

Episode 162: Spear and Shield (13)

June 22, 1942

New Fuhrer's Residence in Berlin, Germany

"Fuck Amy."

As soon as I heard the related report, swear words automatically came out of my mouth. It's a situation where you can't avoid swearing.

"Breaking school? "Did you say you're severing your relationship now?"

"Yes, Mr. President."

Ribbentrop nodded with a stern expression.

To explain the situation, on the evening I met with Vlasov, three British cargo ships were spotted in the Norwegian Sea.

Upon discovering this, U-43 of the Cryx Marine surfaced and ordered the ship to stop, but when the British cargo ships ignored the warning, U-43 immediately fired a torpedo and sank one cargo ship.

Soon, upon hearing U-43's request for assistance, a friendly destroyer and a Norwegian Navy patrol boat that appeared on the scene captured two fleeing cargo ships.

The cargo ship was loaded with war materials being sent from Britain to the Soviet Union.

One ship was loaded with tanks, trucks, and heavy weapons, and the other ship was only filled with fuel.

The news was immediately spread to Germany, England, and Norway.

As if he had been waiting, Churchill appeared on the BBC, fiercely criticizing Germany's intentional provocation and inciting that this should never be tolerated.

With the excuse that the reason for sending the transport ship to the Soviet Union was to send aid goods to China via the Soviet Union.

Goebbels also hurriedly issued a rebuttal, saying that Germany had complied with international law and that Britain was the one who ignored the warning and brought the disaster upon itself, but Britain unilaterally announced today that it would sever diplomatic ties.

Damn Gallipoli guy.

"It's clear that everything is an intentional provocation by Tommy. "They are intentionally planning to lead us to sink their transport ship and use this as an excuse to declare war."

Leather gritted his teeth.

"That's my opinion too. "Our navy only fulfilled its duty, but it was the British who gave us an excuse first."

What is even more shocking is that even the United States came forward regarding this incident.

The reason is that most of the Chinese aid goods loaded on the cargo ship at the time - according to Churchill's claims - were produced in American factories, and the sunken cargo ship had several American sailors on board, so it was also a provocation against the United States.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, it was limited to a simple warning due to the Japan-first ideology and isolationism regarding the war in Europe that are still prevalent throughout the United States.

However, if you think about it the other way around, it was also a basis for the possibility of entering the war at any time 'if provocations continue'.

Germany would have to strain the entire country's capabilities just to fight both Britain and the Soviet Union at the same time, but if the United States also gets involved, it would be game over.

Even if we do our best, all we can do is sign a peace treaty on the condition of giving up the occupied territory. If that happens, of course the mission will fail.

I went through a lot of hardships to get this far, but it never worked out. No way. Are you going to accept it like this?

"First of all, how about sending an apology message to the United States?"

Ribbentrop said: He seemed to have decided that it would be better not to provoke the United States, as he was the only one among German leaders in real history who knew about America's potential.

"That can't happen."


"Think about it. If we apologize for sinking the cargo ship, it would be like admitting that we were wrong. Of course, Churchill will try to use this to play a media role, and the United States will also use this as an excuse to send aid materials to the Soviet Union. "Right now, with the Soviet Union's own strength alone, Germany needs to mobilize all its capabilities, but if America's support is added to this, we will never be able to win the war."

Through spies who had already infiltrated the United States and Canada and China, it was confirmed that American aid materials were being loaded onto Soviet ships and sent to the Soviet Union.

In principle, the United States agreed to provide food and medicine in exchange for helping the Soviet Union transport American aid supplies to China by its own merchant ships and railroads, but there was no guarantee that this principle would be strictly followed.

Since the Pacific Ocean is not part of the Crixmarine's territory, there is no way to stop it, but at least we must prevent the flow of American and British aid materials to the Soviet Union through the Atlantic Ocean.

Unlike the Pacific-Siberia route, which takes a long time due to distance, the North Atlantic route is short and takes less time.

Since it takes a short time, supplies will be quickly supplied to the Soviet troops on the front line, and it will have a significant impact on the battlefield, where victory or defeat depends on who receives supplies faster and more smoothly.

"But the White House's reaction is too unusual to just ignore it, so I think it would be better to at least express regret for now."

"All right."

"Now that we've come this far, it's clear that Britain will soon enter the war. Contact Marshal Rundstedt and instruct him to activate an emergency alert. An alert has also been issued in Wilhelmshaven, where there is a high possibility of an air raid by the British Air Force."

