

Episode 282: Blue Operation (6)

The Trinity nuclear test, humanity's first nuclear test in real history, was carried out in the desert of New Mexico.

However, the world's first nuclear test was conducted not in North America but in the Sahara Desert in Africa.

The Manhattan Project, which the United States carried out by scraping together a lot of money, a lot of time, and genius brains, only came to fruition in 1945, but we saw the results in 1943.

I was very surprised and happy, but I was also worried at the same time.

Isn't it too early to even think about cancer? What if the experiment fails?

But the experiment result was successful.

It was undoubtedly a huge success.

-The eagle spread its wings.

The moment I saw the telegram announcing the success of the experiment, I felt dizzy and almost collapsed.

With this, Germany became the world's first nuclear weapons state.

And that too at an earlier time than the original history of the United States.

The word "miracle" is not a waste of words; it was truly a miracle.

However, it is still too early to be completely reassured.

Although the United States created nuclear bombs faster than the United States in actual history, an enormous amount of money was spent to create them.

If we had completely given up on making nuclear weapons and spent the money elsewhere, we would have had money left over even if we had built a few more battleships or aircraft carriers that Leder was crazy about.

Hitler would have chosen the super-large bomber that Hitler so desperately wanted in real history, with a range of up to 10,000 km.

As a result of giving up all that and going all-in on Uranfreud, Germany became the world's only nuclear power.

Two nuclear bombs have been created to date. However, one was exploded in Algeria, so there is only one shot left.

Therefore, we had to make the most of this precious shot.

In other words, a single nuclear bomb should be dropped in a place where it can have the maximum effect, but opinions were sharply divided over the location.

Just drop this guy in any city in the Soviet Union and ask Stalin, 'Aren't you scared? We thought about making threats like, 'We have several of these, what are you going to do?', but surprisingly there were a lot of skeptical responses.

"We must also keep in mind the possibility that Stalin will reject it."

"This is a guy who carelessly killed tens of millions of his own people with his own hands. "If we blow up a city and don't surrender, we'll be in trouble."

Mr. Ha. That too.

So what should I do?

"After all, the only way to stay is-"

"We're dropping a bomb on Stalin's head."

Goering said:

"If Stalin and his henchmen can be eliminated at once, the destruction of the Soviet Union is certain."

"Let's kill all the enemy leaders… … "This is a very radical method."

"This is the only way to end the war as quickly as possible, Mr. Fuhrer."

"The Marshal of the Reich is right. If the enemy leadership were eliminated all at once, the Soviet Union would collapse on its own. Now that all the humans who have to give orders are gone, what can the guys below do? "They will fight amongst themselves and end up destroying themselves."

Keitel also agreed with Göring's opinion.

Although the method of blowing up the enemy's leadership with nuclear weapons was very radical, it was not impossible. Only Ribbentrop said that now that the person in command is gone, who can he negotiate a surrender with?

In fact, if you accidentally destroy a small city with nuclear weapons and Stalin does not make a move, you will be in trouble because you have revealed all your cards.

Of course, even without nuclear weapons, Germany would not be pushed back by the Soviet Union, but the war would prolong and, of course, the German economy would plummet into the abyss.

Wouldn't it be ridiculous if the war was won but the economy was on the verge of bankruptcy?

Therefore, we have a duty to end this war as quickly as possible and with minimal damage.

The only way to do this is to melt the enemy leadership with the heat of nuclear weapons and devour the territory of the Soviet Union, which had become communist territory.

Of course, even if they manage to kill Stalin, there is a possibility that a few of them will survive and continue to run the Soviet government, but would they still want to fight even if their Oyabung was evaporated by nuclear weapons?

If you offer to live as long as you give up the territory up to the Ural Mountains, they will survive.

To do that, we had to first figure out where Stalin was.


After successfully completing a nuclear test in the Algerian desert.

Smiles were in full bloom on the faces of the scientists on their way back to Germany.

The fact that Germany has finally emerged as the world's most powerful superpower.

The joy of knowing that they had finally contributed to their country's emergence as a superpower made them excited.

In addition, Hitler ordered not to skimp on alcohol and food to praise the hard work of everyone who participated in the experiment.

