

Episode 260: The Road to Destruction (2)

Britain has had two prime ministers.

One in Glasgow.

And one in London.

In his office in a converted Claridge's Hotel suite, the new British Prime Minister, Oswald Mosley, signed a document sent by Marshal Rundstedt, Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front, requesting the British government's cooperation.

Mosley, who became prime minister of the new government with the help of Germany, was allowed to do nothing but sign documents sent by the German army and appear on German propaganda broadcasts to appeal to the country's citizens to fully cooperate with the German army. He was satisfied with the work given to him.

He did not know that the British were swearing at him, calling him a traitor who begged for Hitler.

But at the same time, he also knew that his supporters were slowly increasing.

People who were tired of the war, who had lost hope for victory, and who were resigned to reality obeyed the instructions given by the new Prime Minister Mosley's cabinet, and those who had supported Mosley and the BUF even before the war welcomed the new British government with enthusiasm.

I was sick and tired of the incompetence and stubbornness of the warmongering Churchill. All that remains now is cooperation with Germany.

Complying with Germany's instructions and receiving recognition from them is the only way for Britain to recover.

Mosley and his loyal supporters took to the airwaves to talk passionately.

The only people who responded passionately to this claim were the existing supporters, but that did not mean that other residents laughed at or denied Mosley's claim.

No matter how much Mosley and the BUF disliked each other, it was an undeniable fact that Churchill's dogmatism brought about the current situation.

I don't like Mosley and BUF, who are just like Jerry, but I dislike Churchill even more.

These unscrupulous people always abandoned the people and ran to the rear whenever they incited war. This was the inner thoughts of most British people.

Mosley and BUF focused on targeting the psychology of the British people.

Look at Churchill and his rags. Didn't they, of their own accord, destroy the country by starting a war with Germany that no one wanted?

Churchill even pledged that he would not leave London, but when London fell into crisis, he ran away, abandoning his promise to the people.

"Dear citizens! The outcome of this war has already been decided. Germany will win, and Europe will be reorganized under the order established by Germany.

Germany's help is essential for the British Empire to survive forever. Hitler promised me that if the British proved that they could be as helpful to Germany as the French, Germany would treat Britain as a new ally.

Churchill, a warmonger, promised you a brilliant future for the British Empire and drove you and your families into war. And what is the result?

Was this the brilliant future that Churchill promised?

You are now being deceived by Churchill. Churchill is pushing Britain's sons into the firing line for his power. What they really want is their own power, not the glory of this country.

Don't be fooled by this guy anymore! You are neither slaves nor livestock. Let us drive out the warmongering Churchill and his henchmen and achieve our own freedom. Solidarity with Germany will bring further benefits and development to this country. "Let us all unite for a new Britain, a new Europe and a new order!"

Although Mosley could not know how much his appeal would resonate with the people, he continued to make speeches on propaganda broadcasts and appeal to the people for solidarity with Germany.

"Take this to Marshal Rundstedt."

"Yes, Mr. Prime Minister."

Mosley felt proud to no longer be called Mr. Prime Minister or Baronet, but rather Mr. Prime Minister.

Of course, the orthodox British government and the constituent countries of the British Empire did not recognize Mosley's status, but Mosley did not care.

His current position is recognized by Germany and all of the Axis powers, so he has no business being recognized by the soon-to-be ruined old government.

Rather, they should now look at me. The government that will function forever in London from now on will be the government he established.

"What is the schedule for tomorrow?"

"A luncheon with Minister Rudolph Hess is scheduled, followed by a review of the British Free Corps."

The British Free Corps (Britisches Freikorps) was a foreign legion of the Waffen-SS composed of British volunteers.

Although it was a corps in name only, in reality it was only the size of a division, and the mission given to them was only to maintain security in the rear rather than actual combat, but Mosley and the BUF actively promoted the British Free Corps as a completely new army of the new Britain.

"I'm tired. "I need to sleep now."

Mosley was tired after working all day. The moment he was about to get up, a huge shock wave hit the Claridge's Hotel where he was staying.


