



November 13, 1945


Palace of Versailles, Paris, France


The group of self-styled patriots who wanted to overthrow the rotten government that collaborated with Germany and form a new government for the French people was crushed by Germany before they could even attempt anything.


Among those who participated in the coup, all those who died were arrested and interviewed one-on-one by the Gestapo, and those who died, that is, those who committed suicide or were killed during combat or flight, were burned in an incinerator and reduced to ashes.‌​ ‎‍


Pétain's face was full of emptiness.‌​‎‍


Since the coup was blocked in advance, the worst-case scenario was avoided, but he was uneasy because it was clear that Germany's intervention would become even stronger than before.


Blomberg fervently boasted to Pétain that if it had not been for the great Führer's insight, France would have become a sea of ​​fire again like it did five years ago, but this did not fall on Marshal Roh's ears.‌​‎‍


"What are they planning to do…?" … ?"


"Are you asking because you don't know? Of course we will take you to Germany and put you on trial."


Blomberg said.‌​‎‍


"But they are not French. "Although we received help from Germany, it happened on French soil and the culprits are French, so do you think it is right to try them in France?"


An agitated Pétain offered his own counterargument, but Blomberg snorted as if he had expected this counterargument.‌​‎‍


"enemy. Among the coup forces' plans was a terrorist attack on German troops stationed in Paris. And in the process of suppressing the coup forces, casualties occurred in our military. Above all, since the German government recognized and responded to the coup plan before the French government, it is also Germany's responsibility to punish the coup forces. "Do you think the French government would have been able to solve this on its own if it had not been for Germany's help?"


Pétain felt his hands and feet shaking at the remark that blatantly ignored France.‌​‎‍


But what Blomberg said was true. Until Germany informed him, Pétain had no idea that such a conspiracy was going on behind the scenes.‌​‎‍


Blomberg's words were not over yet.‌​‎‍ He unilaterally announced that he would increase the number of troops stationed in France in preparation for unexpected threats in France.‌​‎‍


Naturally, the additional costs arising from this were France's responsibility.‌​‎‍


"Still, His Excellency the Fuhrer refused to take any further action, saying that there are many people in France who share the same views as Germany. France must never forget this favor."


"Of course, Marshal. "How could we not be glad that His Excellency the Fuhrer is thinking of France?"


Laval repeatedly bowed his head and flattered Blomberg.‌​‎‍


Pétain felt his stomach twist.‌​‎‍


Even though it happened in France, it cannot be punished according to France's wishes... … Moreover, if Germany's interference becomes more severe than it is now, it will never become less severe.‌​‎‍


The bigger problem was that France had no justification for rejecting it.‌​‎‍


How would this be resolved if the burden placed on France were increased by incurring Hitler's wrath?


Blomberg additionally urged caution, saying that France's repayment of compensation owed to Germany has recently been delayed.‌​‎‍ Laval had no choice but to bow his head here as well.‌​‎‍


Henri Giraud, who was the leader of the coup forces, was arrested by the German military while trying to flee to Switzerland on a military plane.‌​‎‍


Jacques Duclos, the head of the French Communist Party, committed suicide while fleeing from the Gestapo's pursuit because he felt there was no hope.


The death of the communist Duclos did not cause any change of heart in Pétain, but Giraud's case was different.‌​‎‍


Although he planned treason, Pétain, who knew of his patriotism toward France, attempted to negotiate to save Giraud at least.‌​‎‍


From the moment Jiro was born, he was a different person from the communists who willingly sold not only his country but also his parents and siblings.


Even though I joined hands with the communists, it was probably my own choice for France.


"Henri Giraud, can't you at least have him tried in France?"


"No. It is the order of His Excellency the Fuhrer that Henri Giraud must be transported to Germany. Even though he was released thanks to the grace of the Fuhrer and returned to France, he plotted a revolt by joining forces with communists, so he will definitely be punished in Germany."


"Are you planning to kill him?"


