
Beast of Kriatori(FF)

A man by the name of Leviathan Kriatori dies only to be reincarnated as one of the most dangerous beast the world has ever known. Teen Wolf Fan-Fic Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters except for the characters named Kriatori Three Updates a week / If you want to support you can also use the info below. patreon.com/Kriatori

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10 Chs


Some forest in Eastbubbafuck…. Under the night sky the symphony of gunfire and the yells could be heard from afar. In the middle of said forest one man was hunkered down behind a couple turned over off road vehicles surrounded by corpses while being rained upon by over a hundred men carrying AR's of different calibers.

Crouched down with two pistols and a grin on his face, one man who looked to be in his mid twenties can be seen trying to return fire occasionally hitting someone yet he didn't look worried in the slightest.

*Bang**Bang* *Bang**Click*

*Ratata* *Ratata**Ratata*

"Hold Fire!" yelled a random mercenary, what came next was silence but I knew they were going to close in on me.

"I'm the only one left huh" the man states to no one in particular, Around him were the riddled bodies of the warriors who shed blood by his side for the past seven years.

Sigh "Guess this is it", looking down at the two de-cocked pistols in his hand the man listened to the sound of footsteps drawing closer yet the grin never left the man's face.

As the footsteps got louder and more prominent from all around him the man opened a black metallic suitcase with "Fat Lady" written on a spherical device that shone in the night, "In proelio mori maximum decus est" the man whispered to himself before pressing the button in the middle of the sphere.

That day the forest of Eastbubbafuck was no more….


Void Sector 666

In a plain white office with seemingly no boundaries or limit a formless shape could be seen floating in front of an obsidian desk. Behind that desk was an entity in a white robe wearing a matching blindfold. This entity could have been mistaken for an angel if not for the folded skeleton wings on its back.

This was the first thing the shape saw when it appeared in this place, " Lets see what we have here" the entity states in a voice that sounded neither male nor female yet sounded oddly like both. While looking over some documents that it drew from a stack sitting on its desk

" It seems you meet the requirements for reincarnation Mr. Kriatori, First let me unmute you and then we can begin". Soon as it said that the shape started to extend and form into a man of light….

(Main P.O.V)

"That felt oddly comfortable, so what are the terms of my reincarnation?" No point in wasting either of our time with nonsensical questions. I know I died and I'm perfectly capable of understanding what this being meant so the only important thing to do was hash out the details.

The being smiled before it manifested an option wheel like the kind you would see on a game show except for the odd fact that they were blank just colors, it then proceeded to hand me a blank piece of paper and a document that stated the details I asked for. The content stated:

-Reincarnated will not choose the world he's reincarnated in, World will be chosen randomly by World Wheel.

-Reincarnated will keep memories upon reincarnation.

-Background can be designed or random in the case of a poor background creation consequences may vary.

-Choose Powers or Skill depending on the World Power Scale.

-To Confirm and Acknowledge think of inputting soul signature here-__________________

"You can choose your power and create your background when you find out what world you will be reincarnated in" The being in front of me states the second I finished reading the documents.

All in all it seems pretty simple and straightforward. I just hope I land a world that I have at least some knowledge of.

"In that case let's begin" The being just glanced at the wheel before it started to spin, I guess I should be grateful that the wheel was blank so there was no need for me to stress over what could have been.



If I I actually had a face a massive grin would be sported as I knew I lucked out, I watched the red tile that blinked suddenly revealing the best world for me as I knew I could make the most of it just off my past skills alone, and if what I had in mind actually worked I knew it would truly tip the scale in my favor. At that moment the blank paper in my hand emitted a shine before words began appearing….


WereBeast: (Optional Variable)

Druid (Less Variable)


Vampire(Less Variable)


Background: To Be Created/or Random


Going over the list I tried my best to keep my composure and think slowly, the list wasn't that long going from WereBeast to even ghouls but WereBeast was the only race that had more leeway.

"Is there a time limit to complete the form? '' It would be a huge damper on my plans if I didn't have time to create a background, I would have to test my luck randomly. The contract did say "consequences may vary" and I wasn't about to speed run to my death.

"Time is a man made illusion but if it makes you feel better I'll just say you have all the time in the world" Then it just goes back to looking over the stack of documents that looks like it actually got taller. Taking my time I fill out the form double checking and even triple checking to make sure everything was right with my background before I mentally acknowledge the first document.


//Race// WereBeast//

Hellhound(Kantor Boralis Variant)

Race Traits:

-Hunger for Battle and Sex

-Greater Speed, Greater Strength, Greater Stamina, Scale Hide, Mode Red, and Greater Longevity


Leviathan Kriatori(reincarnate) eldest grandchild of Clan Crematoria a clan full of borderline extinct hellhounds due to their low fidelity rate dropping the total number of hellhounds to five. Mikael Kriatori the Eldest of the clan, Lilith Kriatori, Leviathans mother, Lucifer Kriatori, Leviathans father and lastly Bela Kriatori, younger sister to Leviathan Kriatori by one year. Kriatori family are known for their ash gray hair and heterochromatic eyes making them easily distinguishable in the supernatural community, their race traits make them the most lethal among other supernatural. Due to their hunger for battle they only desire the strongest opponents making most hunters ignore them, Leviathan Kriatori born sixteen years before start of world plot:

Clan Wealth: 1.7 Trillion

Clan Estates: 10

Soon the paper and contract dissolved into particles of light while I began to do the same. Now this is going to be fun. That was my last thought before I saw black and felt a pulling force.


Soon it was just the entity in the office, "Usually that process is longer and filled with way more questions. It seemed like he wanted to leave here as soon as possible, hmm… I wonder what he chose" The entity then extended its wings and leaned back on nothing before manifesting a paper with the name Leviathan Kriatori.

" Well he definitely took his time with the background but what is this WereBeast race, it went through the reincarnation process so it should be within the scaling of that world" The entity soon made a motion with its hand as if pulling something….A small twitch formed on the entity's face not even a second after…

"That's actually possible?'