
Hadeon's type of punishment

Mallory knew dodging her punishment with Hadeon was like trying to avoid chores on laundry day. 

It seemed like Hadeon carried a diary on whom to torment next for his amusement. Maybe she should find him a new hobby to keep him busy! Not gardening though, considering his choice of fertiliser. But with him, even something as gentle as bird watching could escalate dramatically before it would turn into dinner. 

She found herself being studied under Hadeon's intense gaze while he brought the cigar to his lips, drawing in the smoke, and then exhaling a perfect swirl of smoke into the air.

"Wear comfortable clothes and come down," Hadeon instructed her, his wrist relaxing gracefully as he lowered the cigar. "You'll want to be able to move freely," he added, the corner of his mouth curling up.