August 3, 1943

New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany

"This is so… … "There is no other irony in history."

The seismic bomb Leger, which is usefully used by our troops, was originally modeled after the Tallboy developed by the British in real history.

Here too, Britain developed an earthquake bomb.

It is not known what the name is, but it is expected to be Tallboy.

Considering all the information reported to date, there is no other one other than this one.

I couldn't help but smile bitterly at the report's content that the British seismic bomb used in this air raid was clearly made after looking at our army's leger.

In fact, it's the opposite. People here won't know that until they die.

As many as 700 casualties occurred in this bombing, which clearly targeted the Western Front headquarters in London and the new British government.

Of the nine bombers, two were shot down before they could reach the skies over London, but seven survived and reached the skies.

These were also shot down by friendly Me262 Schwalbe and He 219 Uhu, but the bombs had already been dropped.

More than 700 people died in this airstrike, meaning that approximately 100 people were killed or injured for each bomb.

But even Tommy wouldn't have expected this. The fact is that half of the casualties caused by this air strike were their own citizens.

They were ordinary citizens who had no relationship with the BUF.

The Tallboy, dropped by seven Lancasters, failed to hit the Savoy Hotel and Claridge's Hotel and landed a few blocks away.

Although the friendly forces were firmly maintaining air superiority, light control was thoroughly implemented in case of emergency, and I thought that the aim may have been disturbed due to the threat of anti-aircraft guns located near the headquarters.

However, despite the enormous power of the seismic bomb itself, the shock wave did not cause damage, including breaking all of the hotel's windows and cracking walls and doors.

Rundstedt suffered minor bruising and Mosley suffered shrapnel in his temple, but his injuries are said to be non-life-threatening.

And in both hotels, all occupants had to move to other places due to the risk of the buildings collapsing.

Among the places bombed were a school used as a barracks by our soldiers and a hospital where wounded soldiers and British civilians affected by the battle were being treated.

Naturally, there were more people who died than those who survived.

"It looks like the Tommys have gone as far as they can now. Oh my god, they are killing their own people with their own hands. Of course, it gave us some great publicity."

As I was nodding my head at Goebbels' words, an idea suddenly crossed my mind.

So, one of the places where the bomb hit was a hospital, right? That means-

"Hehehe, hahahaha! Yahahaha!!"

"Mr. President?"

When I suddenly burst out laughing, Goebbels, who was laughing next to me, was taken aback.

"Dr. Goebbels. "I just had a really good idea."

"What is that?"

"Come closer."

When I told him in a low voice what was in my head, Goebbels burst into laughter this time.

"Haha, hahahaha!!!"

"How is it? "The British people will be very nervous, right?"

"Truly, no one in the world can match His Excellency the President's insight!"


August 5, 1943

glasgow england

The operation planned by Arthur Harris ended in vain and failure.

Although there was no damage to the German army, the operation was a failure because it failed to eliminate the German army leadership and Mosley, who were the targets.

The only income I could get was the fact that the power of Tallboy, developed by the British modeled after Leger, is truly amazing.

The original goal of Barnes Wallace, who designed Tallboy, was to develop a bomb much larger than Leger's, that is, a very large bomb weighing 10 tons, and bomb German cities, but the failing war situation and insufficient supplies put the brakes on Wallace's plan.

Even if you search all the heavy bombers in the UK right now, there is no airframe that can carry a bomb weighing 10 tons, and there is no environment to use it, so what would you use such an item for?

Wallace, who succumbed to the wall of reality, had no choice but to be content with making tallboys similar to Leger, and even this could only be produced in very small quantities due to lack of resources and worsening financial conditions.

The precious tallboys that were barely completed were put in to grind London's jerrys and traitors to dust... … The operation failed.

Moreover, all 9 Lancasters and pilots that were deployed for the operation failed to return.

After receiving the report on the failure of the operation, Wallace quietly smoked a cigarette. It wasn't because he was upset about the pilots who didn't return.