Blomberg shrugged.‌​‎‍


"well. "Wouldn't we know that only after the trial is over?"


"… … Please help me avoid the death penalty. Jiro, although his sins were great, he still fought for France. This is to say that I am a different person from the shameless communists who talk about their ideological homeland and willingly betray their country.‌​‎‍"


At Pétain's earnest request, Blomberg nodded as if he had no choice.‌​‎‍


"Let me tell you something. But don't get your hopes up. "It is a matter of his judgment."


"Thank you, Marshal."


Even though Hitler is a human being without blood or tears, he would not kill people without mercy, even though he says this.‌​‎‍


However, Jiro will now never be able to set foot on French soil.‌​‎‍


He may not be compared to Pétain, who is 89 years old, but Giraud was also 66 years old, so if he is sentenced to life imprisonment, he will grow old and die in prison before parole can be discussed.‌​‎‍


Pétain felt sick to his stomach when he thought of the soldier who fought for France dying lonely in a German prison.‌​‎‍


Stupid friend. So, what should we do... … .




November 26, 1945


New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany


French people who plotted a coup were transported to Germany and most were sentenced to death.‌​‎‍ Executions were carried out immediately after the sentences were handed down.‌​‎‍


France did not even make a sound here.‌​‎‍ They are just watching us, worried that our interference will get worse due to this incident. It just so happens that they did something in the Ruhr in the past, so they wouldn't even dare to dream of protesting.‌​‎‍


Still, I showed mercy and sentenced Henri Giraud, who served as the actual leader of the coup forces, to life imprisonment.‌​‎‍


Giraud was imprisoned in the Königstein fortress near Dresden, where he had previously been imprisoned.‌​‎‍


In actual history, Jiro climbed down the walls of the fortress, disguised himself as a local, and escaped to France, so God advised people to pay close attention to Jiro's surveillance.‌​‎‍


This time, he was assigned to a solitary confinement in the fortress' basement and was only allowed to exercise on the parade ground inside the fortress for one hour a day.‌​‎‍


For Jiro himself, living is not living, but he was spared the death penalty, so I think this is enough.‌​‎‍


If you win, you'll win the war. Otherwise, I should have kept quiet and lived like everyone else.


As the French incident was coming to an end, executions of war criminals were carried out across the sea in Tokyo.‌​‎‍


Not to mention key war criminals such as Hideki Tojo and Heitaro Kimura, even Emperor Hirohito was executed.‌​‎‍


When news of Hirohito's death on the gallows spread, thousands of people across Japan cut themselves open or jumped off cliffs.


Morons. Even if people die, the dead emperor will never come back alive, so I don't understand why they are doing such a useless thing.‌​‎‍


He is a man who drove his people into the battlefield to preserve his position and then said he didn't know me.


However, here, war crimes trials have been carried out much more rigorously and thoroughly than in the original history, and the Allied Forces have been stationed in Japan for quite some time and will focus on removing the militarism that has permeated society as a whole, causing friction with neighboring countries over past history issues. Nothing will happen.‌​‎‍


I don't know if it will emerge as an economic powerhouse like in real history, but I am sure of this one thing.‌​‎‍


really. As a result of the annihilation of the Chinese Communist Party in the 6th Operation First Attack, preventing the Chinese Civil War from occurring, the Chinese Nationalist government also dispatched an occupation force to Japan.‌​‎‍


The Japanese territory allocated to China is Shikoku. In addition to Shikoku, the capital, Tokyo, was also designated as a separate area under the jurisdiction of the National Revolutionary Army.‌​‎‍


Nothing much has happened up to this point, but the problem is that the National Revolutionary Army soldiers, who have been exposed to evil due to the 7-year-long war, are causing various incidents and accidents in the occupied area.‌​‎‍


The National Revolutionary Army is an army that has committed misdeeds and defeats even towards its own people, so how can it be appalling to its enemy, the Japanese?


