
Chapter 379: Cleaning Up the Secret Realm

Green Dragon Secret Realm.

"Bai Qi, have you been undergoing some tough training recently? This dragon feels like you seem a bit weak."

Nicholas curiously looked at Bai Qi, who seemed like he would fall asleep at any moment, and immediately released Jade Power to help Bai Qi recover.

"Thanks, Nicholas, I'll be fine after a good sleep."

Bai Qi let out a big yawn. After parting with Bai Qiucha, he had stayed in the data room for another three days and was eventually pulled out by Lu Qing, who had come to switch out the books.

While checking if any books had been forgotten, Bai Qi unexpectedly found some books on alchemy. Once he started reading, he quickly immersed in it, resulting in a mistake only rune beginners would make.

The mind was overworked due to excessive copying of high-difficulty runes—resulting in spirit power depletion.

In short, brain overuse.

"So that's how it is..."