If the operation was successful and he could kill the Jerrys and the BUF bastards who were licking their anuses, he was confident that he would pour all the remaining bomber pilots into the RAF.

To him, who was so indifferent to the damage suffered by pilots that he was given the nickname Butcher Harris, the lives of pilots were nothing more than expendable items like bullets and bombs.

However, despite pouring in pilots and losing valuable bombers, the operation failed. It is a bonus that the precious tallboy was wasted.

Damn it. Not even one of the 9 planes could hit the target... … Harris felt like his heart was going to explode.

There are now no Tallboys left in British hands. If you want to make it, you can make it, but with the current war situation, you can't make it even if you want to.

Making bombs to send to fighter jets and the front lines is more important, but making a bomb that can only be mounted on a bomber?

I'm sure I'll get a lot of criticism, asking if I'm sane.

"Shit. If only we had air superiority... … ."

If air superiority had not been lost to the Germans, the war would have turned out exactly the way it is now.

Even if they did not recapture France and cross the Siegfried Line to the Rhine River, at least the Hakenkreuz flag would not be flying in London. Anyway.

"Your Excellency, it's an air raid!"

"Damn it. "Again!"

When the air raid alarm sounded, Harris got fed up and moved to the shelter carrying a briefcase containing important documents.

The German military had mainly carried out air raids only at night, but now they were conducting air raids periodically during the day when the sun was high in the sky.

German fighter planes sortied from airfields in England protected bombers going to bomb Scottish cities from Allied fighter planes.

Once combat began, Allied pilots had to worry more about not being shot down by enemy fighters than about shooting down bombers.

The German military's jets were so powerful that even the most experienced pilots could not survive the battle against them and became stars in the sky.

To make matters worse, there was even news that the German military had begun deploying new jets.

Pilots who encountered an unidentified new jet all said in unison that they saw a fighter jet shaped like a giant stingray.

The Allies did not yet have a fighter aircraft with performance equivalent to the Me262.

The United States is also researching a jet, and the UK is also developing a jet named Gloster Meteor, but its performance so far has been inferior to that of the Spitfire. A guy whose name is Jet.

Even in this case, air supremacy was transferred to the Germans, and one plane during a test flight was ambushed by a Ta152 and shot down.

Deciding that research and testing on the British mainland was risky, the government sent all remaining prototypes and engineers to Canada to continue research there.

It may have been a wise decision in a situation where the enemy had air superiority, but on the other hand, it was like admitting to oneself that the whole of England was about to fall.

There was an awkward silence in the shelter as the bombing continued.

In air raid shelters filled with the Army, Navy, and civilians, there was always swearing and scolding against the country's air force, but in the Air Force, which was the object of criticism, there was no one to criticize other than the German soldiers.

During the first air raids, people would swear at the Jerrys and joke hopefully about one day kicking them in the face with military boots and throwing darts at Hitler's portrait.

But now, like corpses, people kept their mouths shut and quietly waited for the air raid to end.

After the air raid, the tightly closed iron door of the shelter was opened again.

"… … ???"

What people who came out of the shelter saw were buildings that had collapsed and were on fire after being hit by bombs, gray pillars soaring into the sky, and leaflets covering the streets.

"It looks like Jerry has some paper left over. "When I see this kind of useless waste."

Hiding their true feelings, the people laughed awkwardly and picked up leaflets, wondering what the enemies were going to say this time.

As expected, the leaflet contained Goebbels' words to surrender quickly as the outcome of the war had been decided.

With one printed photo.

"… … !?"

"What is this?"

"Oh God."

In the photo, two bodies in miserable condition were placed side by side. Because it was a black and white photo, it was less gruesome, but it was still clearly visible that the two corpses were in very poor condition.

Below the photo, the following text was written:

The bodies of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

Harris's hands holding the leaflet were shaking. Unable to believe his own eyes, he tore the leaflet into pieces and sent it flying away.

That can't be possible. No way. Harris wanted to believe that the damn Jerrys were making disgusting false propaganda.

It had to be that way.

If this isn't false... … .