How serious this is is that Japanese people who were unable to overcome the defeat of the National Revolutionary Army - which, if you think about it, are self-sufficient - are leaving their hometowns and migrating to areas under the jurisdiction of the US, British, or Australian military.‌​‎‍


The Allied High Command, which had initially turned a blind eye to a certain degree considering the damage suffered by Japan by China, seemed to be unable to bear it any longer and even sent a protest document to the National Revolutionary Army telling it to restrain itself.


The jurisdiction of the capital Tokyo seems to be better than Shikoku, but even here, there is no lack of behavior and it is said that hundreds of Japanese people have already been summarily executed for violating the curfew.‌​‎‍


This situation will continue for the time being.


The war seemed to be over, and Chiang Kai-shek began to organize his household in earnest.‌​‎‍


The authority of each warlord, who had previously ruled like a country within a country, was reduced and centralization strengthened, and warlords who opposed this were summoned to the capital, Nanjing, and detained.


A representative example was the appointment of Sheng Shicai, a warlord who ruled the Xinjiang region, as Minister of Agriculture and Forestry.‌​‎‍


In addition, the pressure on Tibet, which had separated from China in 1912 and had been acting as a de facto independent country, also intensified.


"It is an honor to meet you, Honorable President.‌​‎‍"


"ha ha ha. "Please come quickly."


That was why a delegation was sent from Tibet to Berlin.‌​‎‍


Although Nazi Germany and Tibet appear to have nothing to do with each other, surprisingly, there was no lack of exchange.‌​‎‍


The person who played a major role in the exchanges between Germany and Tibet was none other than Himmler. Himmler, who was steeped in the occult, was convinced that Tibet was the origin of the Aryans, and collected evidence of Aryan settlement in Tibet and the invasion of Tibet when war broke out with Britain. An investigation team was dispatched as a preliminary investigation to draw the country into Germany's allies and use it as an outpost for an attack on India.‌​‎‍


The SS Tibet Expedition, led by SS Captain Ernst Schaeffer, an ornithologist and explorer from the SS's archeology and eugenics institute Ahnenerbe, arrived in Tibet, collected various ancient documents and seeds, and returned to Germany.‌​‎‍


In actual history, the second expedition could not take place due to Germany's defeat in World War II, but here, because we won the war, the second expedition that Himmler and Schaeffer had hoped for was organized and revisited Tibet.‌​ ‎‍


Tibetans welcomed the SS expedition team that visited their country and actively helped with land surveying, research on flora, fauna, and ancient documents, and seed collection.‌​‎‍


Currently, the seeds that the expedition team brought from Tibet to Germany are being improved to suit the European climate and soil, and these improved seeds will play a very important role in feeding Europeans.‌​‎‍


The ancient documents gifted by Tibetans will also be of great help in the study of ancient history.


As a sign of gratitude for the hospitality given to the SS members, who were strangers, the snow mountain lion flag was hung around Berlin.‌​‎‍


It must have been a very moving sight for Tibetans, who were a de facto independent country but formally an unrecognized country that was not recognized by the international community.


As expected, their purpose was to ask Germany for help to counter the threat from China.‌​‎‍


As mentioned earlier, it is safe to say that Tibet is a de facto independent country, with its own government and a separate army, but its limitations were clear as it was an unrecognized country that did not receive world recognition.‌​‎‍


The only country that recognized Tibet as a separate, independent country rather than a part of China was Britain.‌​‎‍


Germany also recognizes Tibet as a country, but formally Tibet is still an unrecognized country in Germany.‌​‎‍


Britain, which had been interested in Tibet, also lost interest in the Tibet issue after losing India.


India, which borders Tibet, is in the midst of a civil war, so there is no time to worry about other countries' affairs, and the United States is also indifferent to the Tibet issue. In the end, Tibet's only hope was Germany.‌​‎‍


"Mr. President. Please recognize Tibet as an independent country."