"Yes, Mr. President."

As the atmosphere with Britain began to turn unusual, all large ships in the Bay of Biscay and the North Sea were moved to the Baltic Sea, just in case.

The good news is that since we are at war with Japan, most of the Royal Navy is in the Indian Ocean. However, if we start a war with Germany, we cannot be at ease because the ships stationed in the Indian Ocean may be brought back to the Atlantic.

"Goering, I have one instruction for you."

"What is it, Mr. President?"


June 23, 1942

Air Force High Command Building in Schwilowsee, Germany

Field Marshal Wolfram von Richthofen and Senior General Kurt Student, who had gathered after receiving Göring's call, stood side by side and waited for Göring's explanation of their summons.

Marshal Walter Weber was originally supposed to be present at this event, but he was unable to attend due to meetings regarding bomber production supervision and new bomber development.

"Yesterday, His Excellency the President ordered the start of 'Operation Watermill.'"

"You mean Operation Watermill?"

Göring nodded at Student's words.

"You said that there was no time to lose now that the war with England had entered its countdown."

Operation Watermill was a plan to cause unrest by infiltrating Free India Corps troops under Chandra Bose's Provisional Government of Free India into Balochistan, western India.

For this purpose, 1,200 selected personnel received airlift training from the Air Force.

Some people had already infiltrated India to recruit people to participate in the guerrilla war and to collect information about various British military bases and various targets.

"The President believes that if the operation proceeds without a hitch, an additional 12 divisions of the British Army can be tied up in India. The atmosphere inside India is also unusual. As the Japanese army also advanced near the Indian border, many of the British troops stationed in India moved to Bengal."

Indians, who felt fatigued and skeptical about British colonial rule, began to resist British rule.

When the Indian National Congress and the All India Muslim League called for British withdrawal, the Viceroy responded by issuing arrest orders for the leaders.

However, Britain's hard-line measures only aroused Indian resistance.

Even when Chandra Bose, who appeared on the German propaganda broadcast 'Germany is Calling', claimed that Hitler supported India's independence, Indians who secretly listened to his broadcast to avoid the surveillance of the colonial authorities reacted explosively.

Hitler's status was already well known even in underdeveloped India.

Hitler, who predicted the Great Depression and the Sino-Japanese War and took control of Europe within a year, was revered by people for his own achievements alone, but when news spread that he opposed racial discrimination and supported the establishment of the Provisional Government of Free India, Hitler became a god-like figure to the Indian intellectual class.

Although there are still many Indians who support Britain, there are also a significant number of Indians who are friendly towards Germany.

If we receive their support and support, Operation Watermill will be able to achieve the desired results.

"The President firmly believes that just as Operation Penguin was successful, Operation Watermill will also be successful. We must never betray His expectations. Everyone is confident, right?"

"Of course, Your Excellency! Is it possible?"

Student, who was in charge of training the members of the Free Indian Legion, could not contain his excitement as the airborne troops were to be in action for the first time in a long time.

The vast majority of the troops to be deployed in this operation were members of the Free Indian Legion, but some of the German paratroopers who were in charge of training them were also scheduled to infiltrate into India with Indian soldiers and take command of the operation.

When Operation Watermill began in earnest, the Free Indian Legion troops staying in Turkey headed toward the Iranian border.

Since the number of transport planes was insufficient, half of them planned to infiltrate into India by land, and half planned to infiltrate into India on German transport planes that took off from Turkey as soon as the war with Britain began.


In addition to Operation Watermill, I prepared several plans to catch Churchill's head.

Although it's not as big as India, there are still a number of places that would make the British cringe.

The most representative places are Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, and finally Ireland.

Egypt is where the Suez Canal connects the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, and Palestine is right next to Egypt, and next to Palestine is Iraq.

And Ireland is the only country that borders the UK.

Egypt is officially an independent country with its own government, not a British colony. However, it is an independent country, as they say, but in reality, it is a protectorate, no different from Korea before the Japanese annexation.

Naturally, Egyptians do not like this situation, and at the same time, their hatred for King Farouk I and the royal family, who are faithful servants of Britain, is sky-high.

Not to mention the British colony of Palestine, the nationalists of the Kingdom of Iraq, which, like Egypt, is an independent country but is under Britain's resource shuttle, are also looking for an opportunity to oust Britain and become a truly independent country.

