Overnight, he became Hitler. I just wanted to play the game. If you want to return to the original world, you must win the war. ….. Is it possible?
Final solution to the problem (2)
'Dear Prime Minister, my name is Albert Einstein.
You may feel a little arrogant, but I don't think there's any need to introduce myself. This is not an arrogant attitude, but rather an attempt to tell the truth, so please understand with an open mind.
I don't know if you know, Your Excellency, but I have Jewish blood flowing in my veins.
Of course, I consider myself German, and my identity as a German is stronger than my identity as a Jew.
But it seems otherwise to the people around you.
It may be a bit unexpected, but I would like to tell you about something that happened in my past.
When I was a young student going to elementary school, I once found a nail covered in rust on the playground.
I picked this up and took it to my homeroom teacher. I picked up the nails out of concern that someone might step on the old nails and get hurt, but on the other hand, it was also out of the hope that if I did the right thing, my homeroom teacher would praise me, and then there would be less teasing about being Jewish than before. I did.
However, my homeroom teacher publicly humiliated me by showing the nails I had picked up to the class and saying, "The Jews crucified Jesus with these nails."
As a child, I was very heartbroken at that time. If I could, I wanted to scream and jump out the window or hide in a rat hole.
Even as an adult, that incident remains an unforgettable, bitter wound to me.
This is the reality that Jews, including me, face. Even though we were not born into Jewish blood because we wanted to, we live our lives being discriminated against simply because we were born Jewish.
Even though we all live with pride in being German citizens and loyalty to the German flag.
As I became famous and gained my own wealth and status, discrimination and teasing about being Jewish disappeared from my immediate life, but social discrimination and persecution are still inflicted on those who are not.
Even politicians who should be interested in these issues have been indifferent to Jewish issues for a long time. On this point, both the Kaiser and the Social Democratic Party were consistent.
Maybe we should just be thankful that they didn't actively call out anti-Semitism. But what is wrong with children who will be born as Jews in the future, so that they have to repeat the discrimination we have experienced and are still experiencing?
I sincerely hope that Your Excellency will open the way for a solution to this problem. There's a lot more I want to say, but I don't think it would be polite to your Excellency, who is probably several times busier than me, so I'll stop here.
May God be with you
Posted by Albert Einstein.'
"Huh... "This is it."
I never thought the day would come when Einstein would write to me about this issue.
Even though World War II hasn't even started yet, it feels like history has changed 180 degrees.
Let's think about it. How will you act from now on?
If you put the letter in the incinerator and act as if nothing happened, your body will feel at ease, even though your mind may be uncomfortable.
There is no need for me to go out and pick a beehive. What if I push myself too hard and end up getting stabbed in the back?
There is also a way to maintain authority by closing one's eyes and giving only moderate criticism, as has been done so far.
However, in that case, the Jewish problem will never be solved.
Discrimination and persecution of Jews will continue and Germans will never change.
Furthermore, the whole world.
It was something that was bound to happen anyway. Above all, it is a problem that no one else can solve except me.
If so, shouldn't we solve it right now?
June 6, 1933
I gave a speech to the nation at the Imperial House.
Before the speech, I told the media to pay attention because I had an important announcement to make.
At this moment, the media not only in Germany but also around the world are probably looking forward to hearing what will come out of my mouth.
"Respected German citizens, I stand here today because I have something I want to say to you."
I deliberately filled the front row with people from all over Germany.
They had made arrangements in advance to answer any questions I asked.
But I didn't know what I was going to say.
I did not even tell my close associates, including Göring, Goebbels, Himmler, Hess, and Heydrich, what topic I would speak on.
By now everyone is probably wondering what will come out of my mouth.
This is the beginning.
"First of all, let me ask you some questions. Young people, where do you come from?"
"I'm from Bavaria."
"I'm from Cologne."
"I'm from Saxony."
"In Hamburg..."
People have stopped talking. From here it was my turn.
"We were born in different places. The faces are also different. Their ages are also different. Each person's life is different. But we have something in common.
That is, we are all German.