"The Chinese are not trying to rule Tibet as a vassal state like they did during the Qing Dynasty, but are trying to completely integrate it into their territory.‌​‎‍"


"The only country that can save Tibet is Germany.‌​‎‍ So please!"


As soon as the photo shoot was over and the meeting began in the absence of reporters, the Tibetan delegation appealed to me to recognize Tibet as an official country.‌​‎‍


"I also know well the situation Tibet is facing."


A light of anticipation lit up on the faces of the Tibetan delegation.‌​‎‍


"But China is also an important ally of the Third Reich."


China, the biggest threat to Tibet, currently has close ties with Germany and will also be an important market for Germany in the future.‌​‎‍


The Tibetans' faces darkened in an instant as they guessed what I was going to say.‌​‎‍


"I think that if Tibet is recognized as an official country, the relationship between Germany and China will be shaken."


"Well, then… … ."


The delegation's faces turned pale.‌​‎‍ I guess the joke will end here. If I keep doing this, I'm really going to have a heart attack.


"Don't worry though. "Germany is not a country that ignores the difficulties faced by Tibet."




"What do you mean?"


"We will recognize Tibet as an official country. In the capital Lhasa, there are only British and Chinese diplomatic missions, right? "Now we will have to build many new embassies."


If Germany recognizes Tibet as a formal country, all of Europe will recognize Tibet, and since Europe has recognized Tibet, the United States and other countries will also treat Tibet as a proper country.‌​‎‍


"Thank you very much, Mr. President. Thanks to the President, the fate of Tibet has changed.‌​‎‍"


"How should I repay this favor…" … !"


The delegation repeatedly bowed their heads and expressed their gratitude to me.‌​‎‍ Recognizing Tibet as an official country was already an idea that had been in the works for some time.‌​‎‍


Just then, an envoy was sent from Tibet to Germany, so I just told him directly.


As someone who was born as a citizen of a country that had lost its country to foreign powers, it was very difficult to ignore Tibet, which was in the same situation.‌​‎‍


The friend sitting next to me may be thinking differently than me.


"It's still too early to be surprised.‌​‎‍"


Himmler, who had been itching to die even before the meeting began, began speaking as soon as I passed the baton.‌​‎‍


"What is the most necessary thing to protect the country? "Isn't it the military?"


"That's right.‌​‎‍"


"Not all armies are the same; only a modern, strong army can protect the country."


"You are right.‌​‎‍"


"So, I'm thinking the SS might provide some assistance to modernize the Tibetan army… … ."




"Is that really true?"


"yes. And we would like to send an advisory group of officers selected by the SS to Tibet to take charge of training the Tibetan army.‌​‎‍ What are your opinions?"


"Well, we're very welcome!"


"Rather, we should ask for it!"


Of course, the delegation's response was a warm welcome.‌​‎‍ There is no country that would refuse an offer from the SS, one of the elites among the German military, reputed to be the world's strongest army, to personally help modernize its military.‌​‎‍


Himmler cleared his throat and said what he wanted to say most.‌​‎‍


"In return, I have a favor to ask you.‌​‎‍"


"What is that?"


"iced coffee. It's nothing else, but there is research being done at SS.‌​‎‍ If you cooperate with the research in Tibet, I think the relationship between Germany and Tibet will become even closer.‌​‎‍"


"Of course I have to help!"


"Say anything. We will do whatever we can to help Tibet.‌​‎‍"


At first glance, it would be useless occult research. Last time you made a fuss about finding Siegfried's Balmung, what are you trying to find this time? Philosopher's Stone? Entrance to Shambhala?


Be that as it may, Himmler's mouth was torn to the ears a long time ago.‌​‎‍


That's right, as long as you're happy, it's okay.‌​‎‍ Now that the war is over, you should be free to do whatever you want.


It's much better than setting up an SS knighthood in Burgundy or Crimea, right?


… … You won't be talking nonsense about establishing a Tibetan Protectorate, a Tibetan SS Knights Bureau, or a Tibetan State Commission later, right?