"We finally did it!"

"Now Germany is invincible! As long as the Martians don't invade, Germany will never fall!"

"Come on, let's all have a toast!"

"For our great Führer, for our country, Germany, and for ourselves!"

"Sieg Heil!"

"Heil Hitler!"


The party was in full swing on the ship crossing the Mediterranean.

While the warships of the Kryxmarine, which was in charge of escorting the ship carrying the core members of Uranfrocht, were moving forward with eagle eyes watching the dark sea in case of any emergency, a merry party was held on the entire floor of the transport ship's cabin.

Einstein sat alone, keeping his distance from his partying colleagues.

As expected of the highest quality wine made in Bordeaux, the aroma and taste of the wine were indescribably enchanting.

But even the finest wine could not soothe Einstein's depressed mind.

"You are here."

Heisenberg, who was in a good mood, approached Einstein, who was spending time alone.

Einstein just nodded instead of answering.

"Can I sit next to you?"

"Just figure it out."

"Aren't you hanging out together?"

"What fun is it if an old man joins in while young people are having fun?"

"I can't even be one of those young people, so what?"

Heisenberg chuckled and poured champagne into a glass. Then, he lowered his voice and asked directly.

"Why do you look like you have a lot to think about?"

"I guess it's my mood."

"Doctor, you're not happy about the success of the experiment?"

"… … no way."

Seems like a sharp friend. Einstein didn't show it, but he was embarrassed because he had hit the nail on the head.

"If anyone hears this, they may misunderstand. "Please watch your mouth."

"No one cares about us now, so you can confide in me. Do you think I should report you to the Gestapo? "I just want to know the truth."

"I just don't feel well. "Maybe it's because I'm relaxed."


"… … ."

Heisenberg changed the question.

"Doctor. "Why did you participate in the experiment?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Isn't it for Germany?"


In fact, when Einstein received the Führer's letter inviting him to join Uran Freyängt, he stayed up all night thinking about it.

However, after hearing that nuclear weapons were needed to avoid repeating the humiliating history of Germany's defeat and the Treaty of Versailles, the East Sea Uranfrocht decided to participate.

At the same time, his conscience that he could not betray the expectations of the Fuhrer, who had helped dilute the anti-Semitism prevalent in Germany, had a significant influence on his participation.

However, once the experiment was successful, I started to worry more.

The bomb he developed is a powerful weapon unprecedented in human history.

This is not just a very large and powerful bomb.

This is a bomb that can erase a city from the map.

And Germany is at war now.

The only weapon in the world. And Germany at war.

When these two things come together, there is only one conclusion.

The Fuhrer will definitely use this.

Einstein knew very well what would happen if nuclear weapons were used.

Of course, since it was something he personally participated in making, there was no way he didn't know its power.

What he was most worried about was that Germany, which had experienced the power of nuclear weapons, would use them indiscriminately.

No matter how many airstrikes and artillery bombardments, it is impossible to annihilate the entire population of a large city.

However, if we borrow the power of nuclear weapons, that impossibility becomes a reality.

Instead of sending out hundreds of bombers and deploying troops to occupy a city, you drop a single nuclear bomb and erase the city from the map?

If the government, fascinated by this extreme performance, randomly produces nuclear weapons and uses them every time it fights a war, Western society will not be able to avoid destruction.

Therefore, when Einstein met with the Führer, he planned to ask him to postpone the use of nuclear weapons.

This should only be used as a last resort, really a last resort. Either that or it's meant to be a threat.

It should never be dropped in a city where people live.

If that happens, humanity will face an era of unprecedented catastrophe.

"Do you really believe we should use this weapon?"

Heisenberg thought deeply about Einstein's question and drank a glass of champagne.

"If necessary."

"Which situation does that need refer to?"

"That is when our country is in danger."

"Do you think Germany is in danger now?"

Heisenberg realized what Einstein was trying to say and said:

"It's something that can't be helped."

"It's something that can't be helped. "What does that mean?"

"Nuclear weapons are as dangerous as their destructive power and should not be used carelessly. But what if we could use nuclear weapons to save our soldiers from dying on the battlefield?"

"… … ."

