de facto leader of Italy, it is truly shabby, but if you think about what it was like in actual history, you can say that you are lucky.
Even though he lost his power and became an old man in the back room, isn't it much better than being ridiculed by hanging upside down on a pillar at a gas station?
If he had paid no attention to the war in the first place and responded like Franco in real history, he would still be sitting in power and commanding Italy.
Now that everything in Europe and the Middle East has been sorted out, I decided to put into action what I had been thinking about.
"I'm thinking of going to Asia soon."
"When you say Asia, which part are you talking about? china? India?"
"I plan to visit several places. "Rather than going back and forth to Germany one by one, I will look around all at once."
Göring, Goebbels, Todt, and Speer left behind in Germany. Because these guys have a lot of work to do in Germany.
In particular, since Goering was scheduled to be the next Fuhrer, he had to start his preparations in advance now.
Ribbentrop was necessary because the Asia tour was not just a simple overseas trip but a serious diplomatic activity.
Brauchitsch and Reichenau, who stepped down from their positions due to health issues, were also included in the Asia tour in recognition of their achievements.
The positions of Brauchitsch and Reichenau were succeeded by Manstein and Bock.
Guderian was unable to join this tour because he was busy developing the next main battle tank and had surgery scheduled.
Instead, I decided to take Rommel, who had been playing around recently because he had nothing to do.
"Mr. President, I will also join you on this Asia tour."
"Himmler, why are you doing this? "You have a lot to do in Germany."
A few days before the Asian tour, Himmler came to visit and announced that he would also participate in the Asian tour.
Is it because you're jealous that your rival, Ribbentrop, is tagging along on your tour? But Goering and Goebbels also remain in Germany?
When I said I didn't understand, Himmler explained why he wanted to join me on this trip.
"Isn't Tibet included in your Asia tour?"
"That's right."
"If I go to Tibet, which may be the origin of the Aryans, should I, who is familiar with Aryan history, be immersed in it? If not now, when will you go to Tibet with Your Excellency the President? And again-"
That was the reason.
Anyway, one concept is clear. Jingly guy.
okay. The war is over, and unlike history, we didn't do anything stupid, so let's take him away.
Hausser doesn't seem to mind taking over Himmler's job, and he needed someone to listen to Hess, a fan of the occult.
When news spread that Hitler was scheduled to tour Asia, the United States became nervous.
Could it be that Germany is trying to expand its influence in the Far East under the guise of a tour? At the Washington Conference, Hitler promised not to touch the Far East, but the United States, unsure whether Hitler would really keep his promise, began to strengthen discipline in Asia in preparation for Hitler's visit.
Separately, Asian countries entered a state of excitement upon hearing the news of Hitler's visit.
How could we neglect preparations when Hitler, not just anyone else, is coming?
"They say Hitler is going on a tour of Asia."
"Do you know?"
"Hey, Mr. Will. "Just stop worrying and do your work."
Either way, there were many people who lost interest in the outside world and focused on their own work.
For example, Patton.
"Not yet?"
"Not yet."
"Today too?"
"Today too."
Patton, who suffered a humiliating defeat in England and had to flee back to the United States, lived immersed in work even after the war ended.
To forget the defeat he had experienced in England, he concentrated more on work than ever before. And he called McNair every day to hear about the status of tank development.
McNair patiently answered the urgings disguised as questions from Patton that came in every day.
"at las! at las!"
And finally, the new tank that Patton wanted so much was revealed to the world.
In the M26 Pershing, the hull armor was strengthened to 150mm and the turret to 190mm, securing a defense power higher than that of Panther II.
As a result, a new 700 horsepower Continental AV-1790 engine was installed to support the increased weight of 50 tons.
The official name of the new tank was decided as M46.
"We finally have a tank that can surpass Jerry!"
When the new tank he so desperately wanted came out, tears of joy flowed from Patton's eyes.
If only this tank had existed in 1943... … !
In addition to the M46, the United States Ordnance Department created monsters capable of one-on-one confrontation with German heavy tanks.
The M29 heavy tank is equipped with a T53 120mm tank gun at 150mm on the front of the hull, 300mm on the front of the turret, and 200mm on the sides, and the M92 self-propelled howitzer equipped with an M1 240mm howitzer.
"But isn't it too heavy?"
"If I want to win against Jerry's tanks, I have to be like this! "Hasn't it already become clear that Sherman alone would be difficult to deal with against Jerry?"
There were criticisms that the tank might be too heavy, but the past, when it was heavily damaged by German-made heavy tanks, put an end to all concerns.
Didn't the result of focusing only on transportation capacity directly lead to the sacrifice of tank soldiers?
Patton, who valued the mobility of tanks more than anyone else, also had no doubt that even if mobility was somewhat sacrificed, heavily armored, high-firepower tanks that guaranteed complete protection from direct fire from enemy tanks would dominate the battlefield.