

When Project Restore sent Resonance Beasts as annihilators of the human race for a hundred years failed, it has piqued the interest of the god who initiated it to look more closely to the reason why for the first time the said program have gone wrong. It is by chance that among all the restoration projects he have done, for the first time the annihilators and the supposed to be annihilated have bonded together to rebel against the so called god. As beast and humanity resonated their hatred to the individual who causes the extinction of many species for unknown purpose, they have discovered that through beast resonance they can grow more powerful to one day protect their civilization from being an experiment of entertainment. Join Zen as he embarks on a journey of discovering the secrets of the hundred year war, grows in power in his level of resonance with his trusty beast pet, and hopefully one day, give this so called god the beating he deserve.

UlanLuna · sci-fi
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3 Chs


Calendar Year 3000, January 1st – The whole human kind is celebrating in reaching three millennia of technological advancement and prosperity. Since the end of the sixth world war that happened in 2893 AD, when the four great Empires of America, China, Japan-Korea, and Russia mutually afflicted each other to near obliteration using psionic weapons, a peace treaty was signed between parties under the World Accord Agreement (WAA) with the goal to enter a truce to recuperate the destruction the psionic radiations inflicted in the land and rebuilding of communities that have been affected by the war. The people knew it is nothing but only temporary measure to assess losses and prepare again for another world war with better weapons of destruction as the hatred for each other of these empires seems to never fade. One group thought so, and made it its end goal to end this war once and for all.

A terrorist organization known as One Blade held the whole world hostage as they released the Cyber Mutiny Virus. It is a program that takes control of every piece of technology and transforms them into robotic technology that kills targeted humans on sight or specific area. They targeted world leaders who are adamant in creating powerful war weapons and is not willing to follow the laws stipulated in the World Accord Agreement. When all world leaders, both old and new have signed, they just suddenly disappeared leaving a message that if a war breaks out once again they will come back and give appropriate punishment to those responsible for putting humanity at risk of extinction again.

Until today, the world government is still on lookout, upholding the agreement of the WAA, in fear that One Blade may one day appear again especially that even after a century have passed, no one is still able to decode, or even create a firewall strong enough to destroy or at least put the virus inoperable as until today it is still able to enter and affect all technological nodes it sees. Like a god is in control of everything, sees everything, and may trigger divine retribution at any time he wants.

But the people who have enjoyed peace so far seems to have forgotten about it and continued to celebrate life as they know it. People are able to live longer. Health and security of life expectancy have improved as most government so far have given attention to public health as one of the agreement in the WAA. Technological advancement is also in all time high as many countries started to invest more on space exploration, unlike before that they have to focus more on the movement of their neighboring country, in fear of another war to break out. Everything seems to be so peaceful, it seems like a dream. Like the calm before the storm, not knowing we are all in the middle of it.

Then all of a sudden, time stopped or at least feels like it as no one is able to move an inch. A voice like that of a divine being begun to echo in everyone's mind.

"You've lived well. But you have not achieved your purpose."

Then like a system voice, something echoed in the sky.

"Project Omniscient Failed. Initiating Project Restore."

Hi, newbie here. Been reading a lot of wuxia novels for the past five years now and I have been quite enjoying it. Until it reached me at this moment though that I finally decided to write a novel of my own. It is still a work in progress. Hope you'll love it.

UlanLunacreators' thoughts