"I don't know how many lives will be lost before the Soviet Union is completely defeated. Even if the war is won, the dead soldiers never return to their families alive. But what if nuclear weapons could be used to end the war early? What if you could save so many people who would otherwise die? "What would you do, doctor?"

"… … I don't know. I do not know."

I hate to admit it, but Heisenberg had a point.

If we can force the enemy to surrender early by demonstrating the overwhelming power of nuclear weapons, the number of German soldiers who will die on the battlefield will naturally decrease.

Also, as long as Germany has nuclear weapons, no country in the world would even dare to think of going to war with Germany.

Despite the enormous benefits, Einstein was skeptical about using nuclear weapons.

"This is not just a German problem. It is a matter of the fate of humanity. So you shouldn't use it like you would a normal weapon. "You have to think more carefully than that."

"Of course I agree with that. But now Germany is at war. Since it's a war, shouldn't we sometimes have to make bold decisions?"

Instead of waiting for Einstein's answer, Heisenberg stood up.

"We're out of champagne. "Don't you need any more doctor?"

Einstein shook his head.

Heisenberg again joined the celebratory crowd and shared a drink. Einstein sat alone until the party was over.


December 14, 1943

soviet right wing

"The Red Army and people of Kuybyshev are heroically resisting the Fasho army under the instructions of Comrade General Secretary."

Kuybyshev was surrounded on all sides by German troops and came under heavy artillery fire.

Following Stalin's instructions, the remaining Soviet troops and residents in the city continued to resist, but it seemed obvious that their resistance would soon be in vain.

"Of course you should. We cannot easily give up even a single inch of our country's land to the fascists. "Even if we have no choice but to retreat, we must make them bleed as much as possible."

Stalin instructed the soldiers and citizens protecting the city to fight to the last man. Even if the ending is fixed, you must fight as much as possible and make your enemies bleed as much as possible.

Only then can the Soviet Union survive for one more day and protect even one more inch of land.

We requested the United States to participate in the war, but of course it was rejected. No matter how pro-Soviet the president was, it was impossible as long as Congress and the people opposed it.

The same goes for support. Because Americans still harbored resentment toward the Soviet Union, talking officially about aid to the Soviet Union was like declaring that they would not engage in politics in the future.

For now, all the United States can do for the Soviet Union is to turn a blind eye to the Soviet Union secretly stealing land leases bound for China.

They're like stupid Yankees.

Stalin gritted his teeth. They seem to think that they will be safe even if the Soviet Union collapses, but it remains to be seen whether that belief is true.

Still, current President Wallace is said to be desperately trying to persuade opponents in the White House and Congress to see if he has his own ideas, but to little effect.

The American idea was to think about it after destroying Japan, the immediate enemy, regardless of whether the Soviet Union collapsed or not.

"You pigs crazy about capitalism. Does this mean that even if the house next door catches fire, it is okay for your house to remain intact? "Without even thinking about the fire spreading to their own house!"

Stalin huffed, unable to overcome his anger.

What made his mood, which had always been low, sink even further was the strengthening conditions sent by Germany to the Soviet Union.

"Comrade Secretary General. The Fasho pigs have made their demands known."

"Give it here."

Stalin snatched up the telegram containing Germany's demands and read it while standing instead of returning to his seat.

Stalin's eyes narrowed as he read the telegram, and soon his hands began to tremble.

You dirty fascist pigs. Germany had only one demand. All of European Russia west of the Ural Mountains will be ceded to Free Russia.

Of course, there was no way Stalin would accept these conditions.

"These damn pigs think they've already won the war."

"You must not give in to these bastard fascists!"

"This is the time to show that the Soviet Union will not give in to the invaders!"

"I will fight even if I am pushed back to Lake Baikal! Comrade Secretary General!"

As Stalin crumpled the telegram in his hands, the flatterers thought this was the right time and started chanting loudly. Even so, their owner didn't even pay attention to them.

If you admit defeat without much of a fight, it will lead to an even bigger disaster in the future.

Therefore, Stalin chose resistance instead of surrender. Even if he was pushed back, he planned to fight as hard as he could and inflict as much damage to his enemies as possible.

Because they believed that only then could the Soviet Union survive.