

What gave Lin Yi relief was the fact that the jade never once signalled him the whole time after he cut the rope- that meant that they were safe.

It seemed that Cihua’s two golden class masters were pretty much all he had- the guy now had to resort to characters like Ma, who resorted to using rope cutting and scare tactics, very cheap ways to get Mengyao killed.

Even so, Lin Yi wasn’t one to let his guard down in a seemingly easy situation- he knew that Cihua’s lack of master class personnel was temporary. The guy did mention that he wasn’t alone, that he was but a Songshan representative, after all. There was an even bigger threat behind him.

Lin Yi then spotted the coast some distance away, but had no idea how far away from the city that coast was. He didn’t have a GPS with him, and could only rely on looking at the sun to determine his position.