Heydrich boasted that SD agents who had infiltrated Egypt disguised as Italians were in contact with the Free Officers' Corps, a group of Egyptian military officers opposed to the Egyptian royal family and Britain, and were collaborating with them, and were supplying weapons to Palestinian armed organizations through Lebanon. It was reported that the work to supply is also being carried out successfully.

Rashid Ali al-Ghaylani, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Iraq, also met with German Ambassador to Iraq Fritz Groba and received confirmation that Germany supports anti-Iraqi nationalists.

Currently, in the Kingdom of Iraq, King Faisal II is still young and his uncle Abdul Illah serves as regent. Iraqis are very dissatisfied with Abdul Illah's excessive pro-British policies.

When the war broke out, Golden Square (المربع الذهبي), a private organization comprised of semi-Sunni soldiers within the Iraqi Kingdom Army, decided to assassinate pro-British figures, including Abdul Illah, with the help of the SD.

And to support the Kingdom of Iraq, Luftwaffe air force planes are awaiting orders to sortie in French Syria and Turkey.

"Is cooperation with the IRA going well?"

"yes. Already 23 IRA members have completed their training and returned to Northern Ireland via Portugal and Ireland, while 69 IRA members are currently undergoing training in the Brandenburg Division. Nine SD agents have also infiltrated Northern Ireland and are in charge of training local IRA members."

In Ireland, German army and air force officers are also in charge of military training for the Irish army.

From the UK's point of view, Ireland would be very anxious about Ireland, which has a good relationship with Germany, has armed its troops with German-made weapons, and has invited German military instructors to provide training.

In particular, given Churchill's personality, he may already be making plans to invade Ireland.

"It would be better if England invaded Ireland. "At that time, all 2.96 million Irish people will become guerrillas and attack Britain's rearguard."

I hope Mr. Gallipoli makes a wise choice again this time.

"'Operation Lucho' is proceeding well as planned, right?"

"yes. "Soon, not only Britons but everyone in the literate world will hear the news."

"Good job. "You can just go in now."

"yes. By the way, Mr. President, if you don't mind, would it be okay if I ask you one question?"

"question? There's nothing that can't be done. Something?"

"How did your Excellency the President know about this Operation Lucho and things that I didn't know about?"

"I told you this before. There are informants under my direct control who I didn't tell anyone about. I'm sorry, but I can't tell anyone about this. "Are there any other questions?"

"Yes that's right."

Heydrich was disappointed by what I said, but like the observant guy he was, he didn't ask any more questions.

"If you don't have it, just go in."

"All right. Heil Hitler!"


'I guess it's so strange.'

The blonde beast was lost in thought as he walked down the marble hallway of the new Presidential Residence, which resembled a huge tunnel.

The Fuhrer's predictions have been famous for a long time. When he predicted the Great Depression in his autobiography, people did not pay attention to it, thinking it was a third-rate novel or a delusion created by a demagogue.

However, when the Great Depression actually broke out, Mein Kampf quickly emerged as a kind of prophetic book and served as an opportunity to make the Führer and the Nazi Party widely famous.

It did not stop there, but the President often surprised the audience by providing various information that no one knew about.

Even if the information is so questionable at first that you wonder if it's true, it turns out to be true more than once.

The Black Orchestra, Paul Thummel, Richard Sorge and Soviet henchmen, as well as British double agents.

Thanks to the Fuhrer's ghost-like intelligence, SD was able to eliminate all the cancer cells that had spread throughout Germany and even swallow up the rival organization, Afbear, and make it a subordinate organization.

As a result, Heydrich's doubts grew more and more.

The Fuhrer blocked questions, saying that he was getting information from secret informants who no one knew, who reported only to him and carried out his orders, but as far as Heydrich knew, there were only a handful of people who would communicate exclusively with the Fuhrer.

He secretly investigated whether the secret informants mentioned by the President were among those who spent a lot of time personally with the President.

From Karl Wilhelm Krause, who was closest to him, to Heinz Ringe, Otto Günsche, Hans Hermann Junge, Julius Schauf, etc.

But the results were all the same.

They spent more time with Hitler than they spent apart from him.

The point is that they are not in a position to travel around Europe to collect information.

'If not even those who are closest to the Fuhrer.'

"Who is it that brings high-level information to the President?"