I was born in Austria. A small town called Braunauamin is my hometown. But I am German. The reason is that I consider myself German.
There is only one thing I want to say to you. "We are all Germans who live in Germany, for Germany, and are loyal to Germany, so why should we live hating each other?"
While taking deep breaths, no one opened their mouths.
Everyone held their breath and waited for the next words to come.
"I want to help all Germans, Jewish and non-Jewish, if possible. We all want to help each other. If you're a true German, you should be.
We want to live in everyone's happiness, not in each other's misfortune. We do not want to hate, hate or despise others.
Germany is a great country. This is the country that gave birth to Beethoven, Frederick the Great, Nietzsche, and Bismarck.
However, causeless hatred and ignorance have poisoned our souls, blocked the entire country with a huge wall, and made us march towards misery and death.
We have fallen because of our own foolishness.
If we don't change this, the clock in this country will forever be stuck in 1918. Do you really want that kind of future?
Thanks to the development of technology, we can hear each other's voices even if we are not face to face or if there is a distance between us that cannot be followed by our eyes. Even now, my voice reaches tens of millions of Germans.
I say this to everyone who is listening to me right now: We must come together as one. The senseless hatred, discrimination, and disdain for one another are merely the result of the manipulations of those who are afraid of our development.
Think about it. When we are busy fighting among ourselves, who will benefit the most?
These are the enemies of Germany, the communists and those who follow their disgusting ideology. Don't be fooled by the lies they spread!
I am sure. Hatred will pass, ignorance will disappear, and the power that Germany's enemies have taken from her will be restored. Because we will all fight for Germany!
As long as we sacrifice our lives to fight, Germany will never disappear!
Now let's fight for all of us! Let us reject greed, hatred and ignorance, eradicate poverty and fight together for victory. Let us move forward for a great Germany, a Germany that reigns over the world, an eternal Germany.
Dear German people! In the name of Germany, let us unite as one!"
A roar more fierce and louder than the sound of artillery fire heard on the battlefield enveloped the world.
People's voices came together as one, creating a sound like a huge wave crashing.
"Hitler! Hitler! Hitler! Hitler!"
"Sieg Heil! Heil Deutschland!"
Even after the speech was over, people's excitement did not subside.
People everywhere are chanting my name.
I raised my hand in greeting to the people shouting at me and then came down from the podium.
"How was it? Did it seem like something worth listening to?"
I deliberately looked towards Himmler and Goebbels and smiled. Both of their faces look as if they had been hit on the head with a hammer.
"Choi, that was the best speech, Your Excellency."
"Today's speech will go down in German history."
"Heydrich, what about you?"
"yes? Oh, it was a perfect speech."
Even Heydrich, who was rarely embarrassed, could not wipe the embarrassment from his expression.
I was spreading the Jewish conspiracy theory more diligently than anyone else around me, but I was embarrassed because I personally certified in front of the public that 'the Jewish conspiracy theory is nonsense spread by communists.'
Now that I have done this, they will no longer be able to say anything about Jews in front of me or even in my absence.
At the moment of speaking, I do not agree with what the Prime Minister said. I am a traitor. Because it would be like self-certifying.
Of course, I do not expect that the anti-Semitism that has spread throughout Germany will disappear overnight with just one speech.
It would be perfect if it were a worldview where people would come to their senses with a single speech like in a novel, but unfortunately, reality is not a novel.
Reality is just reality.
Still, this speech will not make anti-Semitism any worse than it is now.
It will take decades to eradicate anti-Semitism itself, but the worst assumption that deepens hatred has been avoided.
At the same time, Germany's national power will not decline as high-level human resources such as scholars, engineers, and doctors leave Germany.
One of the Nazis' most outrageous acts was the expulsion or massacre of all Jewish scientists.
This not only slowed down technological development, but also caused expelled scholars to settle in Britain and the United States and cooperate in destroying the Nazis.
If we just left them alone, talented people who could have been used in some way were made to cooperate with the enemy country, so what else is this if not a stupid thing to do?
Even if I die, I won't be able to see something like that until dirt gets in my eyes. Ah, ah, ah!