
Corner of the library

There was a continuous rustle in the library as the guards searched, their footsteps echoing through the vast space. They skimmed through the racks, peering into the shadows cast by the walls and the towering shelves, their lanterns casting flickering light that danced across the rows of books.

Mallory's eyes widened at the gentle pressure of Hadeon's finger on her lips. 

Under the moonlight, his silhouette showcased a duality of shadows that the vampire possessed. The challenging aspect was the one brought to Mallory's attention by the sudden illumination. She pondered whether it was the wine that had left her feeling lightheaded or if it was the theatrical performances that had awakened her senses, causing her to take notice of his attractive appearance. His captivating golden eyes gazed down at her with such intensity that it left her breathless.

"Did you find anything yet?!" one of the guards called from the other side of the library.